* * $Id: hbnsum.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:53 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hbnsum.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:53 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.17/01 23/10/92 11.51.54 by R. J. Genik II *-- Author : R. J. Genik II 23/10/92 #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION HBNSUM(NSTRT,NEND,NMAX,P,QQQ,ACCUR) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) REAL FUNCTION HBNSUM(NSTRT,NEND,NMAX,P,QQQ,ACCUR) #endif C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : CALCULATE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION INTERVAL SUM C- C- Returned value : (DOUBLE PRECISION) SUM OF BINOMIAL TERMS C- BETWEEN NSTRT, NEND TO ACCUR ORDER C- Inputs : NSTRT,NEND : INTEGER; P,QQQ: DBLE PREC; ACCUR : REAL C- Outputs : NONE C- Controls: ACCUR ; Stops summing if rest of sum is smaller than C- requested accuracy. C- C- CREATED 22-OCT-1992 R. J. Genik II C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Local and passed variable declarations C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C INTEGER NSTRT,NEND,NSTEP,NMAX,N,K #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION HLBINO, P,QQQ,DLNTRM,DLAST,DLNP,DLNQQQ #endif REAL SMLNUM, ACCUR C #include "hbook/hcdifb.inc" C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C C Small Num is used to terminate summing and increase speed by C not calculating terms which are not significant to the user. C This is how it works (it emulates a DO WHILE we care loop): C C The summation extends from the most to least significant C terms (low to high for U, high to low for L). When the rest C of the sum (tail) becomes less than the requested accuracy, C the loop is terminated with a GOTO. The general procedure C is to calculate the log of the term, the check if we can C exponentiate it within machine error. C C The user is responsible for putting NSTRT,NEND in the right C order. Mistakes will just waste time, not give the wrong C answer (because we have included a flag to make sure that C the terms are decreasing before we quit summing.) C C When we are asked to only calculate one term, ACCUR is C set to its default value. The default value is the C smallest allowed by underflow. (i.e. maximum accuracy) C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C HBNSUM=0.0 C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * Check if invalid values were sent C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C IF ((NSTRT.LT.0).OR.(NEND.LT.0).OR.(NMAX.LT.0).OR. + (QQQ.LE.0.).OR.(P.LE.0.)) GOTO 999 C C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * Set accuracy, default to -lnbigp C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C IF ((ACCUR.LE.0.).OR.(NSTRT.EQ.NEND).OR. + (LOG(ACCUR).LT.(-LNBIGP-10.*ABS(NSTRT-NEND)))) THEN SMLNUM = -LNBIGP ELSE SMLNUM = LOG(ACCUR/(ABS(NSTRT-NEND)*10.)) ENDIF C DLNP = LOG(P) DLNQQQ = LOG(QQQ) N = NMAX C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * Get the log of the first term for the first comparison C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C DLAST = HLBINO(N,NSTRT) + NSTRT*DLNP+(N-NSTRT)*DLNQQQ C C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * Set step control for do loop C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C NSTEP = 1 IF (NSTRT.GT.NEND) NSTEP = -1 C DO 10 K=NSTRT,NEND,NSTEP C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * Use LOG terms. For our purposes, the accuracy of C calculating p**k and the like is similiar to that C of k*log(p) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C DLNTRM = HLBINO(N,K) + K*DLNP+(N-K)*DLNQQQ C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C * If exp(dtemp) is within accuracy requested, or the C default of underflow protection, add to sum. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C IF (DLNTRM.GT.SMLNUM) THEN HBNSUM =HBNSUM + EXP(DLNTRM) DLAST = DLNTRM C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Terminate DO loops to save time once we acheive C requested accuracy. C BUT... C Make sure we are not increasing before we C terminate loop. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C ELSEIF (DLNTRM.LT.DLAST) THEN GOTO 999 C C ENDIF 10 CONTINUE 999 RETURN END