* * $Id: hprof2.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:46 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hprof2.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:46 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.20/03 28/07/93 09.26.34 by Rene Brun *-- Author : Rene Brun 28/07/93 Subroutine hprof2(id,idp,chopt) * * Converts a 2-d histogram ID into a profile histogram IDP * IDP is automatically created if it does not exists. * Note: * Information may be lost in a cell (i,j) if packing is used * Profile histograms cannot be filled with weights. This routine * assumes that ID has been filled with weigths=1 * CHOPT: * 'S' Profile will be withe Spread option (default=error on mean) * 'X' Profile will be along X (default) * 'Y' Profile will be along Y * character*80 title character*1 chopt logical hexist dimension iopt(3) equivalence (iopt(1),ioptx),(iopt(2),iopty),(iopt(3),iopts) #include "hbook/hcunit.inc" *._________________________________________________________ * call hgive(id,title,ncx,xmin,xmax,ncy,ymin,ymax,nwt,idb) if(ncy.le.0)then call hbug('Not a 2-d histogram','HPROF2',id) return endif call huoptc(chopt,'XYS',iopt) if(iopty.eq.0)ioptx=1 if(iopty.ne.0.and.ioptx.ne.0)iopty=0 if(.not.hexist(idp))then if(ioptx.ne.0)then call hbprof(idp,title,ncx,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,chopt) else call hbprof(idp,title,ncy,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax,chopt) endif endif dx2 = 0.5*(xmax-xmin)/float(ncx) dy2 = 0.5*(ymax-ymin)/float(ncy) ibad=0 do 20 j=1,ncy do 10 i=1,ncx cont=hij(id,i,j) n=cont xn=n if(xn.ne.cont)ibad=ibad+1 call hijxy(id,i,j,x,y) do 5 k=1,n if(ioptx.ne.0)then call hfill(idp,x,y+dy2,1.) else call hfill(idp,y,x+dx2,1.) endif 5 continue 10 continue 20 continue if(ibad.ne.0)then write(lout,1000)ibad 1000 format(' HPROF2:',i6,' cells have non-integer contents') endif end