* * $Id: hcopyr.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:34 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hcopyr.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:34 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 15/06/95 13.26.31 by Unknown *-- Author : J.J.Bunn SUBROUTINE HCOPYR(ID1,ID2,CHTITL,IBINX1,IBINX2,IBINY1,IBINY2, + CHOPT) *.==========> *. Copy Histogram ID1 to a new histogram ID2, only *. moving the bin contents from bins IBINX1 to IBINX2, IBINY1 to IBINY2 *. and setting the title to CHTITL. *. *. ID1 Existing histogram ID to be copied *. ID2 New histogram ID to receive copy *. CHTITL New histogram title (or ' ' to receive same as ID1) *. IBINX1 Low bin for range in X *. IBINX2 High bin for range in X *. IBINY1 Low bin for range in Y (if 2D histo, ignored otherwise) *. IBINY2 High bin for range in Y ( " ditto " ) *. CHOPT ' ' no errors will be copied, *. 'E' bin errors will be copied *. *..=========> ( J.J.Bunn ) CHARACTER*(*) CHTITL,CHOPT CHARACTER*80 CHID2 LOGICAL HEXIST,LERRORS EXTERNAL HEXIST *.___________________________________________ IF(ID2.EQ.ID1) THEN CALL HBUG('Identifiers must be different','HCOPYR',ID1) RETURN ELSE IF(ID2.EQ.0) THEN CALL HBUG('New histogram ID must not be 0','HCOPYR',ID1) RETURN ELSE IF(.NOT.HEXIST(ID1)) THEN CALL HBUG('Source histogram does not exist!','HCOPYR',ID1) RETURN ELSE IF(HEXIST(ID2)) THEN CALL HBUG('+Existing Histogram will be replaced','HCOPYR',ID2) CALL HDELET(ID2) ENDIF C C get the booking parameters of the source histogram C CALL HGIVE(ID1,CHID2,NX,XMI,XMA,NY,YMI,YMA,NWT,LOCH) C C check that the bin range to be copied is correct C IF(IBINX1.GT.IBINX2) THEN CALL HBUG('Bin range in X is bad','HCOPYR',ID1) RETURN ELSE IF(NY.GT.0.AND.(IBINY1.GT.IBINY2)) THEN CALL HBUG('Bin range in Y is bad','HCOPYR',ID1) RETURN ENDIF C C book the new histogram with a new title if necessary C IF(LENOCC(CHTITL).NE.0) CHID2 = CHTITL BINWX = (XMA-XMI)/REAL(NX) NBINX = IBINX2-IBINX1+1 IF(NY.GT.0) THEN BINWY = (YMA-YMI)/REAL(NY) NBINY = IBINY2-IBINY1+1 CALL HIJXY(ID1,IBINX1,IBINY1,XMINEW,YMINEW) XMANEW = XMINEW + REAL(NBINX)*BINWX YMANEW = YMINEW + REAL(NBINY)*BINWY CALL HBOOK2(ID2,CHID2,NBINX,XMINEW,XMANEW, & NBINY,YMINEW,YMANEW,0.) ELSE CALL HIX(ID1,IBINX1,XMINEW) XMANEW = XMINEW + REAL(NBINX)*BINWX CALL HBOOK1(ID2,CHID2,NBINX,XMINEW,XMANEW,0.) ENDIF C C check the booking was successful C IF(.NOT.HEXIST(ID2)) THEN CALL HBUG('Failed to book new histogram','HCOPYR',ID2) RETURN ENDIF C C now copy the required range of bins into the new histogram C LERRORS = INDEX(CHOPT,'E').NE.0 .OR. INDEX(CHOPT,'e').NE.0 XPOS = XMI - BINWX*0.5 IXNEW = 0 DO 10 IX=1,NX XPOS = XPOS + BINWX IXNEW = IXNEW + 1 C check for 2D IF(NY.GT.0) THEN YPOS = YMI - BINWY*0.5 IYNEW = 0 DO 20 IY=1,NY YPOS = YPOS + BINWY IYNEW = IYNEW + 1 C C fill the new histogram with the contents of this cell in the old histogram C CALL HFILL(ID2,XPOS,YPOS,HIJ(ID1,IX,IY)) C C store the error on this cell, if requested C IF(LERRORS) & CALL HPAKES(ID2,IXNEW,IYNEW,HIJE(ID1,IX,IY)) 20 CONTINUE ELSE C C fill the new histogram with the contents of this bin in the old histogram C CALL HFILL(ID2,XPOS,0.,HI(ID1,IX)) C C store the error on this bin, if requested C IF(LERRORS) CALL HPAKES(ID2,IXNEW,0,HIE(ID1,IX)) ENDIF 10 CONTINUE C END