* * $Id: hqinit.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:03 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hqinit.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:03 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.17/02 15/12/92 21.48.30 by Rene Brun *-- Author : John Allison 02/09/92 SUBROUTINE HQINIT (NSIG0, NVHQ, NNXYZ, IHQERR) INTEGER NSIG0, NVHQ, NNXYZ (*), IHQERR * Initialise HQ working space for multiquadric smoothing. * NSIG0 is the number of existing significant points - usually 0. * NVHQ = no. of variables, i.e., dimemsion of space being smothed/fitted. * NNXYZ is a vector of no. of bins to be used in each dimension. This is * either the actual no. of bins in the histogram being smoothed, or it is the * no. of bins to be used in the trial histogram for ntuple smoothing. * The parent LHQUAD bank is created here. * The LQ (LHQUAD - 1) chain (L1H, etc.) is created in HQLIF1. * The LQ (LHQUAD - 2) chain is created in HQLIF2, when the number of significant * points is known. Note they contain DOUBLE PRECISION words, so since * arithmetic operations are made on them in situ, the data MUST begin on an * 8-byte boundary. So HQLIF2 allows an extra word for this. * The LQ (LHQUAD - 3) chain is created in HQLIF3. * These banks are deleted at the end of operations, but relevant variables are * first copied into the LFUNC and LHFIT banks of the histogram or ntuple as * required. * * | * | LHQUAD = LQ (LCDIR - 6) * V * ********************************* * * -5 * -4 * -3 * -2 * -1 * HQUA * * ********************************* * | | | | | * (reserved) | | V L1H L1V * | | *********************** ************************ * | | * HQ1H * 1-D contents *-->* HQ1V * 1-D variances *--I * | | *********************** ************************ | * | | | * | | I-------------------------------------------I * | | | * | | V L2H * | | *********************** * | | * HQ2H * 2-D contents *--> etc. * | | *********************** * | | * | | * | V LHQCOV LHQDER * | ********************** ********************** * | * HQCO * Covariances *-->* HQDE * Derivatives *--I * | ********************** ********************** | * | | * | I----------------------------------------I * | | * | V LHQWK1 * | ********************** ********************** * | * HQW1 * Workspace 1 *-->* HQW2 * Workspace 2 *-->etc. * | ********************** ********************** * | * | * V LHQDJN (if space in /PAWC/) * ************************************************* * * HQDJ * Function values for max. lik. fitting. * * ************************************************* * #include "hbook/hcqcom.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" INTEGER I * Clear error flag. IHQERR = 0 * IMQFUN function flag: = 0, no function evaluated yet. * = 1, linear sum of multiquadrics. * = 2, exponential of linear sum of multiquadrics. * (Note: HQF... routines take account of this, HQD... always calculate the * simple sum of multiquadrics.) IMQFUN = 0 * Set NSIG NSIG = NSIG0 * Clear HQMIN etc. HQMIN = 0. HQMAX = 0. HQFMIN = 0. HQFMAX = 0. * Fill NDIM, NX, NY,... NDIM = NVHQ DO 10 I = 1, NDIM NBINS (I) = NNXYZ (I) 10 CONTINUE * Drop any HQ banks which might have been left over after, e.g., CTRL-C, * and release link area. LHQUAD = LQ (LCDIR - 6) IF (LHQUAD .NE. 0) THEN CALL MZDROP (IHDIV, LHQUAD, ' ') LAREA (1) = 0 END IF * Inquire if there's spacein /PAWC/ for "parent" bank LHQUAD. CALL HSPACE (13, 'HQINIT', IDMQ) IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 20 * Establish temporary link area. CALL MZLINT (IXPAWC, '/HCQCOM/', LAREA, LLAST, LAREA) * Book parent bank LHQUAD. CALL MZBOOK (IHDIV, LHQUAD, LCDIR, -6, 'HQUA', 5, 5, 0, 0, 0) GO TO 30 20 CONTINUE CALL HBUG ('Not enough working space in /PAWC/.', 'HQINIT', IDMQ) IHQERR = 100 30 CONTINUE END