* * $Id: hdiffb.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:56 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hdiffb.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:56 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.20/00 11/06/93 08.28.24 by Rene Brun *-- Author : R. J. Genik II 23/10/92 SUBROUTINE HDIFFB(ID1,ID2,TOL,NBINS,CHOPT,NBAD,DIFFS) C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C- C- Purpose and Methods : A bin-by-bin comparator for the HBOOK utility. C- C- Inputs : ID1 First histogram to compare (Reference) C- ID2 Second histogram ID (Data) C- TOL Tolerence for passing a test C- NBINS Number of bins in comparison C- CHOPT String holding the function options C- N Use absolute contents of histogram C- D Debug printout C- O Use overflow bins C- U Use underflow bins C- S Statistical comparison C- C Compatibility test C- A Absolute test C- Z Zero supress and pass C- R Right overflow bin C- L Left underflow bin C- T Top overflow bin C- B Bottom underflow bin C- C- Outputs : NBAD Number of bins failing test C- DIFFS Array holding the individual bin results C- Controls: None C- C- Created 30-JUN-1989 Jason McCampbell C- Michigan State University, USA C- MODIFIED 20-AUG-1990 James T. McKinley C- Michigan State University, USA C- MODIFIED 23-AUG-1992 R. J. Genik II C- Michigan State University, USA C- MODIFIED 8-MAR-1993 R. J. Genik II C- Michigan State University, USA C- C- A-OPTION Now returns signed DIFFS values C- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C NOTE: DIFFS is treated as a 1-d array, even with 2-d output. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C C NOTES ON USE: production release October 1992, D-zero version. C C The 4 libraries required are: HBOOK4 (Or later version), GENLIB, C KERNLIB, and PACKLIB. C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Local variable declarations for top HDIFFB routine C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C #if defined(CERNLIB_HDIFFBDOC) -------------------- CALL HDIFFB(ID1,ID2,TOL,NBINS,CHOPT,NBAD*,DIFFS*) Action: Compare two histograms, bin by bin. For each bin, return the probability that the contents are from the same distribution. For details of the method see below. The comparison may be done between two 1-dimensional histograms, two 2-dimensional histograms, or between two profile histograms. Input Parameters: ID1 the first histogram to be compared. The "reference" histogram in options A and C. ID2 the second histogram to be compared. The "data" histogram in options A and C. ID1, ID2 are a pair of histograms, scatterplots, or profile histograms booked with the same number of bins. TOL is the tolerance for a passing the test. Under options S and C, TOL is a number between 0 and 1 which represents the smallest probability considered as an acceptable match. TOL = 0.05 will cause DIFFS to reject the bin as bad if there is less than a 5% probability the two bins came from the same distribution. Under option A, TOL is the degree of precision of match required for the test to be considered as passed. TOL=2.0 means that a data bin differing from the reference mean by less than 2.0 times the reference error is compatible. NBINS is the number of bins in the comparison. For a 1-dimensional histogram, this is the number of bins plus 0, 1 or 2, depending on whether the overflow and underflow channels are included. For a 2-dimensional histogram, this will have the total number of bins plus room for overflow bins along any of the axes requested. For more detail, see the discussion of DIFFS below. CHOPT is a string allowing specification of the following options: N Use the absolute contents of each histogram, thus including the normalization of the histogram as well as its shape in the comparison. By default, for the S and C options, in 1- and 2-dimensional histograms, the means are adjusted for the relative numbers of entries (including any overflow or underflow bins requested) in ID1 and ID2. No adjustment is ever made for profile histograms. O Overflow, requests that overflow bins be taken into account. U Underflow, requests that underflow bins be taken into account. R Right overflow bin. For a 2-dimensional histogram, it includes the X-Axis overflow bin in the comparisons. If the O option is used, this is automatic. L Left underflow bin. Same as above, but the X-Axis underflow is used. The U option uses this automatically. T Top overflow bin. Same as R but for the Y-Axis B Bottom underflow bin. Option L for the Y-Axis S Statistical comparison. Calculates the probability that both bins were produced from a distribution with the same mean. This probability is referred to in TOL and DIFFS. C Compatibility test. Considers bins of the reference histogram (ID1) as perfectly describing the true distribution. Calculates the probability that the data (from ID2) was produced from that distribution. For 1- or 2-dimensional histograms, the Poisson mean is deduced from ID1. For profile histograms, the test assumes a Gaussian with mean and standard deviation given by the ID1. The C option should be used when comparing data to a function, a well-known reference, or a calibration distribution. A Absolute test. Like the C test, except that TOL and DIFFS are in terms of the number of standard deviations, rather probability. The test is on the number of standard deviations by which the data from ID2 deviates from the mean. Both the mean and the standard deviation are deduced from ID1 . Error bars must be on for this option. This forbids overflow bins, underflow bins, and 2-dimensional histograms. The A option ignores bins with zero contents in reference histogram. Z Ignores bins with zero contents in the comparison. For the S option, ignores bins with zero contents in either histogram. For the C and A option, ignores bins with zero contents in the reference histogram. The default action is to consider all bins as significant. D Debug printout, dumps the critical variables in the comparisons, along with indicators of its weight, etc. The default (no options selected) does the S option (statistical comparison), ignores underflow and overflow bins, and automatically corrects for the difference in entries between ID1 and ID2. Output Parameters: NBAD* is the number of bins failing the comparison according to the criteria defined by TOL and CHOPT. DIFFS* is an array of length the number of bins being compared, which gives the results of the test bin by bin (confidence levels for options S and C, deviations for A). The results are passed back in the form: 1-dimensional: DIFFS(NX) for no over or under flow, or for profile histogram DIFFS(0:NX), for underflow DIFFS(NX+1), for overflow DIFFS(0:NX+1), for overflow and underflow 2-dimensional: DIFFS(NX,NY) or similarly to above depending on which overflow/underflow options selected The input array must be dimensioned this way in order to be able to find the results for each bin. Note: The calculation of DIFFS is dependent upon the choice of TOL, and the contents of each bin, in addition to the type of histograms and the test selected (see technical notes). When to use HDIFFB instead of HDIFF HDIFFB treats the histogram bins individually, while HDIFF treats the histogram as a whole. In HDIFF, one is comparing the overall shapes of a probability distribution. Typically, an event is entered only in one channel, and the choice of channel depends on a measured value of a continuous coordinate, so that it makes sense for downward fluctuations in one bin to be considered as compensated by upward fluctuations in another bin. In HDIFFB, each bin is considered independently, except, perhaps, for an overall normalization factor which is the sum over all bins. Thus HDIFFB is appropriate when - it makes sense to identify a single channel as "bad", for example if the bin contents correspond to hits in a given detector element - the data is heterogeneous, for example if the contents are counts vs trigger bit - you have already found a discrepancy on a shape with HDIFF and wish to focus on where disagreement is worst. A plot of hits vs detector element, where the detector elements cover some angular range is an example of a histogram which might be considered with either comparison utility. The choice depends on the question you wish to answer: - If you want to know if the angular distribution looks the same, use HDIFF. - If you want a report on bad detector elements, use HDIFFB. Choice of TOL If you choose .05 for TOL, you should expect 5 or so bad bins per trial from a histogram with 100 channels. For monitoring, you must compromise between the number of false messages you can tolerate (based on the total number of channels you monitor), and the amount of data you will need to collect to claim a channel is bad. In general, a somewhat smaller fraction of channels than TOL will be flagged as bad, since for discrete distributions (Poisson statistics), the probability is quantized. For example, the probability might be .053 for 4 entries, and .021 for 3. If TOL=0.05, only bins with 3 or fewer entries would be flagged as bad. When to use the S option The S option should be used when both histograms are filled with statistical data, for example a momentum distribution from two successive data runs. Using the S option when comparing data to a function or known reference yields poor results because it attributes errors to both histograms. In this case, the C option should be selected. When to use the C option The C option assumes that the reference histogram contains the theoretically expected values with no (or negligible) errors. Examples might be a flat distribution hand-inserted as the expectation for a phi distribution, or a long data run to be compared with shorter data runs. When to use the A option The A option can be used as an equivalent to the C test by choosing TOL in terms of standard deviations instead of probability, and returns z values in DIFFS for each bin. The A option is intended for setting by hand absolute minima and maxima. To restrict an efficiency between 80 and 100 %, load the reference histogram with a mean of .9 (by HPAK) and the error bar of .1 (via HPAKE), and use HDIFFB with TOL = 1.0 and the A option. The N option should also be selected for this application. Comparison of Weighted vs Unweighted events This is in general undesirable, as it forces you into the less accurate Gaussian approximation. Thus it is preferable, for example, to have unweighted Monte Carlo events if you need to use HDIFFB to compare with data. The only useful case is if the weighted histogram is the reference histogram in the C comparison, which only makes sense if you have much better accuracy than your data. Using Profile histograms The N option is irrelevant for profile histograms. The overflow/underflow options are illegal for profile histograms because insufficient information is stored to calculate the error bars. None of the test options (S, C, or A) check on the number of entries in a profile histogram bin. To do that, make a separate 1-dimensional histogram. This has an unexpected effect when the number of entries are small. Bins with no entries always pass the S and C options (no data is compatible with any distribution), so in such cases more bins pass than called for by TOL. Values of DIFFS The value of DIFFS may depend somewhat on the value of TOL chosen, as the approximation chosen to calculate DIFFS depends on both the number of entries and on the size of TOL (how accurately DIFFS must be calcuated). The S-option sometimes returns a confidence level of 1.0 in the small statistics calculation, i.e. there is no probability that the two numbers came from different distributions. This is due to finite precision. Values slightly higher than 1.0 will be returned when the two content values are identical, since no statistical test could claim they came from different distributions. Other notes The normalization scaling (used unless N option selected) is based on channel contents for all channels requested (including overflow/underflow), provided you select one of the overflow/underflow options. Negative bin contents are flagged as bad bins in S, C options. Statistical methods and numerical notes: (For simplicity, this is written as if the N option were in effect.) The methods used for the S and C mode are correct for unweighted events and Poisson statistics for 1- or 2- dimensional histograms. Errors may result in either the S and C options for small tolerances if bin contents are greater than the largest allowed integer. For the S test with unweighted events, the test (which is uniformly most powerful) treats N = sum of the two bin contents as having chosen via a binomial distibution which histogram to enter. The binomial parameter p is given by the relative normalization of the histograms (.5 if the total number of entries in each histogram was the same). For DIFFS values greater than TOL, the first two digits are correct. For values less than TOL, the two digits to the right of the first non-zero TOL digit are significant. i.e. for TOL=0.0001, 0.000xxx are significant. One can force higher accuracy by setting TOL smaller (or even 0), but calculation time will increase, and warning messages will be issued. A Gaussian approximation is used when there are 25 or more events in each bin, and TOL > .001 . The C test for unweighted events in the data histogram simply calculates the Poisson probability of finding n, the ID2 bin value, given a mean equal to the bin value of ID1. A Gaussian approximation is used when the the mean is 10**6 or larger, and TOL is .001 or larger. Given the expected mean, the choice of TOL implies bounds (n<,n>) on n. An error occurs when the approximations in calculating DIFFS give an incorrect value for n< or n>. No such errors occur for mean < 10**5 and TOL > 10**-15. The errors in n< or n> are less than 2 for mean < 10**6, TOL > 10**-6, or mean < 10**7, TOL > 10**-5. There is a maximum n beyond which DIFFS returns zero, so bins with n > nmax always pass. For mean < 10**7, this is irrelevant for values of TOL > 10**-9 . For the profile histogram S test, HDIFFB calculates the t test probability that both bin means were produced from a population with the same mean. The C test calculates the probability of finding the value in ID1 given a Gaussian with mean and sigma given by the ID2 contents. Small numbers of entries for either test give DIFFS values which are too large, and HDIFFB will reject too many events in profile histograms. For weighted events, the S and C tests use a Gaussian approximation. This results in DIFFS values which are too low. HDIFFB rejects too many bins for weighted events, particularly for small numbers of equivalent events. Errors reported by HDIFFB: Warning: Zero tolerance. The passed value TOL is less than or equal to 0. TOL = 0. can be used to force highest accuracy in the S-option. Warning: Only one comparison at a time, please. More than one type of comparison was selected. Only one of options S, C, and A may be used. The defaults S option will be used. Warning: Different binning. The XMin values for a 1-dimensional histogram or the XMin and/or YMin values on a 2-dimensional histogram are different. This may give inaccurate results. Warning: Weighted or saturated events in 2-dimensions. HBOOK does not compute error bars for two dimensional histograms, thus weighted event are not allowed, and HDIFFB can not compute the correct statistics. An answer is still given, but it is probably not right. The only reliable case is a weighted 2-dimenension histogram as the reference histogram for the C test. Sum of histogram contents is zero! The sum of the content bins is zero. Both histograms must be the same dimension. A 1-dimensional and a 2-dimensional histogram have been specified. In order for the routine to work, both must be the same dimensionality. Both histograms must be the standard or profile type. Two different types of histograms have been specified. Both must be profile or non-profile. You cannot mix types. Not enough bins DIFF to hold result. The parameter NBINS is less that the number of bins in the histograms. Number of channels is different. The number of channels in the two histograms to compare are different. They must be the same before the routine will process the data. U/O/L/R/T/B Option with weighted events. HBOOK does not compute an error bar for over-/under-flow bins, thus it may not be used with weighted events. U/O/L/R/T/B Option with profile histograms. HBOOK does not compute an error bar for over-/under-flow bins, thus it may not be used with profile histograms. Weighted options and no HBARX. The user had not told HBOOK to figure the error bars for the histograms. Therefore, the operations will not be valid. A-option with no error bars on reference histogram. The user has not told HBOOK to compute error bars for the reference histogram. This error is also returned when the user attempts to select A-option to compare 2-dimensional histograms. Authors: R. J. Genik II, J. McKinley, J. McCampbell, J. Linnemann, D. Gilliland Michigan State University. J. Linnemann (LINNEMAN@MSUPA is the contact person) #endif #include "hbook/hcdifb.inc" INTEGER ID1, ID2, NBAD, NBINS REAL TOL, DIFFS(NBINS) CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT LOGICAL ERRORS C C C===================================================================== C Call initialization and error checking routine HDBINI C===================================================================== C C C CALL HDBINI(ID1,ID2,TOL,NBINS,CHOPT,ERRORS) IF(ERRORS) GOTO 999 C C C===================================================================== C Do actual comparisons. C===================================================================== C IF (PROFIL) THEN CALL HDBPRF(TOL,NBINS,NBAD,DIFFS) C ! Profile S,C,or A ELSEIF (OPTS(COPTN).EQ.1) THEN C ! C option CALL HDBCOP(TOL,NBINS,NBAD,DIFFS) ELSEIF (OPTS(AOPTN).EQ.1) THEN C ! A option CALL HDBAOP(TOL,NBINS,NBAD,DIFFS) ELSE C ! S option CALL HDBSOP(TOL,NBINS,NBAD,DIFFS) ENDIF C C===================================================================== C Go back from whence we came... C===================================================================== 999 RETURN END