* * $Id: hrendc.F,v 1.3 1998/03/18 17:02:52 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hrendc.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1998/03/18 17:02:52 couet * - FORTRAN I/O default for VMS * * Revision 1.2 1997/05/13 15:21:00 couet * - default is now C/IO for all machines. To have fortran IO the option F should * be given to HROPEN and the file should be close with HRENDF. HREND is now * equivalent to HRENDC. * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:08 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE HRENDC(CHDIR) #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) ENTRY HREND(CHDIR) #endif *.==========> *. Close an HBOOK/RZ file. Via RZCLOS the unit is also correctly *. closed in case of C I/O. *. This routine is a copy of HRENDF, make changes in both at the *. same time. *. C/IO is now the default (except VMS). Calling HREND is the same *. as calling HREND. To have FORTRAN IO, HROPEN must be called with *. option F and HRENDF must be called instead of HREND/HRENDC. *..=========> #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" CHARACTER*(*) CHDIR *.___________________________________________ * * NCHMAX=NCHTOP DO 20 I=2,NCHMAX IF(CHTOP(I).EQ.CHDIR)THEN IF(ICHTOP(I).GT.0.AND.ICHTOP(I).LT.1000)THEN CALL RZCLOS(CHDIR,' ') CALL HBFREE(ICHTOP(I)) ENDIF CALL HNTDEL(CHDIR) * DO 10 J=I+1,NCHTOP ICHTOP(J-1)=ICHTOP(J) ICHLUN(J-1)=ICHLUN(J) ICHTYP(J-1)=ICHTYP(J) CHTOP(J-1)=CHTOP(J) HFNAME(J-1)=HFNAME(J) 10 CONTINUE NCHTOP=NCHTOP-1 ENDIF 20 CONTINUE * CALL HCDIR('//PAWC',' ') * END