* * $Id: hntrset.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:59 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hntrset.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:59 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.22/06 27/06/94 18.44.21 by Rene Brun *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 23/06/94 SUBROUTINE HNTRSET(ID1, CHTITL) *.==========> *. *. Duplicate definition of CWN. *. *. Reset the header of a CWN. Assumes LCID is correctly set (called *. from HRESET). *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * #include "hbook/hcntpar.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hntcur.inc" * CHARACTER*(*) CHTITL CHARACTER*80 CHRZ LOGICAL MEMORY * * Reset Table A (see HBNT) * IQ(LCID+ZNOENT) = 0 IQ(LCID+ZID) = ID1 IQ(LCID+ZIFTMP) = 2 * MEMORY = .FALSE. IF (IQ(LCID+ZNPRIM) .LT. 0) MEMORY = .TRUE. * CALL HCDIR(CHRZ, 'R') IF (CHRZ(1:6) .EQ. '//PAWC') THEN IQ(LCID+ZNPRIM) = -IABS(IQ(LCID+ZNPRIM)) IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ) = 0 CHRZ = ' ' ELSE IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ) = LENOCC(CHRZ) ENDIF CALL UCTOH(CHRZ,IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ+1),4,80) * CALL HBTIT(CHTITL,NWTITL,NCHT) IF (NWTITL .NE. 0) THEN NMORE = NWTITL - IQ(LCID+ZNWTIT) IF(NMORE.NE.0)THEN CALL MZPUSH(IHDIV,LCID,0,NMORE,' ') ENDIF ITIT1 = IQ(LCID+ZITIT1) CALL UCTOH(CHTITL,IQ(LCID+ITIT1),4,NCHT) ENDIF IQ(LCID+ZNWTIT) = NWTITL * * For memory resident Ntuples drop all content buffers * IF (MEMORY) CALL HNBUFD(ID1) * * Reset table B for each block (see HBNT) * LBLOK = LQ(LCID-1) * 10 IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT) = 0 * * Reset all reference links that were pointing to the dropped content buffers. * For disk resident Ntuples the content buffers were not dropped so no * need to reset the reference links. * IF (MEMORY) THEN LNAME = LQ(LBLOK-1) NDIM = IQ(LBLOK+ZNDIM) * Only if reference links were allocated (done in HFNT2) (one link to many * is allocated, therefore the .GE. test) IF (IQ(LNAME-3) .GE. NDIM) THEN DO 20 I = 1, NDIM LQ(LNAME-I) = 0 20 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF * LBLOK = LQ(LBLOK) IF (LBLOK .NE. 0) GOTO 10 * * Reset table C for each block (see HBNT) * CALL HNMSET(ID1,ZNRZB,1) CALL HNMSET(ID1,ZIBANK,1) CALL HNMSET(ID1,ZITMP,0) CALL HNMSET(ID1,ZIFCON,2) CALL HNMSET(ID1,ZIFBIT,1) * * Reset misc * NTCUR = 0 LBLOK = LQ(LCID-1) CALL SBIT1(IQ(LBLOK),1) * END