* * $Id: hadjust.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:07 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hadjust.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:07 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.20/13 19/10/93 15.35.31 by Roger Barlow, Christine Beeston *-- Author : Roger Barlow, Christine Beeston 24/09/93 SUBROUTINE HADJUST(TI,I,P,KZERO,AKI) C Subroutine which given a set of Pj (answer), solves for the ti C (ti = 1 - di/fi, where di is the number of data events in bin i, C and fi is the number of mc events predicted in bin i, given the Pj C provided. fi = Nd * sum over j of (Pj aji/Nj), where Nd = total data C events, Nj is total number of mc events from source j, aji is number C of mc events from source j in bin i. #include "hbook/hcmcpm.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION TI,P(NSRCMX),WPMAX,TMIN,AKI, + STEP,FUNC,DERIV,D,DELTA,WJI,WKI #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) REAL TI,P(NSRCMX),WPMAX,TMIN,AKI, + STEP,FUNC,DERIV,D,DELTA,WJI,WKI #endif INTEGER I,KZERO,IMAX,J,NPMAX,APMAXS C set up largest step value STEP=0.2D0 C First case - di=0 -> ti=1 IF(NINT(HI(IDD,I)).EQ.0)THEN TI=1.0D0 KZERO=0 RETURN ENDIF C Find the largest pj (for case when one or more of the aji are zero) WPMAX=HI(IDW(1),I)*P(1) IMAX=1 DO 10 J=2,NMCSRC WJI=HI(IDW(J),I) IF(WJI*P(J).GT.WPMAX)THEN WPMAX=WJI*P(J) IMAX=J ENDIF 10 CONTINUE C count the number of sources having p=pmax, and the sum of their aji NPMAX=0 APMAXS=0 DO 20J=1,NMCSRC WJI=HI(IDW(J),I) IF(WJI*P(J).EQ.WPMAX)THEN NPMAX=NPMAX+1 APMAXS=APMAXS+HI(IDM(J),I) ENDIF C check that none of the p(j) are zero as this causes crashes IF(WJI*P(J).EQ.0.0D0)THEN WRITE(6,*)'ADJUST: P(',J,') =',P(J),' - zero + fractions cause crashes' WRITE(6,*)'ADJUST: dont set starting values + to zero - if you didnt then' WRITE(6,*)'ADJUST: try setting limits on the P(J) + (0