* * $Id: history.dat,v 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: history.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni * First import * * * This directory was created from hbook.car patch history *CMZ : 4.10/05 16/08/90 10.35.58 by Rene Brun *-- Author : * * VERSION 4.10 (16/08/90) * * COMMON/HCDIRE/ modified. Number of possible directories * has been changed from 20 to 100. * This changes implies recompilation of HPLOT,PAW. * Note that a similar change has been made in RZEBRA. * Argument to user functions copied before calling * the function in HBFUN1/HBFUN2 to prevent cases * where a bad user is changing the argument. * Bug corrected in HFIND for HBOOKB case * Correction in HFITH in case of HFITGA (Sigma>0) * Added IQUEST(1)=1 in HCDIR if directory not found (M.Guan..) * Slight changes for OS9/RTF compiler (Equivalence order) * Bug corrected in HSPLI2 (A.Nathaniel) * Mods in HCOPYN calling a new routine HCOPYT (copy Ntuples) * Mods in HSCALE and HMAXIM. HMAXIM may be called for a 2-Dim * HMAXIM uses KSCAL2 word * * * VERSION 4.09 (11/04/90) * * Mods in HDIFF (for HPAK case) * New routine HPAKAD * Changes in machine PATCHY flags * Routine HROPEN based on new ZEBRA routine RZOPEN * New routine HFNOV to fill a "cyclic Ntuple" * Double precision variables in HSTATI and HPRST * Bug corrected in HOPER1 for Number of equivalent events * Changes in HFN (HCDIR+RZCDIR) when RZ is used together * with HBOOK. * Changes in HCREATEG * New DECK H0MPW introduced for MACMPW to force a new segment * Bug fixed in HLDIR (M.Guanziroli) * * VERSION 4.08 (18/12/89) * * SET EPS=0.0000002 in HMINUT * New routine HFITHN introduced * + internal routines HICTOI,HFITF,HFITHC * + new Patchy sequence HCFITF * Bug corrected in HINDEX for slices * Changes in HFITH1 and HSUPIS to take care of histograms * with non-equidistant bins * In HCOPY set bit 5 =0 * In HRIN look at bit 5 before deleting histogram in memory * In HIDOPT, option SHOW implemented * * VERSION 4.07 (29/09/89) * * Mods in HHIPAR. Do not force IWEIGH=1 if HPAKE. * Mods in HMINUI. (if PARAM=0.) * Mods in HFCN * Protection in HMDIR against CHDIR with more than 16 characters * Sequences HCFIT4,HCFIT5 deleted. * Bug corrected in HRNDM2 * MAXLEN changed to 110 in HPAFF * HGN returns IERROR=-1 if event nr > number of events * Mods in HCREATEG (Jim Loken) * Protection in HDIPKL * Minor change in HMINUI * Minor change in HEXAM5 * Maximum number of variables in a Ntuple changed to 512 * Change in HFITGA. Parameter COEFF in phase with documentation * HDIFF writes on LOUT instead of 6. * Text of message changed in HUNPAK/HUNPKE * Bug corrected in HFINOP for BANY * SAVE statement added in HRNDM1/HRNDM2 * Array FITDER added in sequence /HCFITS/. * Variable EPSIH renamed EPSIF in /HCFIT6/. * Format changed in HPTIT (I4 instead of I3) * DEFT changed to SETD in HIDOPT. * Epsil shift (1.e-6) in booking routines removed. * Change in HDELET (clear link for HCOPYM) * Change in HSIFLA (status word bit 5 set for PAW) * Changes in all routines modifying histogram structure * (call sbit0(iq(lcid),5) for PAW * Set IQUEST(1)=0 in HSPACE (problems with the ZEBRA server) * Correct HCOPYN for profile histograms with option S * New version of HCREATEG from J.Loken * Changes in HINDEX for printing limits of slices and bands* * New fitting routines HFITH and HFITV introduced * Routines HFITPO,HFITEX,HFITGA interfaced to HFITH * Added calls to interactive Minuit if option 'M' * Examples modified * Fit parameters now stored with histogram data structure. * Variable IOFIT in /HCFORM/ * * VERSION 4.06 (30/06/89) * * INOT replaced by INNOT in printing routines * Current Directory set to //PAWC at the end of HREND * Bug corrected in HNORMA (C.ERD) * Bug corrected in HSTATI * HRDIR implemented for subdirs of a global section * Change to standard intrinsic functions of Fortran 77 * CONVEX version introduced * Version of HROPEN for IBMMVS introduced. * New routine HDERIV (user callable) * HDERIV is a replacement for the dummy routines * HDERI1,HDERI2,HDERIN * HEXAM modified * Report bug in HBOOKN for ID>9999 * Bug corrected in HRZIN for Ntuples (CZ mode) * * New interface to MINUIT introduced (with E.Lessner FNAL) * Changes in fitting routines for IWEIGH.NE.0 * * Changes in HBARX/HBARY * When HBARX/Y is called, the routine fills the sum of * the square of the weights from the actual contents * This is introduced to make easier the computation * of error bars by HOPERA. * * VERSION 4.05 (29/03/89) * * Sequence JBIT replaced for Apollo * Unused sequences removed * Bugs corrected in HPROJ1(2) ISEL not used * Routines HRZIN/HRZOUT changed (New CZ and ZS) * New routine HRDIR * Bug corrected in HPR1H * Remove limitation for CHRZPA<3 in HBOOKN * Protection added in HFILPF (overflows) * DOUBLE PRECISION kept on CRAY in HF1,HPRST and HSTATI * Bug corrected in HPR1V for INTE and many parts * Bug corrected in HARRAY * Bug corrected in HF1AUT * Bug corrected in HMONIT * sequence HCDIRE modified. New array HFNAME containing * the file name * Mods in HBOOKN. 80 characters always allocated to CHRZPA. * Mods in HRIN to change CHRZPA to current directory. * Bug corrected in HBCDI (RETURN missing) * Patchy flag SAVE removed (default) * * Mods in HBOOKN (Limit to 120) * Protection in HTERM * Mods in HCOPYN (add profiles) * Mods in HRZIN * Mods in HRGET and HRPUT when CHFILE=' ' * Add option 'A' in HRGET (JOFSET=99999 in HRIN) * Bug corrected in HLDIR2 * Bug corrected in HEXAM5 (array EY not defined) * Unused variables removed (FTN on DN10000) * Calls to UCTOH1 replaced by UCTOH * Bug corrected in HSPFUN (Annette Frenkel) * HSPLI1 always return CHISQ * New options 'F1 and F2' in HDIFF * Routine HISTDO now calls HPDIR('//PAWC','TI') * Option 'I' added in HPDIR * Routines HRZFIL and HRZEND removed * Changes in HRFILE,HRZCD for communication mode * Change IQUEST(1)=0 in HCDIR * Bug corrected in HSTATI (LCONT set to IFW removed) * IDLAST always set to 0 in HLOOP * Bug corrected in HPHIST/HPROT for slices in X * Routines for Vax Global sections rewritten by J.Loken * * VERSION 4.04 (10/11/88) * * Changes in all booking routines (31-->16) * Mods in HROUT * Mods in HFF1,HIPAK1,HF1,HF2 * Patchy flag SAVE introduced * New routines HGNPAR and HGNF * Routines HPROJ1 and HPROJ2 modified * * VERSION 4.03 (05/09/88) * * Routine HCX modified to solve a CRAY compiler problem * Routines HFETCH,HFETC1 corrected for same problem as HCX * Routine HF1 corrected for non-equidistant bins histograms * Argument IDD added in HSPACE * Argument KCASE in HUNPAK declared type CHARACTER * Argument KNAME in HPHIST and HPROT declared type CHARACTER * NOARG removed from HPHIST and HPROT * Bug corrected in HPHIST affecting HPR1V * Routines HPROJ1,HPROJ2 modified to handle MASK logic in PAW * and HGN * Routine HFILPF changed to take W into account * COMMON/PAWIDN/IDNEVT,X(127) added. * UNIX version introduced. * Changes in HMACHI,HPCHAN,HPATH. * Bugs corrected in HFILPR and HPR1V. * Bank LHBOOK changed to 50 links (10 struct.) * Automatic binning algorithm modified (HF1AUT) * Routine HROUT accepts option 'T' * New routines HROPEN,HRGET and HRPUT * Routine HRIN modified to simulate option 'T' * If ICYCLE>1000 and ID=0 implies option 'T' * Routines HBOOK1 and HF1 changed. Accumulate the 100 first * entries instead of just 50. * Mods in all routines using NBIT * Check for space left in HLDIR * Changes in HMAPG (J.Loken) * * VERSION 4.02 (28/04/88) * * Bugs corrected in routine HFF1,HFF2,HIPAK1,HIPAK2 (Kevin Einsweiler) * Bugs corrected in HIDOPT (Helmut Burkhardt) * Bugs corrected in HPROJ1,HPROJ2 (V.Journe) * Option I implemented in HLDIR (HINDEX format) * New routine HUNPKE to unpack errors (same calling as HUNPAK) * Bug corrected in HSTATI(C.Onions) * Bug corrected in HOPER1 (calculation of errors)(V.Gibson,A.Parker) * Bugs corrected in HSPFUN,HSPLI1,HSPLI2 * Bug corrected in HFETCH (D.Schlatter) * ALLIANT version introduced * New facility to access remote files across a network * An implementation with TCP/IP is available * (Works together with the new option FZCHANNEL of ZEBRA) * Correction in HFETCH (problem on NORD) (A.Read) * Changes in HRFILE for global sections (IQUEST) * LOUT changed to 6 for Apollo and Alliant * Y scale factor better computed when HMAXIM is called (V.Palladino) * Operations between profile histograms implemented (suggested by H.Chan * Modification of algorithm to print integrated contents (P.O.Hulth) * Routine HGN optimized * New routine HGIVEN (same as HGIVE for N-tuples) (R.Namjoshi) * Routine HSCR implemented as described in the documentation * Mods in HBANDX and HBANDY (reverse booking order) * Set a limitation for NVAR<129 in HBOOKN * Changes in HFN and HCDIR for N-tuples in memory * Protection in booking routines in case HDELET is called * IDLAST reset in all printing routines * Bugs corrected in HLDIR and HPDIR * * VERSION 4.01 (18/02/88) * * Bugs corrected in routine HGN (Rohit + Iversen) * Bug corrected in HFINOP (affected HSTATI and HUNPAK) * Bugs corrected in HPROJ1,HPROJ2 * Protection in HROUT * * VERSION 4.00 (08/02/88) * * New version based on ZEBRA. (version 3.54 needed) * Storage area is the COMMON/PAWC/H(ispace) * The user has to dimension this common block and * initialize the HBOOK package by CALL HLIMIT(ispace) * * Only character strings or variables are accepted for titles * * With the new version one must always specified * the correct number of arguments in subroutine calls. The * facility to miss some arguments will be withdrawn from HBOOK * in a few monthes. * HFILL must have 4 arguments * HSTORE and HFETCH are dummy. Use HRFILE,HRIN,HROUT,HREND instead * * A set of new routines is available for * - Structuring IDs in memory. * - Statistical comparison of histograms (HDIFF) * - Give options * - Sequential I/O * - Random access I/O (PATCH,HRZ) * - N-tuples * - New routine HFILPR to fill existing projections * - New routine HGSTAT to get statistics * - New routines HBPROF and HFILPF to book and fill * profile histograms * - New functionality for HLIMIT * without initialization of ZEBRA * - New routine HBUG to print error messages * - Using shared areas (Online) HCOPYM * - New routine HBOOKB (histos with non-equidistant bins) * - New routine HREP1 to replace contents of one channel * - New routine HGN to return one event from a N-tuple * - New routine HPSTAT to print statistics about ID * - PATCH,HGLOBAL for shared global sections on VAX * (See new documentation) *