* * $Id: hntdup.F,v 1.3 1997/02/21 12:15:48 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hntdup.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1997/02/21 12:15:48 couet * -previous commit was wrong * * Revision 1.2 1997/02/21 12:12:48 couet * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:59 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.23/01 09/01/95 13.00.35 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 31/05/94 SUBROUTINE HNTDUP(ID1, ID2, NEWBUF, CHTITL, CHOPT1) *.==========> *. *. Duplicate definition of an Ntuple. A new Ntuple ID2 is created *. with the same definitions as ID1, but with 0 entries. *. *. ID1 is the original id, ID2 the new *. NEWBUF <0 use buffer size of ID1 *. NEWBUF =0 use current buffer size(10000 for RWN's) *. NEWBUF >0 use NEWBUF as buffer size *. CHTITL the new title, when blank use original, *. CHOPT1=' ' use original value (disk or memory resident) *. CHOPT1='M' to make the Ntuple memory resident *. CHOPT1='A' interactive mode: Sets addresses to /PAWCR4/ *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * #include "hbook/hcntpar.inc" #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcset.inc" * INTEGER ID1, ID2, MXVAR,NEWBUF PARAMETER (MXVAR = 512) REAL RLOW(MXVAR), RHIGH(MXVAR) REAL*8 IDUM CHARACTER*(*) CHTITL, CHOPT1 CHARACTER*4 CDUM CHARACTER*8 CHOPT,CHOPT2, BLOCK, TAGS(MXVAR) CHARACTER*80 CHTIT, CHRZ LOGICAL MEMORY, NTOLD DIMENSION IOPT(3) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(1),IOPTA),(IOPT(2),IOPTM) * *-- check if ID1 already in table, if not it should be read in first * CHOPT2=CHOPT1 CALL HUOPTC(CHOPT2,'AM',IOPT) CALL HFIND(ID1,'HNTDUP') IF(LCID.EQ.0)RETURN ID=ID1 I4 = JBIT(IQ(LCID+KBITS),4) IF (I4 .EQ. 0) RETURN IF (IQ(LCID-2) .NE. ZLINK) THEN NTOLD = .TRUE. ELSE NTOLD = .FALSE. ENDIF * *-- Ntuple will be created in the current directory * CALL HCDIR(CHRZ, 'R') * *-- Handle RWN's * IF (NTOLD) THEN * NCHRZ = IQ(LCID+11) NWPRIM = IQ(LCID+4) MEMORY = .FALSE. IF (NCHRZ .EQ. 0) MEMORY = .TRUE. * *-- get type (disk or memory resident) * IF (IOPTM.EQ.0) THEN IF (MEMORY) CHRZ = ' ' ELSE CHRZ = ' ' ENDIF * *-- set primary allocation * IF (NEWBUF.EQ.0) NWPRIM = 10000 IF (NEWBUF.GT.0) NWPRIM = NEWBUF * *-- get title and column definition * NVAR = MXVAR CALL HGIVEN(ID1, CHTIT, NVAR, TAGS, RLOW, RHIGH) IF (CHTITL .NE. ' ') CHTIT = CHTITL * *-- define RWN * CALL HBOOKN(ID2, CHTIT, NVAR, CHRZ, NWPRIM, TAGS) * RETURN ENDIF * *-- Handle CWN's * *-- Duplicate disk resident Ntuple may not have the same ID (without offset) *-- as the original when in the same directory. A memory resident Ntuple *-- may not have the same ID (since we can't control where it will be written *-- and we want to prevent the user from overwriting the original). * NDIM = IQ(LCID+ZNDIM) NCHRZ = IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ) NWPRIM = IQ(LCID+ZNPRIM) IF (NCHRZ.NE.0 .AND. NWPRIM.GT.0) THEN MEMORY = .FALSE. CHTIT = ' ' CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ+1), 4, CHTIT, NCHRZ) IF (CHTIT.EQ.CHRZ .AND. IQ(LCID+ZID).EQ.ID2) THEN CALL HBUG('Duplicate can not have given ID','HNTDUP',ID2) RETURN ENDIF ELSE MEMORY = .TRUE. IF (IQ(LCID+ZID) .EQ. ID2) THEN CALL HBUG('Duplicate can not have given ID','HNTDUP',ID2) RETURN ENDIF ENDIF * *-- get title if not overriden * IF (CHTITL .EQ. ' ') THEN CHTIT = ' ' ITIT1 = IQ(LCID+ZITIT1) NWTIT = IQ(LCID+ZNWTIT) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCID+ITIT1), 4, CHTIT, 4*NWTIT) ELSE CHTIT = CHTITL ENDIF * *-- get type (disk or memory resident) * IF (IOPTM.EQ.0) THEN IF (MEMORY) THEN CHOPT = 'M' ELSE CHOPT = 'D' ENDIF ELSE CHOPT = CHOPT1 ENDIF * *-- Set the buffer size * IBOLD=IBSIZE IF (NEWBUF.EQ.0) NWPRIM = IBSIZE IF (NEWBUF.GT.0) NWPRIM = NEWBUF IF (NEWBUF.GE.0) IBSIZE = NWPRIM * *-- create duplicate Ntuple header * CALL HBNT(ID2, CHTIT, CHOPT) IBSIZE=IBOLD * *-- get pointer to new Ntuple * IDPOS = LOCATI(IQ(LTAB+1),IQ(LCDIR+KNRH),ID2) IF (IDPOS .LE. 0) THEN CALL HBUG('Unknown Ntuple','HNTDUP',ID2) RETURN ENDIF LR2 = LQ(LTAB-IDPOS) * *-- use the original buffer size * IF (NEWBUF.LT.0) THEN IF (CHOPT .EQ. 'D') THEN IQ(LR2+ZNPRIM) = IABS(NWPRIM) ELSE IQ(LR2+ZNPRIM) = -IABS(NWPRIM) ENDIF ENDIF * *-- get definition of original columns and call HBNAME for each of them *-- NOTE: addresses are dummy and need to be reset before using the Ntuple * DO 10 I = 1, NDIM CALL HNTVDEF(ID1, I, CHTIT, BLOCK, ITYPE) IF (ITYPE .NE. 5) THEN CALL HBNAME(ID2, BLOCK, IDUM, CHTIT) ELSE CALL HBNAMC(ID2, BLOCK, CDUM, CHTIT) ENDIF IF(IOPTA.NE.0)THEN CALL HNTVAR(ID1, I, CHTIT, BLOCK, NSUB, IT, IS, IE) CALL HNTGET(ID1, CHTIT, INDD, IT, IS, IE, IERROR) CALL HNTGET(ID2, CHTIT, INDD, IT, IS, IE, IERROR) ENDIF 10 CONTINUE * *-- reset addresses * IF(IOPTA.EQ.0)CALL HNMSET(ID2, ZNADDR, 0) * END