* * $Id: hfith.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hfith.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:37 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.23/01 20/02/95 09.40.57 by Julian Bunn *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HFITH (IDD,UFUNC,CHOPT,NP,PARAM,STEP,PMIN,PMAX,SIGPAR + ,CHI2) *.==========> *. *. Fits the parametric function to the contents of the *. 1- or 2-dimensional histogram IDD,and optionally super- *. imposes it to the 1-dimensional histogram when editing *. *. *. Input IDD = histogram identifier *. arguments *. UFUNC = Parametric function (EXTERNAL) *. *. CHOPT = Character string for options *. *. NP = Number of parameters *. *. PARAM = Initial values of parameters(array) *. *. STEP = initial step sizes for parameters *. search (array) *. *. PMIN = Lower parameter bounds (array) *. PMAX = Upper *. *. Output PARAM = Final values of parameters (array) *. arguments *. SIGPAR = Standard deviations of parameters *. (array) *. CHI2 = Chisquare of fit *. *. *. *. ---------------------------REMARKS------------------------------ *. *. CHOPT : Possible options 'RQVNFBMLDWTE' *. *. 'R' Fit a Restricted area of the histogram - 1-D only. *. IFXLOW = IQUEST(11) *. IFYUP = IQUEST(12) *. IFYLOW = IQUEST(13) *. IFYUP = IQUEST(14) *. *. 'Q' Quiet mode. No print * . 'V' Verbode mode. Results after each iteration are printed *. By default only final results are printed. *. *. 'N' Do not store the result of the fit bin by bin with the histogram. *. By default, for 1-D, the function is calculated at the centre of *. each bin in the specified range and stored. *. *. 'F' Force storing of the result of the fit bin by bin with the *. histogram for any-dimension histogram. *. *. 'B' Some or all parameters are bounded. The array STEP,PMIN,PMAX *. must be specified. *. Default is: All parameters vary freely. *. *. 'M' Interactive Minuit is invoked. *. *. 'L' Use Log Likelihood. *. Default is chisquare method. *. *. 'D' The user is assumed to compute derivatives analytically *. using the routine HDERIV. *. By default, derivatives are computed numerically. *. *. 'W' Sets weights equal to 1 for the chisquare method. *. By default, weights are taken following statistical errors. *. If the 'L' option is given (Log Likelihood), bins with errors=0 *. are excluded of the fit. *. *. 'T' HFITH is being called by another HBOOK routine *. In this case takes parameter names from HCFITS. *. *. 'E' Performs a better error evaluation, calling HESSE and MINOS *. *. 'U' User function value is taken from /HCFITD/FITPAD(24),FITFUN *. *. 'K' Do not reset the Application Hminuit settings for option 'M' *. *..=========> ( R.Brun ,E.Lessner) * #include "hbook/hcfit2.inc" #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" #include "hbook/hcbits.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcfitr.inc" #include "hbook/hcfits.inc" COMMON/QUEST/IQUEST(100) PARAMETER(MAXPAR=34) DIMENSION PARAM(*),SIGPAR(*),STEP(*),PMIN(*),PMAX(*) DIMENSION STE(MAXPAR),PMI(MAXPAR),PMA(MAXPAR) DIMENSION IOPT(13) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTQ,IOPT(1)),(IOPTV,IOPT(2)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTB,IOPT(3)),(IOPTL,IOPT(4)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTD,IOPT(5)),(IOPTW,IOPT(6)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTR,IOPT(7)),(IOPTN,IOPT(8)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTT,IOPT(9)),(IOPTE,IOPT(10)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTM,IOPT(11)),(IOPTU,IOPT(12)) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTF,IOPT(13)) EXTERNAL UFUNC,HFCNH CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT *.___________________________________________ CALL HUOPTC(CHOPT,'QVBLDWRNTEMUF',IOPT) * * Skip this part if HFITH called by another routine * NDIM=1 IF(IOPTT.EQ.0)THEN IF(NP.LE.0.OR.NP.GT.MAXPAR)THEN CALL HBUG('Wrong number of parameters','HFITH',IDD) GO TO 999 ENDIF CALL HFIND(IDD,'HFITH ') IF(LCID.EQ.0)GO TO 999 IF(IQ(LCONT+KNOENT).EQ.0)THEN CALL HBUG('Empty histogram','HFITH',IDD) GO TO 999 ENDIF CALL HDCOFL * FITNAM(1) = ' ' FITNAM(NP+1)= 'HFITH' * NDIM=1 IF(I1.EQ.0)THEN IF(LCONT.EQ.LQ(LCID-1)) NDIM=2 ENDIF ENDIF * IDIMPN=2+NDIM IFLSF = 0 IDER = IOPTD IWEIGH= IOPTW ITFUM = 0 IF(IOPTQ.NE.0)ITFUM=-1 IF(IOPTV.NE.0)ITFUM=1 LINEAR=IOPTL * BINWID=(Q(LPRX+2)-Q(LPRX+1))/FLOAT(IQ(LPRX)) IF(IOPTR.NE.0)THEN IFTRNG=1 IFXLOW=IQUEST(11) IFXUP =IQUEST(12) ICX1=IFXLOW IF(IFXUP.GT.IQ(LPRX))IFXUP=IQ(LPRX) ICX2=IFXUP NCHANX=ICX2-ICX1+1 XMIN=Q(LPRX+1)+(ICX1-1)*BINWID ELSE IFTRNG=0 NCHANX=IQ(LPRX) ICX1=1 ICX2=NCHANX XMIN=Q(LPRX+1) ENDIF NCHANY=1 ICY1=1 ICY2=1 IF(IDIMPN.NE.3)THEN BINWIY=(Q(LPRY+2)-Q(LPRY+1))/FLOAT(IQ(LPRY)) IF(IOPTR.NE.0)THEN IFYLOW=IQUEST(13) IFYUP =IQUEST(14) ICY1=IFYLOW IF(IFYUP.GT.IQ(LPRY))IFYUP=IQ(LPRY) ICY2=IFYUP NCHANY=ICY2-ICY1+1 YMIN=Q(LPRY+1)+(ICY1-1)*BINWIY ELSE NCHANY=IQ(LPRY) ICY1=1 ICY2=NCHANY YMIN=Q(LPRY+1) ENDIF ENDIF NUMEP=NCHANX*NCHANY * * * Computes ALLCHA and WGTMAX * ALLCHA=0. WGTMAX=0. DO 20 J=ICY1,ICY2 DO 10 I=ICX1,ICX2 IF(IDIMPN.EQ.3)CONTEN=HCX(I,1) IF(IDIMPN.EQ.4)CONTEN=HCXY(I,J,1) IF(CONTEN.LT.0.AND.LQ(LCONT).EQ.0)IWEIGH=1 IF(ABS(CONTEN).GT.WGTMAX)WGTMAX=ABS(CONTEN) ALLCHA=ALLCHA+CONTEN 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE * IF(WGTMAX.EQ.0)THEN CALL HBUG('Empty histogram','HFITH',ID) GO TO 999 ENDIF * * Create bank for function values * IF(IDIMPN.EQ.3)THEN CALL HSUPIS(UFUNC,0,ICX1,ICX2) IF(IOPTN.EQ.0)CALL HSUPIS(UFUNC,1,ICX1,ICX2) ENDIF * * Set boundary sizes for parameters * DO 30 I=1,NP IF (IOPTB.EQ.0) THEN PMI(I)=0. PMA(I)=0. STE(I)=-1. ELSE PMI(I)=PMIN(I) PMA(I)=PMAX(I) STE(I)=STEP(I) END IF 30 CONTINUE * * Perform minimization * NFPAR=NP CALL HMINUT (HFCNH,UFUNC,PARAM,STE,PMI,PMA,CHOPT) * IFTRNG=0 CHI2=FITCHI DO 40 I=1,NFPAR SIGPAR(I)=STE(I) 40 CONTINUE IF(FITNAM(NP+1).EQ.'HFITGA')FITPAR(3)=ABS(FITPAR(3)) * IF(IOPTN.EQ.0)THEN CALL HSUPIS(UFUNC,2,ICX1,ICX2) ELSEIF(IOPTF.EQ.0)THEN CALL HSUPIS(UFUNC,3,ICX1,ICX2) ENDIF * 999 END