* * $Id: cdsdir.F,v 1996/02/28 16:24:16 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdsdir.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:16 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) * Ignoring t=dummy #endif SUBROUTINE CDSDIR (PATHN, NWKEY, CHFOR, CHTAG, MXKP, IPREC, DELTA, + CHOPT, IRC) * ================================================================== * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. CDSDIR (PATHN, NWKEY, CHFOR, CHTAG, MXKP, IPREC, DELTA, * * CHOPT, IRC*) * * * * Saves the directory creation information in the Journal file. * * It creates a header record (with data bank containing IPREC and * * DELTA) for each entry. * * The header contains Action Code (2), Number of keys, numbers of * * charcaters for option and pathname, MXKP, followed by Character * * option, CHFOR, CHTAG and the pathname * * * * Arguments : * * * * PATHN Character string describing the pathname * * NWKEY Number of key elements * * CHFOR Character variable describing each element of the key * * vector * * CHTAG Character array defined as CHARACTER*8 (NWKEY) * * MXKP Maximum number of objects in each partition * * IPREC Precision word sepcifying the number of significant * * digits to be stored; (If IPREC > 0, data are stored * * with IPREC significant digits right to the decimal * * points; if IPREC < 0, data are stored with IPREC * * insignificant digits left to the decimal point.) * * DELTA Variable specifying the absolute value below which data * * is treated as zero * * CHOPT Character string with any of the following characters * * C Data in the directory will be compressed by default * * P Create partitioned subdirectories for the pathname * * IRC Return code (see below) * * * * Called by CDMKDI * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IRC = 0 : No error * * = 49 : FZOUT fails to write on the sequential file * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #include "hepdb/cfzlun.inc" #include "hepdb/ckkeys.inc" #include "hepdb/clinks.inc" #include "hepdb/ctpath.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) #include "hepdb/p3dbl3.inc" #endif PARAMETER (JBIAS=2) CHARACTER CTAG*8, PATHN*(*), CHFOR*(*), CHOPT*(*) CHARACTER*(*) CHTAG(*) * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * *** Find the logical unit number of the Journal file * KEY7 = KEY7CK KEY7CK = 0 IRC = 0 LUFZCF = LUFZCD #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX))&&(defined(CERNLIB__SERVER)) * IF (IOPPCD.NE.0) THEN IRC = 0 #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_VAX))&&(defined(CERNLIB__SERVER))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD))&&(defined(CERNLIB__ONLINE)) CALL CDWLOK (IRC) #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX))&&(defined(CERNLIB__SERVER))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__ONLINE)) CALL CDSTSV (TOPNCD, 0, IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) LUFZCF = LODBP3 #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX))&&(defined(CERNLIB__SERVER)) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 ENDIF #endif * IF (LUFZCF.GT.0) THEN * * ** Prepare the header containing all the information * NCH = LENOCC (PATHN) NCHD = (NCH + 3) / 4 NCHP = LENOCC (CHOPT) NCHPD = (NCHP + 3) / 4 CALL MZIOCH (IOFMCF, NWFMCF, '7I -H') IHEDCF(MACTCF) = 2 IHEDCF(MNKYCF) = NWKEY IHEDCF(MPATCF) = NCHD IHEDCF(MOPTCF) = NCHPD IHEDCF(MXKPCF) = MXKP * IF (NCHPD.GT.0) CALL UCTOH (CHOPT, IHEDCF(MRECCF+1), 4, 4*NCHPD) IF (NCHPD.GT.0) CALL UCTOH (CHOPT, IHEDCF(MRECCF+1), 4, NCHP) IF (KEY7.LE.0) THEN CALL DATIME (IDATE, ITIME) CALL CDPKTM (IDATE, ITIME, KEY7, IRC) ENDIF IHEDCF(MINSCF) = KEY7 IHEDCF(MRECCF) = 0 NCFO = (NWKEY + 3) / 4 NPNT = IHEDCF(MOPTCF) + MRECCF + 1 CALL UCTOH (CHFOR, IHEDCF(NPNT), 4, NWKEY) NPNT = NPNT + NCFO DO 10 I = 1, NWKEY CTAG = CHTAG(I) CALL UCTOH (CTAG, IHEDCF(NPNT), 4, 8) NPNT = NPNT + 2 10 CONTINUE CALL UCTOH (PATHN, IHEDCF(NPNT), 4, 4*NCHD) NWDH = NPNT + NCHD - 1 * * ** Now write on the sequential output * #if defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD) RNDBP3 = 'CDSDIR ' NWDBP3 = 2 CALL UCTOH ('JOURNAL ', IWDBP3, 4, 8) CALL CDCHLD IRC = IQDBP3 IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 #endif IF (LSTRCL(3).NE.0) CALL MZDROP (IDISCD, LSTRCL(3), ' ') CALL CDBANK (IDISCD, LSTRCL(3), LSTRCL(3), JBIAS, 'SAME', 0, 0, + 1, 3, 0, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) GO TO 999 IQ(KOFUCD+LSTRCL(3)-5) = IPREC Q(KOFUCD+LSTRCL(3)+1) = DELTA CALL FZOUT (LUFZCF, IDISCD, LSTRCL(3), 1, 'S', IOFMCF, NWDH, + IHEDCF) IERR = IQUEST(1) CALL MZDROP (IDISCD, LSTRCL(3), ' ') IF (IERR.NE.0) THEN IRC = 49 #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) IF (IDEBCD.GT.0) THEN PAT3CT = PATHN CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' CDSDIR : FZOUT error for path'// + ' name '//PAT3CT//''')', IARGCD, 0) ENDIF #endif GO TO 999 ENDIF ENDIF #if (defined(CERNLIB_VAX))&&(defined(CERNLIB__SERVER))&&(!defined(CERNLIB__P3CHILD))&&(defined(CERNLIB__ONLINE)) * * *** Server environment, Public mode * IF (IOPPCD.NE.0) THEN IOPBCA = 0 CALL CDCWSV (IRC) GO TO 999 ENDIF #endif * END CDSDIR 999 END