* * $Id: hbprof.F,v 1.2 1998/10/05 14:38:54 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hbprof.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1998/10/05 14:38:54 couet * - New option P for profile histograms. Implemented by: Nello Nappi * * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:32 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.22/04 02/06/94 14.09.35 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HBPROF(IDD,CHTITL,NX,XX0,XX1,YMIN,YMAX,CHOPT) *.==========> *. booking of a profile histogram *. *. NOTE: The computation of the errors is based on a proposal by *. Stephane Coutu. below is a copy of the email with the proposal *. ONLY options 'S' and 'I' are implemented *. *. I realized that there is another case where this kind of trouble *. occurs: if a bin has N data points all with the same value Y (especially *. possible when dealing with integers), the spread in Y for that bin *. is zero, and the uncertainty assigned is also zero, and the bin is *. ignored in making subsequent fits. If SQRT(Y) was the correct error *. in the case above, then SQRT(Y)/SQRT(N) would be the correct error here. *. In fact, any bin with non-zero number of entries N but with zero spread *. should have an uncertainty SQRT(Y)/SQRT(N). *. *. Now, is SQRT(Y)/SQRT(N) really the correct uncertainty? I believe *. that it is only in the case where the Y variable is some sort *. of counting statistics, following a Poisson distribution. This should *. probably be set as the default case. However, Y can be any variable *. from an original NTUPLE, not necessarily distributed "Poissonly", *. and perhaps extra options could be offered with the command: *. PROFILE id title ncx xmin xmax ymin ymax [ chopt ] *. to allow the user to choose how errors are calculated. We could have, *. for example: *. CHOPT *. ' ' (Default) Errors are Spread/SQRT(N) for Spread.ne.0. , *. " " SQRT(Y)/SQRT(N) for Spread.eq.0,N.gt.0 , *. " " 0. for N.eq.0 *. 'S' Errors are Spread for Spread.ne.0. , *. " " SQRT(Y) for Spread.eq.0,N.gt.0 , *. " " 0. for N.eq.0 *. 'I' Errors are Spread/SQRT(N) for Spread.ne.0. , *. " " 1./SQRT(12.*N) for Spread.eq.0,N.gt.0 , *. " " 0. for N.eq.0 *. 'P' This option allows to overcome the severe precision *. problems which occurr in the error calculation when the *. standard deviation is much smaller than the mean. In such *. a case, the use of the standard formula: *. *. < ( y - )^2 > = < y^2> - ^2 *. *. involves the calculation of a small difference between *. two large numbers. The problem is avoided by accumulating *. the sum of the squares of the deviations of y with respect *. to the mean, instead of the sum of the squares of y. The * prior knowledge of the mean is avoided by the use of an *. iterative formula making use of the running average. *. This option has been implemented by: *. Nello Nappi *. *. The third case above corresponds to Integer Y values for which the *. uncertainty is +-0.5, with the assumption that the probability that Y *. takes any value between Y-0.5 and Y+0.5 is uniform (the same argument *. goes for Y uniformly distributed between Y and Y+1); this would be *. useful if Y is an ADC measurement, for example. Other, fancier options *. would be possible, at the cost of adding one more parameter to the PROFILE *. command. For example, if all Y variables are distributed according to some *. known Gaussian of standard deviation Sigma, then: *. 'G' Errors are Spread/SQRT(N) for Spread.ne.0. , *. " " Sigma/SQRT(N) for Spread.eq.0,N.gt.0 , *. " " 0. for N.eq.0 *. For example, this would be useful when all Y's are experimental quantities *. measured with the same instrument with precision Sigma. *. *. Stephane Coutu *. coutu@roo.physics.lsa.umich.edu *. *..=========> ( R.Brun ) #include "hbook/hcflag.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcform.inc" #include "hbook/hcprin.inc" #include "hbook/hcopt.inc" CHARACTER*(*) CHTITL,CHOPT DIMENSION IOPTS(3) *.___________________________________________ IERR=0 IF(IDD.EQ.0)THEN CALL HBUG('ID=0 is an illegal identifier','HBPROF',IDD) RETURN ENDIF * * * Automatic boundaries adjustment ID=IDD X0=XX0 X1=XX1 IF(KBINSZ.NE.0)THEN CALL HBIN(X0,X1,NX,X0,X1,NXX,BWID) X1=X0+BWID*FLOAT(NX) ENDIF IF(X1.LE.X0)THEN CALL HBUG('XMIN.GE.XMAX','HBPROF',IDD) ENDIF * * Check if ID already in the table * NRHIST=IQ(LCDIR+KNRH) IDPOS=LOCATI(IQ(LTAB+1),NRHIST,ID) IF(IDPOS.GT.0)THEN CALL HBUG('+Already existing histogram replaced','HBPROF',IDD) CALL HDELET(IDD) NRHIST=IQ(LCDIR+KNRH) IDPOS=-IDPOS+1 ENDIF * * Get title length * CALL HBTIT(CHTITL,NWTITL,NCHT) NWH=NX+1+KCON1 NWID=NWTITL+KTIT1-1 NTOT=NWH+NWID+43+2*NX * * Enough space left ? * CALL HSPACE(NTOT+1000,'HBPROF',IDD) IF(IERR.NE.0) GO TO 99 * * Enter ID in the list of ordered IDs * IDPOS=-IDPOS+1 IF(NRHIST.GE.IQ(LTAB-1))THEN CALL MZPUSH(IHDIV,LTAB,500,500,' ') ENDIF DO 10 I=NRHIST,IDPOS,-1 IQ(LTAB+I+1)=IQ(LTAB+I) LQ(LTAB-I-1)=LQ(LTAB-I) 10 CONTINUE * * Build histogram data structure * IF(LIDS.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LIDS,LCDIR,-2,'HIDP',1,1,NWID,IOH1,0) LCID=LIDS ELSE LLID=LQ(LCDIR-9) CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LCID,LLID, 0,'HIDP',1,1,NWID,IOH1,0) ENDIF LQ(LCDIR-9)=LCID CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LCONT,LCID,-1,'HCOP',2,2,NWH,IOCF1,0) CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LR1,LCONT,0,'HI1E',0,0,NX,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IHDIV,LR2,LR1 ,0,'HI1N',0,0,NX,3,0) * IQ(LCID-5)=ID IQ(LTAB+IDPOS)=ID LQ(LTAB-IDPOS)=LCID CALL SBIT1(IQ(LCID+KBITS),1) CALL SBIT1(IQ(LCID+KBITS),8) CALL SBIT1(IQ(LCID+KBITS),9) CALL HUOPTC(CHOPT,'SIP',IOPTS) IF(IOPTS(1).NE.0)CALL SBYT(1,IQ(LR1),1,2) IF(IOPTS(2).NE.0)CALL SBYT(2,IQ(LR1),1,2) IF(IOPTS(3).NE.0)CALL SBIT1(IQ(LR1),3) * * Automatic filling of statistics * IF(ISTAF.NE.0)THEN CALL SBIT1(IQ(LCID+KBITS),7) ENDIF * IF(NWTITL.NE.0)THEN CALL UCTOH(CHTITL,IQ(LCID+KTIT1),4,NCHT) ENDIF * IQ(LCID+KNTOT)=NTOT IQ(LCID+KNCX)=NX Q (LCID+KXMIN)=X0 Q (LCID+KXMAX)=X1 * Q (LCID+KXMAX+1)=FLOAT(NX)/(X1-X0) Q (LCID+KMIN1) =YMIN Q (LCID+KMAX1) =YMAX LCONT=LQ(LCID-1) IQ(LCONT+KNBIT)=32 NRHIST=NRHIST+1 IQ(LCDIR+KNRH)=NRHIST * 99 RETURN END