* * $Id: hbooknc.F,v 1996/01/16 17:07:32 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hbooknc.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:32 mclareni * First import * * #include "hbook/pilot.h" *CMZ : 4.22/11 23/08/94 14.17.45 by Rene Brun *-- Author : Rene Brun 10/02/94 Subroutine HBOOKNC(id, chtitl, nvar, block, tuple, tags) **************************************************************** * Action: Book variables to be stored in a CWN described by the * old-style mechanism used by RWN's. Book new CWN if neccesary. * * INPUT: * id Id of CWN. If it doesn't already exist, it is created. * chtitl Name of ntuple. Not used if it already exists. * nvar Number of variables per event. Maximum 200 ??? * block Name of the block inside CWN. Default 'Block1'. * tuple Array of dimension nvar that will contain values at filling time. * tags See HBOOKN. * * Author: Achim Braemer, braemer@doc.physi.uni-heidelberg.de * Rewritten by Rene Brun to remove limitations on nvar **************************************************************** implicit none integer id, nvar, i,nbvmax character*(*) chtitl, block real tuple(*) character*(*) tags(*) parameter (nbvmax=40) integer icold,icnew,nbn,nch,ibl,lenocc character*8 tag1,bname character*1300 chform character*1 type logical hexist **************************************************************** *-* -- create CWN if neccessary if (.not. hexist(id)) call hbnt(id, chtitl, ' ') * chform=' ' icold=1 nbn=0 type='R' do 10 i=1,nvar tag1=tags(i) if(tag1.eq.' ')then write(tag1,30000)i 30000 format('VAR',I3) if(tag1(4:4).eq.' ')tag1(4:4)='0' if(tag1(5:5).eq.' ')tag1(5:5)='0' endif nch=lenocc(tag1) icnew=icold+nch+2 chform(icold:icnew)=tag1(1:nch)//':'//type//',' if(mod(i,nbvmax).eq.0.or.i.eq.nvar)then nbn=nbn+1 *-* Keep user block name for the first block if(nbn.eq.1)then bname=block if(bname.eq.' ')bname='Block1' *-* otherwise generate block name automatically elseif(nbn.gt.1 .and. nbn.lt.10) then write(bname,10000)nbn 10000 format('Block',i1) elseif (nbn.ge. 10 .and. nbn.lt. 100) then write(bname,10001)nbn 10001 format('Block',i2) elseif (nbn.ge.100 .and. nbn.lt.1000) then write(bname,10002)nbn 10002 format('Block',i3) else print *, 'HBOOKNC: In trouble, NBN = ',nbn bname = 'BlockXYZ' endif ibl=(nbn-1)*nbvmax +1 call hbname(id,bname,tuple(ibl),chform(1:icnew-1)) icnew=0 chform=' ' endif icold=icnew+1 10 continue * end