* * $Id: hqsig2.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:05 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hqsig2.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:05 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.17/13 14/05/93 09.08.25 by John Allison *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HQSIG2 (NX0, NY0, VOLB0, IEDGE, IHQERR) INTEGER NX0, NY0, IEDGE, IHQERR REAL VOLB0 * Finds significant points which will become centres of the radial basis * functions for 2-D histograms. * * Histogram contents and variances are in Q (L2H +1,...) and Q (L2V + 1,...). ***** Note: this routine overwrites histogram contents and variances. * * NX0 = number of x bins. * NY0 = number of y bins. * VOLB0 = volume of bins (normalised coordinate space). * IEDGE = 0, normal. * = 2, zero extremities (i.e., constrained fit recommended). * = <0, special case - no significant points found this pass. * IHQERR = 0 if all's OK. * * We want significant points where the rate of change of slope, * or in N-dimensions, the N-dimensional Laplacian, is statistically * significant. * * The coordinates of significant points - stored in HCQCOM - are in a * "normalised" system in which the plot variables are mapped to the * range 0 -> 1. * * This routine must be called with NDIMC (the current no. of dimensions) = 2. #include "hbook/hcqcom.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" * Miscellaneous local variables. LOGICAL ANY, THIS, EDGED INTEGER NX00, NBTOT1, NBINS1 (NDMAX), NX1, NY1, NSLRMS EQUIVALENCE (NX1, NBINS1 (1)), (NY1, NBINS1 (2)) INTEGER L, IDIM, NFACTR INTEGER L1M, L1P, L2M, L2P, L2PP, IX, IY, LJ INTEGER NDIMW2 (NDMAX) INTEGER IXE, IYE, IEDX (2), IEDY (2) REAL DXN1, DYN1, VOLB1, FACTOR REAL AL, SL, V, V1M, V1P, V2M, V2P, VL, DELTA REAL AS, VS, SS REAL DEDGE, EDGEN (2) DATA EDGEN /0., 1./ * Check NDIMC IF (NDIMC .NE. 2) GO TO 230 * Clear parameters. IEDGE = 0 IHQERR = 0 * Set edge parameter - edge points this many bins from edge. IF (NDIMC .LT. NDIM) THEN DEDGE = 0.5 ELSE DEDGE = 0. END IF * DXN1, etc. and NBTOT1 are current values of bin sizes and total no. of bins. NX1 = NX0 NY1 = NY0 DXN1 = 1. / NX1 DYN1 = 1. / NY1 NBTOT1 = NX1 * NY1 VOLB1 = VOLB0 * Search histogram to find significant points. Look for * statistically significant values of Laplacian, AL. When * all have been found at this resolution, rebin and look again. * The first time any have been found, add edge points. ANY = .FALSE. EDGED = .FALSE. * (Loop back here after rebinning.) 10 CONTINUE * Determine cut so that probability of purely statistical fluctuation is * small. The probability of an x standard deviation fluctuation is * approximately exp(-(x/1.2)**2) (a crude fit to data in PDB). So to * make the probability of a stat. fluctn. less than 1 / (no. of bins) * (say) (SENSIT is a user factor that adjusts the sensitivity of the cut * - normally SENSIT = 1.). * Relax by factor 0.7 for 2-D. SLCUT = 0.7 * 1.2 * SQRT (ALOG (FLOAT (NBTOT1))) / SENSIT * Record whether any significant points have been found THIS loop. THIS = .FALSE. * A convention here is that the pointers for the 4 points surrounding the point * of interest (whose pointer is L) are: * L1M, L1P for 1st dimension Minus and Plus one bin. * L2M, L2P for 2nd dimension Minus and Plus one bin. DELTA = MIN (DXN1, DYN1) SLRMS = 0. NSLRMS = 0 DO 30 IY = 2, NY1 - 1 YBIN = (IY - 0.5) * DYN1 DO 20 IX = 2, NX1 - 1 XBIN = (IX - 0.5) * DXN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX L1M = L - 1 L1P = L + 1 L2M = L - NX1 L2P = L + NX1 AL = Q (L2H + L1M) + Q (L2H + L1P) + + Q (L2H + L2M) + Q (L2H + L2P) - 4. * Q (L2H + L) V = Q (L2V + L) V1M = Q (L2V + L1M) V1P = Q (L2V + L1P) V2M = Q (L2V + L2M) V2P = Q (L2V + L2P) IF (V .EQ. 0.) V = VMEAN2 IF (V1M .EQ. 0.) V1M = VMEAN2 IF (V1P .EQ. 0.) V1P = VMEAN2 IF (V2M .EQ. 0.) V2M = VMEAN2 IF (V2P .EQ. 0.) V2P = VMEAN2 VL = V1M + V1P + V2M + V2P + 16. * V SL = ABS (AL / SQRT (VL)) IF (SL .GT. 1.E-6) THEN SLRMS = SLRMS + SL ** 2 NSLRMS = NSLRMS + 1 END IF IF (SL .GE. SLCUT) THEN CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, DELTA, SL, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE SLRMS = SQRT (SLRMS / NSLRMS) * If this is the first time any significant points have been found... IF ((ANY .AND. .NOT. EDGED) .OR. (NDIMC .NE. NDIM)) THEN EDGED = .TRUE. * Record bin size. IF (NDIM .EQ. NDIMC) THEN NXN = NX1 NYN = NY1 END IF ************************************************************* * New strategy - add points if slope is significant. * Low x... IX = 1 XBIN = 0. DO 40 IY = 1, NY1 YBIN = (IY - 0.5) * DYN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX L1P = L + 1 AS = Q (L2H + L1P) - Q (L2H + L) V = Q (L2V + L) V1P = Q (L2V + L1P) IF (V .EQ. 0.) V = VMEAN2 IF (V1P .EQ. 0.) V1P = VMEAN2 VS = V1P + V SS = ABS (AS / SQRT (VS)) IF (SS .GE. SLCUT) THEN CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, DELTA, + SS, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 40 CONTINUE * High x... IX = NX1 XBIN = 1. DO 50 IY = 1, NY1 YBIN = (IY - 0.5) * DYN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX L1M = L - 1 AS = Q (L2H + L1M) - Q (L2H + L) V = Q (L2V + L) V1M = Q (L2V + L1M) IF (V .EQ. 0.) V = VMEAN2 IF (V1M .EQ. 0.) V1M = VMEAN2 VS = V1M + V SS = ABS (AS / SQRT (VS)) IF (SS .GE. SLCUT) THEN CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, DELTA, + SS, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 50 CONTINUE * Low y... IY = 1 YBIN = 0. DO 60 IX = 1, NX1 XBIN = (IX - 0.5) * DXN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX L2P = L + NX1 AS = Q (L2H + L2P) - Q (L2H + L) V = Q (L2V + L) V2P = Q (L2V + L2P) IF (V .EQ. 0.) V = VMEAN2 IF (V2P .EQ. 0.) V2P = VMEAN2 VS = V2P + V SS = ABS (AS / SQRT (VS)) IF (SS .GE. SLCUT) THEN CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, DELTA, + SS, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 60 CONTINUE * High y... IY = NY1 YBIN = 1. DO 70 IX = 1, NX1 XBIN = (IX - 0.5) * DXN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX L2M = L - NX1 AS = Q (L2H + L2M) - Q (L2H + L) V = Q (L2V + L) V2M = Q (L2V + L2M) IF (V .EQ. 0.) V = VMEAN2 IF (V2M .EQ. 0.) V2M = VMEAN2 VS = V2M + V SS = ABS (AS / SQRT (VS)) IF (SS .GE. SLCUT) THEN CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, DELTA, + SS, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 70 CONTINUE * End of new strategy. ************************************************************************* ****************************************************************** * Note: the following has been modified by commenting out some statements * to suppress calls to other HQSIGn routines. This also has the effect * of to forcing the adding of corner points. ****************************************************************** * Now we are going to present HQSIG1 with the faces of this 2-D histogram. * HQSIG1 will think it's a 1-D histogram. When it comes to adding a point, * however, HQSIGA must know: * (a) the original dimensionality, NDIM, * (b) the current dimensionality, NDIMC, * (c) the coordinate(s) being treated, (NDIMWH (I), I = 1, NDIMC) and * (d) the value of the remaining coordinates, * (BINV (I), I = NDIMC + 1, NDIM), if any, destined for * (SIGV (NSIG, (NDIMWH(I))), I = NDIMC + 1, NDIM). * Preserve current values of NDIMWH (NDIMC is assumed to be 2 at this point). DO 80 IDIM = 1, NDIMC NDIMW2 (IDIM) = NDIMWH (IDIM) 80 CONTINUE * Find sig. points along the 4 edges... NDIMC = 1 * x edges... DO 100 IX = 1, NX1, NX1 - 1 IXE = IX / NX1 + 1 DO 90 IY = 1, NY1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX Q (L1H + IY) = Q (L2H + L) Q (L1V + IY) = Q (L2V + L) 90 CONTINUE NDIMWH (1) = NDIMW2 (2) NDIMWH (2) = NDIMW2 (1) BINV (2) = EDGEN (IXE) - + (2. * EDGEN (IXE) - 1.) * DEDGE * DXN1 IEDX (IXE) = 0 ************** CALL HQSIG1 (NY1, VOLB1, IEDX (IXE), IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .NE. 0) GO TO 240 100 CONTINUE * y edges... DO 120 IY = 1, NY1, NY1 - 1 IYE = IY / NY1 + 1 DO 110 IX = 1, NX1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX Q (L1H + IX) = Q (L2H + L) Q (L1V + IX) = Q (L2V + L) 110 CONTINUE NDIMWH (1) = NDIMW2 (1) NDIMWH (2) = NDIMW2 (2) BINV (2) = EDGEN (IYE) - + (2. * EDGEN (IYE) - 1.) * DEDGE * DYN1 IEDY (IYE) = 0 *************** CALL HQSIG1 (NX1, VOLB1, IEDY (IYE), IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .NE. 0) GO TO 240 120 CONTINUE * Restore current values of NDIMWH. NDIMC = 2 DO 130 IDIM = 1, NDIMC NDIMWH (IDIM) = NDIMW2 (IDIM) 130 CONTINUE * Add corner points if adjacent edges have points. DO 150 IX = 1, NX1, NX1 - 1 IXE = IX / NX1 + 1 DO 140 IY = 1, NY1, NY1 - 1 IYE = IY / NY1 + 1 IF (IEDX (IXE) .GE. 0 .AND. IEDY (IYE) .GE. 0) THEN XBIN = EDGEN (IXE) - + (2. * EDGEN (IXE) - 1.) * DEDGE * DXN1 YBIN = EDGEN (IYE) - + (2. * EDGEN (IYE) - 1.) * DEDGE * DYN1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX CALL HQSIGA (BINV, Q (L2H + L), VOLB1, SMALLD, + SLCUT, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR .EQ. 0) THEN ANY = .TRUE. THIS = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IHQERR .LT. 0) THEN IHQERR = 0 ELSE GO TO 240 END IF END IF 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE * Are the extremities zero? DO 170 IX = 1, NX1, NX1 - 1 DO 160 IY = 1, NY1, NY1 - 1 L = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX IF (Q (L2H + L) .NE. 0) GO TO 200 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE DO 180 IXE = 1, 2 IF (IEDX (IXE) .GE. 0) GO TO 200 180 CONTINUE DO 190 IYE = 1, 2 IF (IEDY (IYE) .GE. 0) GO TO 200 190 CONTINUE * If so, mark for zero asyptotic constrained fit. IEDGE = 2 200 CONTINUE END IF * If no points have been found, or points have been found this time round (i.e., * cease searching if points have been found but not this time round). **** (Not sure about the wisdom of this (why did I introduce it?) so disable for **** now.) * IF (.NOT. ANY .OR. THIS) THEN IF (NTUPLE) THEN * Rebin - the data is from an ntuple. This simplifies things immensely. * Double significance by increasing bin size by cube root of 2. FACTOR = 1.5 NFACTR = 10. * FACTOR IF (NX1 .GE. NFACTR .AND. NY1 .GE. NFACTR) THEN NX1 = NX1 / FACTOR NY1 = NY1 / FACTOR NBTOT1 = NX1 * NY1 DXN1 = 1. / NX1 DYN1 = 1. / NY1 VOLB1 = DXN1 * DYN1 * Get contents and errors. CALL HQBIN (NBINS1, 0, IHQERR) IF (IHQERR. NE. 0) GO TO 240 GO TO 10 END IF ELSE * Rebin - double up. ***** NOTE: bin doubling leaves the odd bin over. Not knowing what to do with ***** it I simply leave it - possibly a significant point might be missed but ***** the above code gave it at least one chance. When it comes to choosing ***** bins for finding significant points for N-tuples, choose 2**N bins. IF (NX1 .GE. 20 .AND. NY1 .GE. 20) THEN NX00 = NX1 NX1 = NX1 / 2 NY1 = NY1 / 2 DXN1 = 2. * DXN1 DYN1 = 2. * DYN1 VOLB1 = 4. * VOLB1 NBTOT1 = NX1 * NY1 DO 220 IY = 1, NY1 DO 210 IX = 1, NX1 L = 2 * (IY - 1) * NX00 + 2 * (IX - 1) + 1 L1P = L + 1 L2P = L + NX00 L2PP = L + NX00 + 1 LJ = (IY - 1) * NX1 + IX Q (L2H + LJ) = Q (L2H + L) + Q (L2H + L1P) + Q (L2H + + L2P) + Q (L2H + L2PP) Q (L2V + LJ) = Q (L2V + L) + Q (L2V + L1P) + Q (L2V + + L2P) + Q (L2V + L2PP) 210 CONTINUE 220 CONTINUE GO TO 10 END IF END IF * END IF * If no points have been found this pass, use IEDGE as a flag. IF (.NOT. ANY) IEDGE = -1 GO TO 240 * Errors. 230 CONTINUE CALL HBUG ('NDIMC not 2.', 'HQSIG2', IDMQ) IHQERR = 10 240 CONTINUE END