* * $Id: hntgeti.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:59 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hntgeti.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:59 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.21/08 23/01/94 18.26.37 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 23/01/94 SUBROUTINE HNTGETI(ID1,ICOM,INDX,TVAR,ITYPE,ISIZE,IELEM,IER) *.==========> *. *. Depending on the common (PAWCR8, PAWCR4, PAWC32) and the *. array index in this common this routine returns the variable *. VAR in Ntuple ID and the type ITYPE and the size ISIZE *. (in bytes) of the variable. IELEM returns the number of words *. taken by the variable. IELEM=1 for a scalar and >1 for an array. *. If index is not legal for this common and Ntuple then IER<>0. *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * #include "hbook/hcntpar.inc" #include "hbook/hcntpaw.inc" #include "hbook/hcbits.inc" #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" * CHARACTER*(*) TVAR CHARACTER*8 BLOCK CHARACTER*32 VAR INTEGER INDCR4, INDCR8, INDC32 * ID = ID1 IDPOS = LOCATI(IQ(LTAB+1),IQ(LCDIR+KNRH),ID) IF (IDPOS .LE. 0) THEN CALL HBUG('Unknown Ntuple','HNTGETI',ID1) IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF LCID = LQ(LTAB-IDPOS) I4 = JBIT(IQ(LCID+KBITS),4) IF (I4 .EQ. 0) THEN CALL HBUG('Not an Ntuple','HNTGETI',ID) IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF IF (IQ(LCID-2) .NE. ZLINK) THEN CALL HBUG('Old Ntuple, cannot use HNTGETI','HNTGETI',ID) IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF * IF (ICOM.NE.4 .AND. ICOM.NE.8 .AND. ICOM.NE.32) THEN CALL HBUG('Illegal value for ICOM','HNTGETI',ID) IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF * IER = 0 * INDCR4 = 1 INDCR8 = 1 INDC32 = 1 * NDIM = IQ(LCID+ZNDIM) * *-- Loop over all variables till we find the index we want. * *-- Increment in the meanwhile the INDC.. counters in the same way as we *-- do in HWPDCL (so there is a correct match between the COMMON *-- statements in the routine produced by HUWFUN and the actual COMMON blocks *-- in which the variables are returned * DO 10 I = 1, NDIM * CALL HNTVAR(ID, I, VAR, BLOCK, NSUB, ITYPE, ISIZE, IELEM) CALL CLTOU(VAR) * IF (ITYPE .NE. 5) THEN IF (ISIZE .EQ. 4) THEN IF (ICOM .NE. 4) GOTO 10 IF (INDX .EQ. INDCR4) THEN TVAR = VAR RETURN ELSE INDCR4 = INDCR4 + IELEM ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 8) THEN IF (ICOM .NE. 8) GOTO 10 IF (INDX .EQ. INDCR8) THEN TVAR = VAR RETURN ELSE INDCR8 = INDCR8 + IELEM ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF (ICOM .NE. 32) GOTO 10 IF (INDX .EQ. INDC32) THEN TVAR =VAR RETURN ELSE INDC32 = INDC32 + IELEM ENDIF ENDIF * 10 CONTINUE * IER = 2 * END