* * $Id: hfnt2.F,v 1.8 1999/03/23 14:34:23 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hfnt2.F,v $ * Revision 1.8 1999/03/23 14:34:23 couet * - With some CWNs containing REAL*8, an error message saying that * the number was invalid (NaN) was displayed. This was a side * effect of the word swapping problem fixed previously. * * Revision 1.7 1999/03/05 15:42:32 couet * - Bug fixed to handle properly the word swapping of REAL*8 machines on little * endian machines * * Revision 1.6 1998/12/02 09:05:30 couet * - clean up * * Revision 1.5 1998/09/25 09:28:34 mclareni * Modifications for the Mklinux port flagged by CERNLIB_PPC * * Revision 1.4 1998/03/20 09:43:59 couet * - When filling a CWNtuple and using a 24bit packing of a real, for each entry * equal to the maximum value XMAX the value actually stored into the CWN is * XMIN. This only seems to happen with 24 to 30 bit packing. This error occured * with the CERNLIB 98 and 96a on hpux and irix (at least). * * Revision 1.3 1997/07/07 09:34:43 couet * - Error message changed in case of NaN filling to make it more clear. * * Revision 1.2 1996/07/11 15:44:14 couet * - Bug fix from: Rainer Bartoldus * * The problem occurred with a job that reads in a list of CW ntuples, * corrects some entries and writes out a list of new ntuples. * * After we observed problems with the output files, we discovered that * even without any correction the output was different from the input. * * The symptom affected only signed integer variables. It looked as if * their sign had been written randomly. * * However, this happened only after a certain number of input files * depending on the size of the PAWC common block (The larger the common * was the later the files were corrupted). * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:57 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 07/08/95 13.11.08 by Julian Bunn *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 06/01/92 SUBROUTINE HFNT2 *.==========> *. *. Filling of a new (variable row length) n-tuple. *. For the data-structure description see routine HBNT. *. *. This routine does the actual filling of the variables in block LBLOK. *. *. The first word of every physical record is, for the time being, only *. used for the storage of intermadiate results of index variables. *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * #include "hbook/hcntpar.inc" #include "hbook/hcnt.inc" #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" * CHARACTER*80 MSG INTEGER ILOGIC LOGICAL LOGIC, INDVAR, RANGE CHARACTER*32 NAME CHARACTER*96 MESS EQUIVALENCE (LOGIC, ILOGIC) *-* FMIN,FMAX must be saved on HP (compiler bug) SAVE FMIN, FMAX * #include "hbook/jbyt.inc" * LNAME = LQ(LBLOK-1) * NDIM = IQ(LBLOK+ZNDIM) * *-- when this routine is called for the first time for a specific block *-- create a reference link area in the LNAME bank that will contain *-- pointers to the corresponding contents banks in the LBUF structure * IF (IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT).EQ.0 .AND. IQ(LNAME-3).EQ.1) THEN CALL MZPUSH(IHDIV, LNAME, NDIM, 0, ' ') ENDIF * IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT) = IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT) + 1 * IOFF = 0 * DO 50 I = 1, NDIM NSUB = JBYT(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZDESC), 18, 3) ITYPE = JBYT(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZDESC), 14, 4) ISIZE = JBYT(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZDESC), 8, 6) NBITS = JBYT(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZDESC), 1, 7) * INDVAR = .FALSE. IF (JBIT(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZDESC),28) .EQ. 1) INDVAR = .TRUE. * IF (IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR) .EQ. 0) GOTO 40 * *-- fix the NBITS for character variables (7 bits was not enough) * IF (ITYPE .EQ. 5) NBITS = IBIPB*ISIZE * *-- when a range has been specified enable range checking * RANGE = .FALSE. LRAN = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZRANGE) IF (LRAN .NE. 0) THEN RANGE = .TRUE. IF (ITYPE .EQ. 1) THEN FMIN = Q(LREAL+LRAN) FMAX = Q(LREAL+LRAN+1) ELSEIF (ITYPE.EQ.2 .OR. ITYPE.EQ.3) THEN IMIN = IQ(LINT+LRAN) IMAX = IQ(LINT+LRAN+1) ELSE CALL HBUG('Type can not have range specification', + 'HFNT',ID) GOTO 40 ENDIF ENDIF * LCIND = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZLCONT) IF (LQ(LNAME-I) .EQ. 0) THEN LQ(LNAME-I) = LQ(LBUF-LCIND) ENDIF * *-- make sure that LQ(LNAME-I) points to the right (i.e. last) bank *-- when filling resumes (after, e.g., a call to HGNT) * IF (IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZIBANK) .NE. IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNRZB)) THEN CALL HNTRD(I, IOFF, IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNRZB), IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN CALL HBUG('Error resuming filling','HFNT',ID) GOTO 40 ENDIF ENDIF * LR2 = LQ(LNAME-I) IFIRST = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZIFCON) NB = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZIFBIT) - 1 * LRECL = IQ(LR2-1) - 1 NLEFT = LRECL - IFIRST + 2 NLEFT = NLEFT*IBIPW - NB * IELEM = 1 DO 10 J = 1, NSUB LP = IQ(LINT+IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZARIND)+(J-1)) IF (LP .LT. 0) THEN IE = -LP ELSE IF (IQ(LNAME+LP-1+ZNADDR) .EQ. 0) THEN CALL HBUG('Address of index variable not set', + 'HFNT',ID) GOTO 40 ENDIF IE = IQ(IQ(LNAME+LP-1+ZNADDR)+1) ENDIF IELEM = IELEM*IE 10 CONTINUE * DO 30 J = 1, IELEM * *-- if next item does not fit in the left over bits start with new word * *** IM = MOD(NB, IBIPW) IM = IAND(NB, IBIPW-1) IF (IM.NE.0 .AND. NBITS.GT.IBIPW-IM) THEN NB = 0 NLEFT = NLEFT - IBIPW+IM IFIRST = IFIRST + 1 ENDIF * *-- if next item does not fit in current buffer, write buffer * IF (NBITS .GT. NLEFT) THEN IF (INDVAR) ISAVE = IQ(LR2+LRECL+1) CALL HNTWRT(I, IOFF, IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) GOTO 60 IF (INDVAR) IQ(LR2+1) = ISAVE CALL SBIT1(IQ(LQ(LBUF-LCIND)),1) NB = 0 NLEFT = LRECL*IBIPW IFIRST = 2 ENDIF * *-- store REAL * IF (ITYPE .EQ. 1) THEN IF (ISIZE .EQ. 4) THEN IF (RANGE) THEN QVAL = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) #if defined(CERNLIB_SUN)||defined(CERNLIB_SOLARIS)||defined(CERNLIB_SGI)||defined(CERNLIB_DECS)||defined(CERNLIB_ALPHA)||defined(CERNLIB_HPUX)||defined(CERNLIB_IBMRT) * test the floating point JX=IFPS(QVAL) IF(JX .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(MSG,'(A,I10,A,I10)') + 'HFNT bad float in column:',IOFF/ZNADDR,' line:',J CALL HFPBUG(QVAL,MSG,ID) ENDIF * #endif IF (QVAL .LT. FMIN .OR. QVAL .GT. FMAX) THEN LL = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZLNAME) LV = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNAME) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCHAR+LV), 4, NAME, LL) WRITE(MESS,1000) NAME(1:LL), IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT), + QVAL CALL HBUG(MESS,'HFNT',ID) ENDIF IF (QVAL .LT. FMIN) QVAL = FMIN IF (QVAL .GT. FMAX) QVAL = FMAX ENDIF IF (NBITS .EQ. 32) THEN #if defined(CERNLIB_NO_IEEE) CALL IE3FOS(Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J), + Q(LR2+IFIRST),1,K) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_NO_IEEE) Q(LR2+IFIRST) = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) * test the floating point JX=IFPS(Q(LR2+IFIRST)) IF(JX .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(MSG,'(A,I10,A,I10)') + 'HFNT bad float in column:',IOFF/ZNADDR,' line:',J CALL HFPBUG(Q(LR2+IFIRST),MSG,ID) ENDIF * #endif ELSE IBITF = ISHFT(1,NBITS)-1 IF (QVAL.EQ.FMAX) THEN IPACK = IBITF ELSE IPACK = (QVAL-FMIN)/(FMAX-FMIN)*IBITF+0.5 ENDIF CALL SBYT(IPACK, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS) ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 8) THEN IF (NBITS .EQ. 64) THEN #if defined(CERNLIB_NO_IEEE) CALL IE3FOD(Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J-1), + Q(LR2+IFIRST),1,K) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_NO_IEEE) #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX)||defined(CERNLIB_DECS)||(defined(CERNLIB_LINUX) && !defined(CERNLIB_PPC))||defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) Q(LR2+IFIRST) = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J) Q(LR2+IFIRST+1) = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J-1) JX=IFPD(Q(LR2+IFIRST+1)) #else Q(LR2+IFIRST) = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J-1) Q(LR2+IFIRST+1) = Q(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J) JX=IFPD(Q(LR2+IFIRST)) #endif * test the floating point IF(JX .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(MSG,'(A,I10,A,I10)') + 'HFNT bad float in column:',IOFF/ZNADDR,' line:',2*J-1 CALL HFPBUG(Q(LR2+IFIRST),'HFNT',ID) ENDIF #endif ELSE *-- no double precision packed reals yet ENDIF ENDIF * *-- store INTEGER * ELSEIF (ITYPE .EQ. 2) THEN IF (ISIZE .EQ. 2) THEN ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 4) THEN IF (.NOT.RANGE .AND. NBITS.NE.32) THEN *** IMAX = 2**(NBITS-1) - 1 IMAX = ISHFT(1,NBITS-1) - 1 IMIN = -IMAX RANGE = .TRUE. ENDIF IF (RANGE) THEN IVAL = IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) IF (IVAL .LT. IMIN .OR. IVAL .GT. IMAX) THEN LL = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZLNAME) LV = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNAME) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCHAR+LV), 4, NAME, LL) WRITE(MESS,1010) NAME(1:LL), IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT), + IVAL CALL HBUG(MESS,'HFNT',ID) ENDIF IF (IVAL .LT. IMIN) IVAL = IMIN IF (IVAL .GT. IMAX) IVAL = IMAX ENDIF IF (INDVAR) THEN IQ(LR2+IFIRST) = IQ(LR2+IFIRST-1) + + IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) ELSEIF (NBITS .EQ. 32) THEN IQ(LR2+IFIRST) = IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) ELSE IF (IVAL .LT. 0) THEN CALL SBIT1(IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+NBITS) CALL SBYT(-IVAL, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS-1) ELSE * * Mods from Rainer Bartoldus * The previous version was: * CALL SBYT(IVAL, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS-1) * CALL SBYT(IVAL, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS) * ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 8) THEN IF (NBITS .EQ. 64) THEN IQ(LR2+IFIRST) =IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J-1) IQ(LR2+IFIRST+1)=IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J) ELSE *-- no double precision packed integers yet ENDIF ENDIF * *-- store UNSIGNED INTEGER * ELSEIF (ITYPE .EQ. 3) THEN IF (ISIZE .EQ. 2) THEN ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 4) THEN IF (.NOT.RANGE .AND. NBITS.NE.32) THEN *** IMAX = 2**(NBITS) - 1 IMAX = ISHFT(1,NBITS) - 1 IMIN = 0 RANGE = .TRUE. ENDIF IF (RANGE) THEN IVAL = IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) IF (IVAL .LT. IMIN .OR. IVAL .GT. IMAX) THEN LL = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZLNAME) LV = IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNAME) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCHAR+LV), 4, NAME, LL) WRITE(MESS,1010) NAME(1:LL), IQ(LBLOK+ZNOENT), + IVAL CALL HBUG(MESS,'HFNT',ID) ENDIF IF (IVAL .LT. IMIN) IVAL = IMIN IF (IVAL .GT. IMAX) IVAL = IMAX ENDIF IF (NBITS .EQ. 32) THEN IQ(LR2+IFIRST) = IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) ELSE CALL SBYT(IVAL, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS) ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 8) THEN IF (NBITS .EQ. 64) THEN IQ(LR2+IFIRST) =IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J-1) IQ(LR2+IFIRST+1)=IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+2*J) ELSE *-- no double precision packed unsigned integers yet ENDIF ENDIF * *-- store LOGICAL * ELSEIF (ITYPE .EQ. 4) THEN IF (ISIZE .EQ. 1) THEN ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 2) THEN ELSEIF (ISIZE .EQ. 4) THEN ILOGIC = IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+J) IF (LOGIC) THEN CALL SBYT(1, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS) ELSE CALL SBYT(0, IQ(LR2+IFIRST), NB+1, NBITS) ENDIF ENDIF * *-- store CHARACTER string * ELSEIF (ITYPE .EQ. 5) THEN MXBY = ISHFT(ISIZE,-2) DO 20 K = 1, MXBY IQ(LR2+IFIRST+K-1) = + IQ(IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZNADDR)+MXBY*(J-1)+K) 20 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX)||defined(CERNLIB_DECS)||defined(CERNLIB_MSDOS)||(defined(CERNLIB_LINUX) && !defined(CERNLIB_PPC))||defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) CALL HRZTOA(IQ(LR2+IFIRST),MXBY) #endif ENDIF * NB = NB + NBITS IF (ISHBIT .NE. 0) THEN IFIRST = IFIRST + ISHFT(NB,-ISHBIT) ELSE IFIRST = IFIRST + NB/IBIPW ENDIF *** NB = MOD(NB, IBIPW) NB = IAND(NB, IBIPW-1) NLEFT = NLEFT - NBITS IF (J .EQ. 1) CALL SBIT1(IQ(LQ(LBUF-LCIND)),1) 30 CONTINUE * *-- update pointers * IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZIFCON) = IFIRST IQ(LNAME+IOFF+ZIFBIT) = NB + 1 * 40 IOFF = IOFF + ZNADDR 50 CONTINUE * 60 RETURN * 1000 FORMAT(A,': Value out of range, event ',I10,' value ',G14.7) 1010 FORMAT(A,': Value out of range, event ',I10,' value ',I11) * END