* * $Id: ffrset.F,v 1996/03/08 11:50:42 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ffrset.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 11:50:42 mclareni * Ffread * * #include "ffread/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE FFRSET (LUNSUB, FFRSUB) C C FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: C C This routines stores the address of FFRSUB (to be C declared EXTERNAL in the calling program). When a C data card READ is encountered, if the number of the C logical unit is -LUNSUB, then this routine will be C used to input the next data card. C C DUMMY ARGUMENTS: C C LUNSUB - absolute value of the negative logical unit C associated with this subroutine. Must be: C 0 < LUNSUB < NFJUMP C FFRSUB - routine to be called when reading is directed C to unit -LUNSUB via a READ data cards. This C routine has the following calling sequence: C C SUBROUTINE FFRSUB(IBUSIZ) C C Where: C C IBUSIZ - Length of the character string C to be returned with the data card, C blank padded. C C the string may be accessed using the common FFCHAR: C C COMMON / FFCHAR / STRING C CHARACTER*132 STRING C C C C IMPLICIT INPUTS: C C NONE C C IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: C C The appropriate value in common CFREAD is changed. C C SIDE EFFECTS: C C NONE C #include "ffread/ffmach.inc" #include "ffread/ffluns.inc" #include "ffread/ffcomm.inc" #include "ffread/cfread.inc" C C----------------- Beginning of executable statements ------------------------- C C Check if logical unit within range C IF(LUNSUB.LE.0.OR.LUNSUB.GT.NFJUMP) THEN WRITE (UNIT=LUNOUT, FMT=1001) LUNSUB GO TO 999 END IF KFJUMP(LUNSUB) = JUMPAD(FFRSUB) 999 CONTINUE 1001 FORMAT * (' FFRSET --- INVALID VALUE', I12, * ' FOR LUNSUB - ADDRESS NOT STORED') END