* * $Id: hbont.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hbont.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:11 mclareni * First import * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.21/08 17/01/94 12.31.07 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HBONT(ID,CHTITL,FORMP,CHOPT) *.==========> *. Creates an Omnipurpose Ntuple *. *. An Omnipurpose Ntuple is a Column-Wise-Ntuple. Each row of an ONT *. may contain up to 4 arrays depending on FORMP. *. Ex: *. CALL HBONT(ID,'Example','Z',' ') *. will create an ONT with the 3 arrays XONT,YONT,YONT in one ROW. *. *. Via FORMP the following, predefined, columns can be activated: *. X uses array X only *. Y uses arrays X and Y *. Z uses arrays X, Y and Z *. W uses arrays X, Y, Z and W *. C uses array CHONT (char*4) *. *. NB. Options X,Y,Z,W are mutual exclusive *. The (scalar) column KONTYP is always present. *. *. CHOPT has the same meaning as for HBNT. CHOPT='M' defines a *. memory resident Ntuple. *. *. To avoid users declaring the above structure, a set of service *. routines is provided to fill the internal HBOOK commons /HCBONT/. *. HFONTR(NONT,XONT,YONT,ZONT,WONT) *. HFONTC(NCHONT,CHONT) *. *. Once /HCBONT/ is filled via the above routines, the routine HFONT * must be used to fill the ONT. *. CALL HFONT(ID,KONTYP) *. *. In a symetric way, the ONT may be read with the following sequence: *. CALL HGONT(ID,KONTYP) *. CALL HGONTR(NONT,XONT,YONT,ZONT,WONT) *. HGONTC(NCHONT,CHONT) *. *. Description of the HCBONT common blocks *. ====================================== *. KONTYP type of record *. XONT array of NONT elements (real) *. YONT array of NONT elements (real) *. ZONT array of NONT elements (real) *. WONT array of NONT elements (real) *. CHONT array of NCHONT elements (character*4) *. *. NB. The arrays XONT, etc have a maximum dimension of 1000 words. *. *. Bits 5,6,7 and 8 are used by the ONT. *. *..=========> ( R. Brun ) * #include "hcbook.inc" #include "hcntpar.inc" #include "hcbont.inc" * CHARACTER*(*) CHTITL, FORMP, CHOPT CHARACTER*32 FORM CHARACTER*80 CHFORM *___________________________________________________________________ * CALL HBNT(ID,CHTITL,CHOPT) * *-- TODO: handle packing and the creation of the range of the index *-- variables depending on MAXNP * FORM=FORMP CALL CLTOU(FORM) NAR=0 IF(INDEX(FORM,'X').NE.0)NAR=1 IF(INDEX(FORM,'Y').NE.0)NAR=2 IF(INDEX(FORM,'Z').NE.0)NAR=3 IF(INDEX(FORM,'W').NE.0)NAR=4 CHFORM='KONTYP,NONT[0,1000]' IC=20 IF(NAR.GE.0)THEN CALL SBYT(NAR,IQ(LCID+ZBITS),5,3) ENDIF IF(NAR.GE.1)THEN CHFORM(IC:)=',XONT(NONT)' IC=IC+11 ENDIF IF(NAR.GE.2)THEN CHFORM(IC:)=',YONT(NONT)' IC=IC+11 ENDIF IF(NAR.GE.3)THEN CHFORM(IC:)=',ZONT(NONT)' IC=IC+11 ENDIF IF(NAR.GE.4)THEN CHFORM(IC:)=',WONT(NONT)' IC=IC+11 ENDIF * CALL HBNAME(ID,'HCBONTR',KONTYP,CHFORM) * IF(INDEX(FORM,'C').NE.0)THEN CALL HBNAME(ID,'HCBONTC',NCHONT,'NCHONT[0,100]') CALL HBNAMC(ID,'HCBONTC',CHONT ,'CHONT(NCHONT):C') CALL SBIT1(IQ(LCID+ZBITS),8) ENDIF * KONTYP = 0 NCHONT = 0 NONT = 0 * END