* * $Id: hexam6.F,v 1.2 1996/06/06 09:52:44 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: hexam6.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/06/06 09:52:44 cernlib * Remove #ifdef (CERNLIB_EXAMPLES) and pilot.h where not used * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:50 mclareni * First import * * #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.17/02 21/12/92 08.21.10 by John Allison *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HEXAM6 *.==========> *. PARAMETRIZATION - SMOOTHING *..=========> ( R.Brun ) #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION COEFF #endif DIMENSION ITERM(15),COEFF(15) *.___________________________________________ * CALL HTITLE('EXAMPLE NO = 6') * * Get hist 110 from data base * CALL HRGET(110,'hexam.dat',' ') * * * Find best parametrization of histogram in terms of powers * of shifted Tchebychev polynomials * also produces the corresponding fortran function (here on * standard output) * * CALL HCOPY(110,1,' ') CALL HSETPR('PNBX',15.) CALL HSETPR('PNCX',15.) CALL HSETPR('PLUN',31.) CALL HPARAM(1,3011,1.,14,COEFF,ITERM,NCO) CALL HPRINT(1) * * * ID=2 is smoothed with B-splines * statistical errors (sqrt of contents) are drawn * * CALL HCOPY(110,2,' ') CALL HSPLI1(2,2,14,3,CHI2) CALL HIDOPT(2,'ERRO') CALL HPHIST(2,'HIST',1) * * * ID=3 is smoothed with multiquadrics * statistical errors (sqrt of contents) are drawn * * CALL HCOPY(110,3,' ') CALL HQUAD(3,'V',0,0.,0.,NPAR,CHI2,NDF,FMIN,FMAX,IERR) LOUT=31 IF(IERR.NE.0)THEN WRITE (LOUT, 10000) IERR ELSE WRITE (LOUT, 10100) NPAR, CHI2, NDF WRITE (LOUT, 10200) FMIN, FMAX CALL HIDOPT(3,'ERRO') CALL HPHIST(3,'HIST',1) END IF * * * Turn off writing of parameter function. * * CALL HSETPR('PLUN',0.) * * 10000 FORMAT (1X, 'Error', I5, ' in multiquadric smoothing.') 10100 FORMAT (1X, 'Multiquadric smoothing with', I4, ' parameters.'/ +3X, 'Chi-squared', G12.5, ' for', I7, ' degrees of freedom.') 10200 FORMAT (3X, 'Min/max event density:', 2G12.5) END