* * $Id: hexam5.F,v 1.2 1996/06/06 09:52:43 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: hexam5.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/06/06 09:52:43 cernlib * Remove #ifdef (CERNLIB_EXAMPLES) and pilot.h where not used * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:50 mclareni * First import * * #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.10/05 22/11/89 18.48.27 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HEXAM5 *.==========> *. OPERATIONS ON HISTOGRAMS AND FITTING *..=========> ( R.Brun ) COMMON/HDEXF/C1,C2,XM1,XM2,XS1,XS2 COMMON /HEXF/A,B,C,D #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION C1,C2,XM1,XM2,XS1,XS2,HDFUN,HDFUN1 #endif DIMENSION X(100),Y(100) DIMENSION XF(4000,2),YF(4000),EY(4000),SIGPAR(6),COV(21),ST(6), +PMI(6),PMA(6) EXTERNAL HDFUN,HDFUN1,HFUNGA CHARACTER*12 TITL1 DATA TITL1/'TITLE OF ID1'/ *.___________________________________________ *. CALL HTITLE('EXAMPLE NO = 5') * * GET hist 110 from data base * CALL HRGET(110,'hexam.dat',' ') CALL HRGET(210,'hexam.dat',' ') * * CALL HBOOK1(1,TITL1,100,0.,1.,0.) CALL HCOPY(1,2,'TITLE OF ID = 2') * * Gets information from ID=110 and fills new IDs 1,2 * CALL HUNPAK(110,X,'HIST',1) CALL UCOPY(X,Y,100) CALL VZERO(X(51),50) CALL HPAK(1,X) CALL HPHIST(1,'HIST',1) CALL VZERO(Y,50) CALL HPAK(2,Y) CALL HPHIST(2,'HIST',1) * * adds 1 and 2. Identifier 3 is created and will contain * result of addition * CALL HOPERA(1,'+',2,3,1.,1.) CALL HCOPY(3,4,' ') * * Fits 3 with the function HTFUN1 defined in example 2 . * Initializes parameters. Prints results of the last * iteration. * Superimpose result of fit to the histogram * The result of this fit can be compared with the initial * parameters of example 2 * C1=40. C2=20. XM1=0.4 XM2=0.6 XS1=0.1 XS2=0.1 * CALL HFITS(3,HDFUN1,6,C1,CHI2,12,SIGPAR) * CALL HPHIST(3,'HIST',1) * * * Fits a two-dimensional distribution (xf,yf) with HFITN * initialize parameters. Prints results of the last * iteration. * Errors EY automatically computed as SQRT(yf) * NY=0 DO 10 J=1,40 DO 5 I=1,100 CONT=HIJ (210,I,J) IF (CONT.EQ.0.) GOTO 5 NY=NY+1 YF(NY)=CONT EY(NY)=SQRT(CONT) CALL HIJXY (210,I,J,X1,X2) XF(NY,1)=X1+0.005 XF(NY,2)=X2+0.0125 5 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE C1=3. C2=1. XM1=0.3 XM2=0.7 XS1=0.07 XS2=0.12 DO 15 I=1,6 ST(I)=-1. 15 CONTINUE * CALL HFITN (XF,YF,EY,NY,4000,2,HDFUN,6,C1,CHI2,11,SIGPAR,COV, +ST,PMI,PMA) WRITE(31,*) ' COVARIANCE MATRIX' WRITE(31,*) ' *****************' I2=0 DO 20 K=1,6 I1=I2+1 I2=I1+K-1 WRITE(31,*) (COV(I),I=I1,I2) 20 CONTINUE * * * Gaussian fitting. Prints first and last iterations. * CALL HDELET (0) A=2. B=0.4 C=0.1 CALL HBFUN1 (1,' ',100,0.,1.,HFUNGA) CALL HBOOK1 (5,' ',100,0.,1.,1000.) DO 30 I=1,5000 XR=HRNDM1 (1) CALL HFILL (5,XR,0.,1.) 30 CONTINUE * CALL HFITGA (5,A,B,C,CHI2,12,SIGPAR) CALL HPRINT (5) CALL HDELET (0) * END * * #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) FUNCTION HDFUN (X) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION HDFUN (X) DOUBLE PRECISION PAR,DER,DER1,HDFUN1,F1,F2 #endif DIMENSION DER(6),DER1(6),X(2) COMMON/HDEXF/PAR(6) * * Compute value of the function at point X * F1=HDFUN1(X(1)) F2=HDFUN1(X(2)) HDFUN=F1+F2 * * Compute derivatives * * CALL HDERU1 (X(1),PAR,DER) * CALL HDERU1 (X(2),PAR,DER1) * DO 10 K=1,6 * DER(K)=DER(K)+DER1(K) * 10 CONTINUE * * CALL HDERIV(DER) * END * * * SUBROUTINE HDERU1 (X,PAR,DER) #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION PAR,DER #endif DIMENSION PAR(6),DER(6) DER(1)=EXP(-0.5*((X-PAR(3))/PAR(5))**2) DER(2)=EXP(-0.5*((X-PAR(4))/PAR(6))**2) DER(3)=PAR(1)*(X-PAR(3))/PAR(5)**2*DER(1) DER(4)=PAR(2)*(X-PAR(4))/PAR(6)**2*DER(2) DER(5)=DER(3)*(X-PAR(3))/PAR(5) DER(6)=DER(4)*(X-PAR(4))/PAR(6) END * * FUNCTION HFUNGA (X) COMMON /HEXF/ A,B,C,D HFUNGA=A*EXP(-0.5*((X-B)/C)**2) END