* * $Id: v4_21,v 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: v4_21,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni * First import * * *CMZ : 4.21/13 17/03/94 10.36.58 by Rene Brun *-- Author : Rene Brun 26/10/93 * *::> VERSION 4.21/13 17/03/94 10.36.57 * * Routine HNTDEL has been rewritten (cannot call HLOOP if HDELET is called) * *::> VERSION 4.21/12 16/03/94 17.42.29 * * Correct bug in HNTDEL (see after HDELET the 2 lines commented) * * Mods in HGIVE to return TITLE in case of ntuples * * HRESET can reset memory resident ntuples * *::> VERSION 4.21/11 12/03/94 15.48.34 * * New routine HRENDC * C I/O option implemented in HRFILE/HROPEN * *::> VERSION 4.21/10 03/03/94 16.00.31 * * Maximum size of PAWCR4 increased from 5000 to 50000 words * *::> VERSION 4.21/09 28/02/94 18.55.39 * * Option 'W' can be specified with option 'L' (log likelihood) * When option W is given, bins with errors=0 are not used in the fit. * * New option 'Z' added in HFITV. * When option 'Z' is given, UFCN is the user fitting model * UFCN is a subroutine with the calling sequence: * Subroutine UFCN(N,X,Y,EY,NPAR,IFLAG,NPFITS) * where X(N),Y(N),EY(N) are the input vectors, * NPAR the number of parameters * NPFITS is an output parameter= Number of points used in the fit * The user must declare the common/HCFITD/FITPAD(24),FITFUN in UFCN * * Change name of routine HBIBNIT to HBINIT1 to avoid clash with OPAL. * * New routine HKIND returning the type of ID. * * Bug corrected in HFITV: variable BINWID not set. (Reported by W.Mueller) * * Argument missing in CALL MZPUSH in routine HRZKEY. * * bug corrected in HGNTBF: * return as negative error the number of columns that we load from disk * *::> VERSION 4.21/08 17/02/94 16.41.07 * * Change DLOG, DSIGN and DABS to SIGN,LOG and ABS in patch HMCSTAT. * * New routines HKFILL, HKF1, HKFF1, HKF2, HKFF2, HKFILPF,HKFI1,HKFFI1. * These routines are fast filling routines called in teh context of PAW * by the new COMIS translator facility. * * Packing of floating points in CWN was not correct. * Fixes are in routines HFNT2, HGNT2, HGNTF, HNTNAM. * * Set IQUEST(1) in HRZIN/HRZOUT. * * Clear buffers in HREND. * * Changes in HCDIR/HLDIR and HLNEXT for PIAF files. * * Changes in HROUT and HNTRD: * Status word should be 0 when buffer comes from disk. However, in one * strange case (when coming from Piaf) it was not 0. * * New routine HF1E(id,x,w,e) to fill a 1-D histogram * ID contents incremented by W * ID errors incremented by E**2 * * New routine HBOOKNC. This new routine has a calling sequence * very close to HBOOKN and creates a CWN instead. * * Changes in pilot patch for WINNT and MSDOS versions. * * Don't reset LBUF and LTMP in HCDIR and HROUT. Only update the * master pointer LBUFM and LTMPM. Other routines involved: HNBUF, * HNBUFD, HNBUFR, HNTMP, HNTMPD. This fixed a bug reported * by M. Dahlinger. * * New routine HNTDEL. This routine is called by HREND and deletes * all Ntuple headers of non-memory resident Ntuples related to the * closed unit from //PAWC. * * In HRZCD used sequence $CZSOCK. * * Compute binomial errors in HOPERA if option B is given. * * New routines HBONT,HFONT,HFONTR,HFONTCX to create and fill * an Omnipurpose Column-Wise-ntuple. * NEW sequence /HCBONT/ * * Optimisation in HRZKEY * * In HNTNAM a protection was missing * and in HBSET ierror was not initialized * *::> VERSION 4.21/07 20/12/93 13.01.27 * * Changes in HRDIR for Unix shared memory. * New routine HRDIRM in patch HMMAP called by HRDIR. * * Bug corrected in HLATTR for global sections * * Bug corrected in HBNT and HROUT for CWN memory-resident ntuples in * the case of subdirectories in RZ file. * Same bug in HNBFWR and HNTRD. * * Bug corrected in HPAKAD * * Bug fixed in HGNTF in case of packing and multiple ntuples * * Protection in HBNAME (HNTNAM) * *::> VERSION 4.21/06 09/12/93 08.56.15 * * Bug found in the hmcstats code and fixed. The bug would have * caused slightly different results for people using VERY low monte carlo * statistics, with lots of empty bins (Christine Beeston). * * New routines HLNXTG and HLNXTG1 in HGLOBAL. * New routines HLNXTM and HLNXTM1 in HMMAP. * New routines HRZING and HRZINM called from HLATTR. * These new routines are called by HLNEXT to return the next * object from a global section or shared memory. * *::> VERSION 4.21/05 29/11/93 17.23.14 * * New routine HOPTPF to send /HCOPT/ to PIAF. * *::> VERSION 4.21/04 29/11/93 08.15.23 * * New routine HSTAF(CHOPT). * If CHOPT='YES' ststistics are computed at filling time. * routines modified: HBOOK1, HBOOK2, HBPROF, HMACHI. * new sequence /HCOPT/ HSTAF is automatically called by the HPLOT options 'HSTA' and 'HNST' * *::> VERSION 4.21/03 25/11/93 15.47.53 * * New routine HRZKEY called by HRIN. The new routine may speed up * considerably the routines HGN and HGNF. It computes the serial key * number for each ntuple extension and stores it in a bank which * is the next of LCONT. * Routines HGN and HGNF modified accordingly. * *::> VERSION 4.21/02 17/11/93 13.06.05 * * Problem in HCDIR preventing the RLOGIN command in PAW is fixed. * * Modify HRENID to process old/new RWNs and CWNs * * Changes in HCREATEG to support ALPHA/VMS global sections. * *::> VERSION 4.21/01 16/11/93 08.52.59 * * Add type declarations in HUWFUN * * In HINDEX, change format from I6 to I7. * * Mods in HCDIR for the old PIAF/PAWSERV. * * Mods in HDELET/HIDPOS for PIAF (add new sequence $HCACHE). * * Implement possibility to add 1-D histograms with alphanumeric labels * Mods in HOPERA. New routine HOPER1A. * * Protection in routine HDBCOP (R.J.Genik). See comments in routine. * * Set bit 5 to 0 in HLABEL * *::> VERSION 4.21/00 26/10/93 15.39.39 * * Unused parameters deleted in the following routines: * HRESETM1,HREZ0M,HCOPYN,HCOPYT. * * The following obsolete routines from HBOOK version 3 have been deleted: * HCORE,HDISKF,HFNEXT,HISTGO,HLCM,HLCM3,HLOK,HSTORE,HUNLOK,HWRITE. * * Change format in HFNT2 error message (mail from Yves Roblin) * * Remove unused variables or common blocks