* * $Id: cdprin.F,v 1996/02/28 16:24:27 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdprin.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:27 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE CDPRIN (PATHN, CHOPT, IRC) * ===================================== * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. CDPRIN (PATHN, CHOPT, IRC*) * * * * Prints all objects attached to the directory PATHN * * * * Arguments : * * * * PATHN Character string describing the pathname * * CHOPT Character string with any of the following characters * * I Print the insertion time as well * * K Print only the keys * * D Print all data as well as the keys * * IRC Return code (see below) * * * * Called by user * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IRC = 0 : No error * * = 31 : Illegal path name * * = 32 : No key or data for the path name * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/caopts.inc" #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #include "hepdb/ckkeys.inc" #include "hepdb/ctpath.inc" CHARACTER PATHN*(*), CHOPT*(*), PATHY*80, CFMT*130 #include "zebra/q_jbit.inc" * Ignoring t=pass * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * *** Decode the character option * CALL CDOPTS (CHOPT, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 * * *** Suppress blanks from the path name * CALL CDLDUP (PATHN, 0, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 PATHY = PAT1CT NCHAR = LENOCC (PATHY) CALL CDKYTG * * *** Check the number of keys * IF (NKEYCK.EQ.0) THEN IRC = 32 #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) IF (IDEBCD.GT.0) CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' CDPRIN : No key '// + 'or data for Path Name '//PATHY//''')', IARGCD, 0) #endif GO TO 999 ENDIF * * ** Print keys * IOPTP = JBIT (IQ(KOFSCD+LCDRCD+IKDRCD+IDHFLG), JPRTCD) IF (IOPKCA.NE.0) IOPDCA = 0 IF (IOPKCA.NE.0 .OR. IOPDCA.NE.0) THEN * IF (IOPKCA.NE.0) THEN CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' Keys with Insertion Time in Di'// + 'rectory '//PATHY//''')', IARGCD, 0) ELSE IF (IOPDCA.NE.0) THEN CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' Keys and Data with Insertion T'// + 'ime in Directory '//PATHY//''')', IARGCD, 0) ENDIF CFMT(1:5) = '(7X,''' CFMT(129:130) = ''')' DO 10 I1 = 1, NWKYCK, 10 I2 = I1 + 9 IF (I2.GT.NWKYCK) I2 = NWKYCK CFMT(6:128) = ' ' IFLD = 6 DO 5 I = I1, I2 CFMT(IFLD:IFLD+7) = CTAGCK(I) IFLD = IFLD + 12 5 CONTINUE CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, CFMT, IARGCD, 0) 10 CONTINUE CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(//)', IARGCD, 0) * IF (IOPTP.EQ.0) THEN CALL CDPRDT (IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 ELSE * * ** Loop over subdirectories * NKEYS = NKEYCK DO 20 IK = 1, NKEYS CALL CDPATH (TOP1CT, IK) PAT2CT = PATHY(1:NCHAR)//'/'//TOP1CT CALL RZCDIR (PAT2CT, ' ') IF (IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN IRC = 31 #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) IF (IDEBCD.GT.0) CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' CDPRIN : '// + 'Illegal Path Name '//PAT2CT//''')', IARGCD, 0) #endif GO TO 999 ENDIF NKEYCK = IQUEST(7) NWKYCK = IQUEST(8) LCDRCD = IQUEST(11) IKDRCD = IQUEST(13) CALL CDKEYT CALL CDPRDT (IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 20 CONTINUE ENDIF * ENDIF * END CDPRIN 999 END