* * $Id: hcreateg.F,v 1996/01/16 17:08:09 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hcreateg.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:08:09 mclareni * First import * * #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.22/09 21/07/94 18.55.55 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : FUNCTION hcreateg(global_name,base_common,size) * * J.G. Loken 1/11/87 * * Last modification: 16/11/93 - cater for variable size * pages on AXP (JDS) * * Function to create and map a global section. * * This function first opens a file with UFO option (using HST_OPEN_GBL), * then creates and maps the global section using SYS$CRMPSC. * Open the file using SYS$SETDFPROT to set protection loose. * * GLOBAL_NAME is the name of the section to be mapped. * BASE_COMMON is the first word of the COMMON to be mapped. * SIZE is the size of the common in words. * HCREATEG is returned equal to the global section length (pages) if OK, * or as an error if not (< 0). * * HCREATEG$DIR is a logical which, if defined, gives the directory * for the mapping file of the global section. * In this case, the file is not deleted upon closing. * INCLUDE '($SECDEF)/NOLIST' INCLUDE '($SSDEF)/NOLIST' * INCLUDE '($SYIDEF)/NOLIST' * * Hard code item code for pre V5.5 systems * PARAMETER (SYI$_PAGE_SIZE=4452) * CHARACTER*(*) global_name CHARACTER*255 ERRMSG CHARACTER*80 name CHARACTER*80 file_dir CHARACTER*7 open_status INTEGER*4 len_dir,istat,lib$sys_trnlog,length INTEGER*4 base_common,size INTEGER*4 inad(2),rtad(2),flag,inchan,npages,apages INTEGER*4 hcreateg,iprot,jprot INTEGER*4 str$trim,sys$getsyiw * INTEGER*4 hopen_gbl EXTERNAL hopen_gbl COMMON/opencom/inchan,apages INTEGER*4 gbl_lun * * System services * INTEGER*4 sys$crmpsc,sys$getsyi,sys$setdfprot INTEGER*4 sys$getmsg INTEGER*4 sec$m_temp/0/ !test replacement for perm STRUCTURE /ITMLST/ UNION MAP INTEGER*2 BUFFER_LENGTH INTEGER*2 ITEM_CODE INTEGER*4 BUFFER_ADDRESS INTEGER*4 RETURN_LENGTH_ADDRESS ENDMAP MAP INTEGER*4 END_LIST /0/ ENDMAP END UNION END STRUCTURE RECORD /ITMLST/ SYI_LIST(2) INTEGER IOSB(2) * * *************************************************************************** * istat = str$trim(name,global_name,length) npages=(size+127)/128 * * Look for directory for mapping file. * * istat = lib$sys_trnlog ('HCREATEG$DIR',len_dir,file_dir) IF (istat .EQ. SS$_NORMAL) THEN open_status = 'UNKNOWN' ELSE file_dir = ' ' len_dir = 0 open_status = 'SCRATCH' ENDIF * * Setup histogram global section. * istat = lib$get_lun(gbl_lun) iprot = 0 istat = sys$setdfprot(iprot,jprot) * OPEN(UNIT=gbl_lun,STATUS=open_status, & FILE=file_dir(1:len_dir)//name(1:length)//'.GBL', & RECL=512,RECORDTYPE='FIXED',NOSPANBLOCKS,INITIALSIZE=NPAGES, & EXTENDSIZE=512,CARRIAGECONTROL='NONE',USEROPEN=hopen_gbl) * istat = sys$setdfprot(jprot,iprot) * npages=min(npages,apages) inad(1)=%loc(base_common) if ( mod(inad(1),512) .ne. 0) then call hbug('Start address of global section '''//name(1:length)// + ''' is not PAGE aligned','HCREATEG',0) endif * * Get page size of this machine * SYI_LIST(1).BUFFER_LENGTH = 4 SYI_LIST(1).ITEM_CODE = SYI$_PAGE_SIZE SYI_LIST(1).BUFFER_ADDRESS = %LOC(ISIZE) SYI_LIST(1).RETURN_LENGTH_ADDRESS = %LOC(LSIZE) SYI_LIST(2).END_LIST = 0 ISTAT = SYS$GETSYIW(,,,SYI_LIST,IOSB,,) * * Assume that we are on a VAX in case of problems * (e.g. unknown item code) * IF(.NOT.ISTAT.OR..NOT.IOSB(1)) ISIZE = 512 inad(2)=inad(1)+ISIZE*npages-1 flag=sec$m_gbl+sec$m_wrt+sec$m_temp hcreateg=sys$crmpsc(inad,rtad,,%val(flag) & ,name(1:length),,,%VAL(inchan),%VAL(npages),,,) IF((hcreateg.AND.1).EQ.0) THEN * * Get error message * istat = sys$getmsg(%val(hcreateg),lenmsg,errmsg,,) CALL HBUG(ERRMSG(1:LENMSG),'HCREATEG',0) hcreateg=-hcreateg ELSE hcreateg=(rtad(2)-rtad(1)+1)/ISIZE ENDIF * RETURN END #endif