* * $Id: hitoc.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:57 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hitoc.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:57 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.17/00 28/01/92 17.40.00 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 28/01/92 SUBROUTINE HITOC(IVAL, VALC, NCSTR, IERR) *.==========> *. *. Converts the integer IVAL to the character string VALC *. *. Input: IVAL integer number *. *. Output: VALC character string *. NCSTR length of VALC *. *. Errors: IERR <> 0 error during conversion *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * CHARACTER*(*) VALC INTEGER IVAL, IERR * CHARACTER*32 TT INTEGER I, J, NCSTR, NCH, LENOCC * IERR = 0 WRITE(TT,'(I32)',ERR=20) IVAL J = 0 DO 10 I = 1, LENOCC(TT) IF (TT(I:I) .EQ. ' ') GOTO 10 J = J + 1 TT(J:J) = TT(I:I) 10 CONTINUE NCSTR = J TT = TT(1:NCSTR) * NCH = LEN(VALC) IF (NCH .LT. NCSTR) IERR = -1 VALC(1:NCH) = TT GOTO 999 * 20 IERR = 1 * 999 END