* * $Id: cdafri.F,v 1996/02/28 16:24:25 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdafri.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:25 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) * Ignoring t=dummy #endif SUBROUTINE CDAFRI (LUN, LBD, CHOPT, IRC) * ======================================== * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. CDAFRI (LUN, LBD, IRC*) * * * * Decodes the content of the bank from packed bits to ASCII set and * * writes it out into a file already opened * * * * Arguments : * * * * LUN Logical unit number of the file with ASCII data * * LBD Address of the data bank * * CHOPT Character options * * IRC Return code (see below) * * * * Called by CDHELP * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IRC = 0 : No error * * IRC =199 : Corrupted data * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) #include "hepdb/p3dbl3.inc" #endif DIMENSION LBD(9) CHARACTER KLINE*80 CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * *** Initialize options * IRC = 0 IOPTC = INDEX(CHOPT,'C') LREFCD(5) = LBD(1) IF (LUN.GT.0.AND.LREFCD(5).GT.0) THEN NDATA = IQ(KOFUCD+LREFCD(5)-1) IF (NDATA.GT.0) THEN #if !defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) * * ** Display data if exists, if it does not, display dummy data * NTOT = 0 #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD)) NREC = 0 #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) 10 IF (NTOT.LT.NDATA) THEN MTOT=NTOT CALL CDLIND (IQ(KOFUCD+LREFCD(5)+1), NTOT, KLINE, LENG) IF (LENG.GT.0) THEN IF(IOPTC.EQ.0) THEN WRITE (LUN, 1000) KLINE(1:LENG) ELSE WRITE (LUN, 1001) KLINE(1:LENG) ENDIF ELSE IF(NTOT.GT.MTOT) THEN WRITE (LUN, *) ELSE * -- a case of corrupted data, force end of scan NTOT=NDATA IRC=199 WRITE (LUN, *) ' ### Corrupted data ###' IF (IDEBCD.GT.-3) + CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' CDAFRI : corrupted data '')',1) ENDIF #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD)) NREC = NREC + 1 #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) GO TO 10 ENDIF #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD)) IF (IDEBCD.GT.1) THEN CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' CDAFRI : '',I10,'' records '// + 'written for the current set '')', NREC, 1) ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) RNDBP3 = 'CDAFRI' NWDBP3 = 2 IWDBP3(1) = LUN IWDBP3(2) = NDATA CALL CDCHLD IF (IQDBP3.EQ.0) + CALL APFZUT (LODBP3, IDIVCD, LREFCD(5), 1, 'S', 0, 0, 0) #endif ENDIF ENDIF #if !defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) * 1000 FORMAT (A) 1001 FORMAT (1X,A) #endif * END CDAFRI 999 END