* * $Id: hlogpf.F,v 1.2 1996/03/15 10:40:08 dinofm Exp $ * * $Log: hlogpf.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/03/15 10:40:08 dinofm * The SUBROUTINE hlogpf.F has been modified so that the 'Logfile' coming from * the PIAF master is checked line by line before being printed on stdout. * This allows to suppress output of lines containing information that are * not relevant to the PAW user (such as PIAF server version) * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:42 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_CZ) *CMZ : 4.20/05 11/08/93 19.26.58 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 07/04/93 SUBROUTINE HLOGPF(CHHEAD,ISTAT) CHARACTER*(*) CHHEAD * * receive log file from Piaf server and print it * #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/czbuff.inc" #include "hbook/czcbuf.inc" * COMMON/QUEST/IQUEST(100) DIMENSION IQSAVE(100) CHARACTER CHMAIL*80 IF(CHHEAD.NE.' ') THEN CHMAIL=CHHEAD ELSE * * get header from PSPLOG first * CALL CZGETA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) ENDIF *--- no log file IF(CHMAIL(7:).NE.' ') GOTO 99 1 CONTINUE * * get record length * N=6 IF(IZCBUF.EQ.0)GO TO 999 CALL JUMPST(IZCBUF) CALL JUMPX2(N,ISTAT) IF(ISTAT.NE.0) GOTO 999 READ(CHBUF,'(I6)') LRECL IF(LRECL.LT.0) THEN NBYTE=-LRECL-1 ELSE NBYTE=LRECL ENDIF IF(NBYTE.EQ.0) THEN CHBUF(:1)=' ' L=1 ELSE CALL JUMPX2(NBYTE,ISTAT) IF(ISTAT.NE.0) GOTO 999 L=NBYTE ENDIF *-- If the PQRY keyword is found in the Log Line then there is some useful *-- info that must be retrieved instead of being printed. CALL GREPPQRY(CHBUF(:L),IRET) IF (IRET.EQ.0) THEN #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX) PRINT '(1X,A)', CHBUF(:L) #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_VAX)) PRINT '(A)', CHBUF(:L) #endif ENDIF * * last line has LRECL<0 * IF(LRECL.GE.0) GOTO 1 99 CONTINUE * * receive IQUEST vector * NUH=100 CALL FZIN(999,IHDIV,0,1,' ',NUH,IQSAVE(1)) ISTAT=IQUEST(1) CALL UCOPY(IQSAVE(1),IQUEST(1),100) 999 CONTINUE END #endif