* * $Id: fffind.F,v 1996/03/08 11:50:41 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fffind.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 11:50:41 mclareni * Ffread * * #include "ffread/pilot.h" INTEGER FUNCTION FFFIND (NEWSTR) C C FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: C C This function searches all keys in common CFREAD C for a match with the key in NEWSTR. C C DUMMY ARGUMENTS: C C NEWSTR contains the character string to compare the keys with. C C IMPLICIT INPUTS: C C The key list in common CFREAD. Comparison is made up C to the length specified by NCHKEY. C C IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: C C NONE C C FUNCTION VALUE: C C If the key in NEWSTR is found in the list, the index C is returned. If the key is not found, the negative index C of the key value which would follow this key is returned. C This is used for insertion of keys. C C SIDE EFFECTS: C C NONE C #include "ffread/ffmach.inc" #include "ffread/cfread.inc" CHARACTER NEWSTR*(*) CHARACTER COMPAR*(NCHMAX), OLDSTR*(NCHMAX) C C Loop over all keys to find given one. C In case of no keys, the loop isn't executed and C the statement after the loop is correct. C COMPAR(1:NCHKEY) = NEWSTR DO 1 I = 1, NKEYS CALL UHTOC (IWORDS(NOFKEY+I*NWDKEY), NCHWD, OLDSTR, NCHKEY) IF (LGT (COMPAR(1:NCHKEY), OLDSTR(1:NCHKEY)) ) GO TO 1 IF (LLT (COMPAR(1:NCHKEY), OLDSTR(1:NCHKEY)) ) GO TO 2 C C Found a match - return its index C FFFIND = I RETURN C C Step to next key C 1 CONTINUE C C No match, this key comes after the last known key C FFFIND = - (NKEYS+1) RETURN C C No match, return index of next higher key for insertion C 2 FFFIND = - I RETURN END