* * $Id: ffinit.F,v 1996/03/08 11:50:42 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ffinit.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 11:50:42 mclareni * Ffread * * #include "ffread/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE FFINIT (NW) C C FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: C C This routine intializes the FFREAD package. C If any keys had been previously specified, C they are erased with all associated information. C C DUMMY ARGUMENTS: C C NW specifies the number of words allocated by the C user in common CFREAD. This can be used to increase C the number of available keys. C C IMPLICIT INPUTS: C C NONE C C IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: C C The common CFREAD is initialized with default information. C C SIDE EFFECTS: C C Any information set up by previous calls to FFREAD routines C is destroyed. Users of FFREAD (which calls FFINIT with C NW=0) can call FFINIT(NW) before calling FFREAD. C EXTERNAL FFUSER C #include "ffread/ffmach.inc" #include "ffread/ffluns.inc" #include "ffread/cfread.inc" #include "ffread/ffcomm.inc" C C--- Define initial value for NWORDS (so FFREAD users can call FFINIT) DATA NWINIT/ NCSIZE/ C----------------- Beginning of executable statements ------------------------- C C Initialize default unit numbers and input file stack C LINPUT = LENDEF LUNIN = LUNDIN LUNOUT = LUNDUT ISTACK = 0 C C Initialize jump addresses C CALL VFILL(KFJUMP,NFJUMP,IQANIL) CALL FFUSET(FFUSER) C C Default key size and associated values C NCHKEY = NCHKYD NKEYS = 0 NWDKEY = (NCHKEY+NCHWD-1) / NCHWD C C Set size of common, check for at least one key possible if NW not 0 C IF (NW .EQ. 0) THEN NWORDS = NWINIT ELSE IF (NW .GE. NOVERH+NWDKEY+NKYOVH) THEN NWORDS = NW - NOVERH ELSE WRITE (UNIT=LUNOUT, FMT=1001) NW NWORDS = NCSIZE END IF C Remember NWORDS in NWINIT for later FFINIT(0) call by FFREAD NWINIT= NWORDS END IF MAXKEY = NWORDS / (NWDKEY + NKYOVH) C C Calculate offsets into IWORDS for different arrays C NOFLEN = MAXKEY - 1 + 1 NOFTYP = MAXKEY*2 - 1 + 1 NOFKEY = MAXKEY*3 - NWDKEY + 1 C C Initialize character options for FFGET, FFKEY, and FFSET. C CALL UCTOH ('SIZE', IFFOPT(1), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('LENG', IFFOPT(2), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('LINP', IFFOPT(3), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('LOUT', IFFOPT(4), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('NBIT', IFFOPT(5), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('NCHW', IFFOPT(6), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('NBCH', IFFOPT(7), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('NCHK', IFFOPT(8), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('INTE', KEYOPT(1), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('REAL', KEYOPT(2), NCHWD, 4) CALL UCTOH ('LOGI', KEYOPT(3), NCHWD, 4) C C Reset error counter C FFFLAG = 0. RETURN 1001 FORMAT * (' FFINIT --- INVALID PARAMETER NW =', I12, * ' - DEFAULT ASSUMED') END