* * $Id: hrzld.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:08 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hrzld.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:08 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.10/05 21/02/89 16.14.55 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HRZLD(CHDIR,CHOPT) *.==========> *. to list the Current Directory of a RZ file *..=========> ( R.Brun ) CHARACTER*(*)CHDIR,CHOPT #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" *.___________________________________________ * IF(ICHTOP(ICDIR).GT.1000)THEN #if defined(CERNLIB_CZ) CALL HBUG('Function not implemented for remote files', + 'HRZLD',0) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_CZ) CALL HBUG('CZ option not active','HRZLD',0) #endif RETURN ENDIF * CALL RZLDIR(CHDIR,CHOPT) * END