* * $Id: hrzkey.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:08 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hrzkey.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:08 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.21/09 19/02/94 18.20.45 by Rene Brun *-- Author : Rene Brun 24/11/93 SUBROUTINE HRZKEY(IDN) *.==========> *. Fill data structure with key serial numbers corresponding *. to ntuple extensions. *..=========> ( R.Brun ) #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" COMMON/QUEST/IQUEST(100) EQUIVALENCE (LK1,LHDUM(8)) EQUIVALENCE (LK2,LHDUM(9)) *.___________________________________________ * CALL HRZIN(IHDIV,0,0,1,9999,'SC') NKEYS=IQUEST(7) NEXT=IQ(LCID+6) *-* do not built the structure if too few extensions or *-* if the ratio extensions/keys is too small IF(NEXT.LT.20)GO TO 99 IF(10*NEXT.LT.NKEYS)GO TO 99 *-* create (or extend) structure to store key serial numbers LK1=LQ(LCID-1) LK2=LQ(LK1) IF(LK2.LE.0)THEN CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LK2,LK1,0,'HKEY',0,0,NEXT,2,0) ELSE IF(IQ(LK2-1).LT.NEXT)THEN CALL MZPUSH(IHDIV,LK2,0,NEXT-IQ(LK2-1),' ') ENDIF ENDIF * *-* Now scan current RZ directory * DO 10 KEYRZ=1,NKEYS CALL HRZIN(IHDIV,0,0,KEYRZ,9999,'SC') IF(ICHTYP(ICDIR).EQ.1)THEN IEXT1=MOD(IQUEST(21),10000) IF(IEXT1.NE.IDN)GO TO 10 IEXT=(IQUEST(21)-IEXT1)/10000 ELSE IF(IQUEST(21).NE.IDN)GO TO 10 IEXT=IQUEST(22) ENDIF IF(IEXT.LE.0.OR.IEXT.GT.NEXT)GO TO 10 IQ(LK2+IEXT)=KEYRZ 10 CONTINUE * 99 END