* * $Id: fmcdf.F,v 1996/03/07 15:18:24 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fmcdf.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:18:24 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" *---------------------------------------------------------------- * * FATMEN comand definition file (CDF) * *---------------------------------------------------------------- >NAME FMCDF >MENU FATMEN >Guidence Summary of FATMEN shell comands: *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand ALLOCATE >Guidence Use the ALLOCATE comand to add a new tape file to the FATMEN catalogue A tape is allocated from the specified pool. The file sequence number is always set to 1. >Action FMKATT >Parameters POOL 'TMS Pool ' C D=' ' LIBRARY 'TMS Library ' C D=' ' GNAME 'generic file name' C D=' ' DSN 'disk dataset name' C D=' ' FFORM 'file format (FZ, FA, FX, RZ, EP, UN, AS)' C D='UN' CPLEV 'copy level (0=original, 1=copy etc.)' I D=0 HOSTN 'host name (e.g. CERNVM)' C D='thisnode' + COMM 'comment (in quotes)' C D='Added via FATMEN CLI' RECFM 'record format (e.g. FB, VBS)' C D=' ' LRECL 'record length (in words)' I D=0 BLOCK 'block length (in words)' I D=0 FSIZE 'file size (in megabytes)' I D=0 MEDIA 'media type (2=3480,3=3420,4=8200,...)' I D=2 *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand CD >Guidence Use the CD comand to change the current default directory. Syntax: CD path Options: A - all of below Q - show quota for new directory S - show number of subdirectories T - show creation & modification times U - show usage information >Action FMCD >PARAMETERS PATH 'path' C D='PWD' + CHOPT 'options ' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand CLR >Guidence Use the CLR comand to clear the screen on a 3270 type terminal Syntax: CLR >Action FMCLR *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand COPY >Action FMCOPC >PARAMETERS GNAME 'Generic name' C D=' ' + KS1 'Input Key serial number' I D=0 KS2 'Output Key serial number' I D=0 POOL 'TMS Pool ' C D=' ' LIBRARY 'TMS Library ' C D=' ' VSN 'VSN ' C D=' ' VID 'VID ' C D=' ' FSEQ 'FSEQ ' I D=1 NODE 'Remote node ' C D=' ' FILE 'Remote file ' C D=' ' TRANSPORT 'Transport mechanism' C D='TCPIP' CHOPT 'Options ' C D=' ' R='CFKLSTZ' >Guidence Use the COPY comand to copy the data referenced by a generic name. N.B. if you wish to copy just a catalogue entry, use the comand CP. Syntax: COPY GNAME Transport: TCPIP (default) DECnet (between VAX/VMS systems only) CHEOPS (queue for transfer via Olympus satellite) Options: C - perform copy using STAGE CHANGE K - keep network connection open between transfers L - Lock output tape volume using TMS LOCK comand S - STAGE IN the input file *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand CP >Guidence Use the CP comand to copy a file entry. N.B. if you wish to copy the DATA, use the comand COPY Syntax: CP file1 file2 >Action FMCPC >PARAMETERS FROM 'file1' C D=' ' TO 'file2' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand DIR >Guidence Use the DIR command to issue a call to RZLDIR for the specified path. This command is normally used for debug purposes only. Syntax: DIR path options Options: T - list also subdirectory tree >Action FMRZLD >Parameters + PATH 'path-name' C D=' ' OUTPUT 'output file name ' C D='TTY' CHOPT 'options ' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand DUMP >Guidence Use the DUMP comand to request a TAPEDUMP of the VID corresponding to the specified generic name. Syntax: DUMP generic-name key-serial-number >Action FMDUMC >PARAMETERS GENAM 'generic-name' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 BYTES 'Number of bytes/block to dump' I D=320 BLOCKS 'Number of blocks/file to dump' I D=1 FILES 'Number of files to dump' I D=1 CODE 'Character code (EBCDIC or ASCII)' C D='EBCDIC' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand END >Action FMKEND >PARAMETERS + >GUIDANCE Use the END command when no more processing with current FATMEN catalogue is required. *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand EXTRACT >Action FMEXTR >PARAMETERS + PATH 'Pathname' C D='*/*' OUTPUT 'Output filename' C D=' ' CHOPT 'Options ' C D='C' >GUIDANCE Use the EXTRACT command to copy a subset of the FATMEN catalogue to a FZ alpha exchange format file. Only those files that match the specified path and file name and the current keys selection will be written to the output file. e.g. set/location 2 extr */m* my.fa will only write information about files with location code 2. All files begining with the letter M in all directories will be processed. *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand FC >Action FMFC >PARAMETERS + FILE 'File or pathname' C D='*' OUTPUT 'Output filename' C D='TTY' CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' >GUIDANCE Use the FC comand to count the number of files in a directory. FC will also count the number of files which match the specified pattern Syntax: FC Options: D - display number of subdirectories at each level F - display number of files at each level L - display lowest level only, i.e. directories with no subdirectories Z - display only directories with no (zero) files *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand FIND >Guidence Use the FIND comand to FIND the specified file and associate it with the specified logical unit. If required, the file is first staged to disk. SYNTAX: FIND generic-name logical-unit >Action FMFNDC >PARAMETERS FILE 'NAME OF FILE' C D=' ' LUNU 'Logical unit (nn/FTnnFlll/IOFILEnn etc.)' C D='0' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand GIME >Guidence Use the GIME comand to reaccess the disk of the service machine which maintains the FATMEN catalogue. This comand has no parameters. Syntax: GIME >Action FMGIME *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand INIT >Guidence Use the INIT comand to initialise the FATMEN system for the specified group or throng, e.g. ALEPH Syntax INIT GROUP or THRONG >Action FMTHRG >PARAMETERS GROUP 'Group or Throng name' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand LD >Action FMLD >PARAMETERS + FILE 'Pathname' C D='*' OUTPUT 'Output filename' C D='TTY' NLEVEL 'Number of levels to display' I D=1 CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' >GUIDANCE Use the LD comand to display the contents of a directory Syntax: LD pathname Output: Redirect the output to the specified file Nlevel: Number of levels to descend (with option R) Options: H - write header line in output file R - list subdirectories recursively V - 'very wide' listing. As W, but 132 columns W - 'wide'. Subdirectories are displayed in multi-column (80) format. *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand LOCK >Action FMLOCC >PARAMETERS GENAM 'generic name' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' >GUIDANCE Use the LOCK comand to disable WRITE access to the tape on which the file specified resides. If a negative key serial number is given, all entries will be locked. Syntax: LOCK GENERIC-NAME KEY-SERIAL-NUMBER *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand LOGLEVEL >Action FMLOGC >PARAMETERS + LOGLEVEL 'Loglevel' I D=0 >GUIDANCE Use the LOGLEVEL comand to set the FATMEN logging level. Syntax: LOGLEVEL loglevel *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand LS >Action FMLSC >PARAMETERS + FILE 'File or pathname' C D='*' OUTPUT 'Output filename' C D='TTY' CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' >GUIDANCE Use the LS comand to display the contents of a directory or display information on a given file within the current or specified directory Syntax: LS file Options: A - list all attributes, except options Q and Z. B - brief listing - one line (80 columns) per entry C - display comment field associated with file D - listing suitable for generated a macro to delete entry E - extended listing - one line (132 columns) per entry F - list file attributes, such as start/end record and block G - list the full generic name of each file H - write header line in output file I - output sorted by Increasing generic name #if defined(CERNLIB_NEVER) j - #endif K - list keys associated with this file (copy level, media type, location) L - list logical attributes, such as FATMEN file format (ZEBRA exchange etc.) M - list media attributes, such as VSN, VID, file sequence number for tape files, host type and operating system for disk files. N - lists dataset name on disk/tape of this file O - list owner, node and job of creator etc. P - list physical attributes, such as record format etc. Q - query TMS for corresponding volume #if defined(CERNLIB_NEVER) r - #endif S - lists security details of this file (protection) T - list date and time of creation, last access etc. U - list user words. V - 'very wide' listing. As W, but 132 columns W - 'wide' listing. Filenames (part of generic name following last slash) are displayed in multi-column (80) format. X - each generic name displayed only once Y - verify bank contents using FMVERI. Z - dump ZEBRA bank with DZSHOW. Output: Redirect the output to the specified file *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MAKE >Guidence Use the MAKE comand to access the specified file and associate it with the specified logical unit in WRITE mode. For tape files, this corresponds to output staging. SYNTAX: MAKE . >Action FMMAKC >PARAMETERS FILE 'NAME OF FILE' C D=' ' LUNU 'Logical unit (nn/FTnnFlll/IOFILEnn etc.)' C D='0' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MEDIA >Guidence Use the MEDIA command to set or list attributes of a given type of media. e.g. MEDIA 2 3480 CT1 200 38K M SL would set the attributes of FATMEN media type 2 to model: 3480 generic device type: CT1 (used on STAGE/SETUP requests) capacity: 200 MB (maximum size on STAGE command) density: 38K label : SL MEDIA with no arguments lists the current settings MEDIA 3 lists the settings for media type 3 >Action FMSMDK >PARAMETERS + MEDIA 'FATMEN media type' I D=2 TYPE 'device type ' C D='3480' MODEL 'generic device ' C D='CT1 ' SIZE 'capacity in MB ' C D='200 ' DENS 'density ' C D='38K ' MNTP 'mount-type (M/R) ' C D='M' LABL 'label-type (SL/AL/NL) ' C D='SL' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MKDIR >Guidence Use the MKDIR comand to create a directory Syntax: MKDIR directory_name. >Action FMMKDR >PARAMETERS DIRNAM 'directory' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MV >Guidence Use the MV comand to 'move' or rename a file Syntax: MV file1 file2 >Action FMMVC >PARAMETERS FROM 'file1' C D=' ' TO 'file2' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand PWD >Guidence Use the PWD comand to print the current (working) directory. Syntax: PWD >Action FMPWD *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand RM >Guidence Use the RM comand to remove a file from the catalogue Syntax: RM file * * Options: A - remove all occurances of this generic name * I - prompt before removing each matching entry * F - free tape associated with specified entry * G - set protection group to group specified * If no group is specified, then *None will be * used, unless option P is given, in which case * the POOL name will be used. * P - when used with option F, allows privileged TMS * user to free anyones tapes (within a group) * U - 'unlock' or write-enable tape * >Action FMRMC >PARAMETERS FILE 'file' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 DSN 'Fileid/DSN' C D=' ' HOST 'Hostname ' C D=' ' VID 'VID ' C D=' ' USER 'Username ' C D=' ' POOL 'Pool to return tape to' C D=' ' PROT 'Protection group ' C D=' ' CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand RMDIR >Guidence Use the RMDIR comand to remove a directory from the catalogue. N.B. directories can only be removed if 1) They contain no subdirectories 2) They contain no files If you wish to remove a complete directory tree that contains no files, use the RMTREE command. Syntax: RMDIR DIRECTORY_NAME >Action FMRMDC >PARAMETERS FILE 'directory' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand RMTREE >Guidence Use the RMTREE comand to remove a complete directory tree. N.B. if any of the directories below the named directory contain files, then the command file be refused. Syntax: RMTREE DIRECTORY_NAME >Action FMRMTC >PARAMETERS FILE 'directory' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand SEARCH >Guidence Use the search comand to print the generic names of files which match the specified criteria. Character fields may include the * or % wild cards. e.g. SEARCH * VID=I* # search current working directory for entries # with VID's beginning with I. If NMATCH is non-zero, SEARCH will stop after NMATCH matches have been found. Set the loglevel to <0 to stop the printing of the names of files and directories searched. Date and time ranges may be given, as in the following example: which searches for files in the current directory that have been accessed between 31st January, 1991 and midday on 30th June 1991 SEARCH * accessed=910131-910630.1200 Entries that match are displayed as with the LS comand. >Action FMSEAC >PARAMETERS PATH 'path name' C D='*' + DSN 'Fileid/DSN' C D=' ' HOST 'Hostname ' C D=' ' VID 'VID ' C D=' ' USER 'Username ' C D=' ' NMATCH '# to match' I D=0 CREATED 'date range' C D=' ' CATALOGED 'date range' C D=' ' ACCESSED 'date range' C D=' ' UFORM 'user file format' C D=' ' COMMENT 'comment' C D=' ' OUTPUT 'Output filename ' C D='TTY' CHOPT 'Options ' C D=' ' H - write header line in output file *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand TAG >Guidence Use the TAG comand to get, set or delete the TMS TAG associated with the a tape volume that corresponds to the specified generic name. Syntax: TAG generic-name key-serial-number tag-text chopt Options: D - delete the tag G - get & display the tag S - set the tag B - to select the BINARY tag (stored as CHARACTER*255) T - to select the TEXT tag (default) If option G is specified without any TAG text, the tag is sent to the generic name. >Action FMTAGC >PARAMETERS FILE 'file' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 TAG 'Tag ' C D=' ' CHOPT 'Options ' C D=' ' R='BDGST' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand TOUCH >Guidence Use the TOUCH comand to reinsert an existing entry in the catalogue. If a negative key serial number is given, all matching entries will be updated. Syntax: TOUCH GENERIC-NAME KEY-SERIAL-NUMBER CHOPT Options: O - reset owner, node and job of creator etc. T - update date and time of last access U - zero use count >Action FMTCHC >PARAMETERS FILE 'file' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' R='OTU' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand TREE >Guidence Use the TREE command to draw a directory tree starting at the specified directory down NLEVEL levels. Syntax: TREE path nlevel >Action FMTREK >Parameters + PATH 'Path name ' C D=' ' NLEVEL 'number of levels' I D=99 OUTPUT 'Output filename' C D='TTY' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand UNLOCK >Action FMULCC >PARAMETERS GENAM 'generic name' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 CHOPT 'Options' C D=' ' >GUIDANCE Use the UNLOCK comand to enable WRITE access to the tape on which the file specified resides. If a negative key serial number is given, all entries for the specified generic name will be unlocked. Syntax: UNLOCK GENERIC-NAME KEY-SERIAL-NUMBER *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand UPDATE >Guidence Use the UPDATE comand to control how updates are sent to the FATMEN server. Syntax: UPDATE MAX NGROUP IFLAG >Action FMUPDC >PARAMETERS MAX 'maximum number of updates' I D=999 NGROUP 'number of updates to send together' I D=0 IFLAG 'flag to purge/send/reset' I D=0 *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand VERSION >Guidence Use the VERSION comand to display the version of the FATMEN software that you are running. Syntax: VERSION >Action FMVERS *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand VIEW >Guidence Use the VIEW comand to edit a local disk file. This comand will be extended to support tape and remote files. Syntax: VIEW file >Action FMEDIT >PARAMETERS FILE 'file' C D=' ' + KSN 'Key serial number' I D=0 *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand ZOOM >Action FMZOOM >PARAMETERS + FILE 'Pathname' C D='*' >Guidence Use the ZOOM command to descend the specified (wild-carded) directory tree to the first lowest level directory that contains one of more files e.g. ZOOM DATA ZOOM *DST/*/P88* If no wild-cards are present in the pathname, the characters /* are automatically appended. To zoom down a tree starting with *ALLD, use ZOOM *ALLD/* *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Menu ADD *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand TAPE >Guidence Use the ADD/TAPE comand to add a new tape file to the FATMEN catalogue >Action FMKADT >Parameters VSN 'volume serial number' C D=' ' VID 'visual identifier' C D='VSN' FSEQ 'file sequence number' I D=1 GNAME 'generic file name' C D=' ' DSN 'dataset name' C D=' ' FFORM 'file format (FZ, FA, FX, RZ, EP, UN, AS)' C D='UN' CPLEV 'copy level (0=original, 1=copy etc.)' I D=0 HOSTN 'host name (e.g. CERNVM)' C D='THISNODE' + COMM 'comment (in SINGLE quotes)' C D='Added via FATMEN CLI' RECFM 'record format (e.g. FB, VBS)' C D=' ' LRECL 'record length (in words)' I D=0 BLOCK 'block length (in words)' I D=0 FSIZE 'file size (in megabytes)' I D=0 MEDIA 'media type (2=3480,3=3420,4=8200,...)' I D=2 *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand DISK >Guidence Use the ADD/DISK comand to add a new disk file to the FATMEN catalogue >Action FMKADD >Parameters GNAME 'generic file name' C D=' ' DSN 'disk dataset name' C D=' ' FFORM 'file format (FZ, FA, FX, RZ, EP, UN, AS)' C D='UN' CPLEV 'copy level (0=original, 1=copy etc.)' I D=0 HOSTN 'host name (e.g. CERNVM)' C D='thisnode' + COMM 'comment (in quotes)' C D='Added via FATMEN CLI' RECFM 'record format (e.g. FB, VBS)' C D=' ' LRECL 'record length (in words)' I D=0 BLOCK 'block length (in words)' I D=0 FSIZE 'file size (in megabytes)' I D=0 *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Menu \SET *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand Location >Guidance Use the SET/LOCATION comand to define the list of location codes to be used to select datasets. Only datasets with a location code in the specified range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. e.g. set/loc 1,3,5-17 # set location codes set/loc -1 # Clear location codes >Action FMKLOC >Parameters RANGE 'range of location codes' C D='-1' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand COPYLEVEL >Guidance Use the SET/COPYLEVEL comand to define the list of copy levels to be used to select datasets. Only datasets with a copy levels in the specified range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. e.g. set/loc 1,3,5-17 # set copy levels set/loc -1 # Clear copy levels >Action FMKCPL >Parameters RANGE 'range of copy levels' C D='-1' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MEDIATYPE >Guidance Use the SET/MEDIATYPE comand to define the list of media types to be used to select datasets. Only datasets with a media type in the specified range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. e.g. set/loc 1,3,5-17 # set media types set/loc -1 # Clear media types >Action FMKMTP >Parameters RANGE 'range of media types' C D='-1' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand USERWORDS >Guidance Use the SET/USERWORDS comand to define the ranges for the user words that will be used in subsequent SEARCH commands. e.g. set/user 1-10 3 5 17 99-103 6 72 777 888-999 42 >Action FMKUWD >Parameters + UWORD1 'range or value for user word 1 ' C D=' ' UWORD2 'range or value for user word 2 ' C D=' ' UWORD3 'range or value for user word 3 ' C D=' ' UWORD4 'range or value for user word 4 ' C D=' ' UWORD5 'range or value for user word 5 ' C D=' ' UWORD6 'range or value for user word 6 ' C D=' ' UWORD7 'range or value for user word 7 ' C D=' ' UWORD8 'range or value for user word 8 ' C D=' ' UWORD9 'range or value for user word 9 ' C D=' ' UWORD10 'range or value for user word 10 ' C D=' ' *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Menu \SHOW *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand Location >Guidance Use the SHOW/LOCATION comand to show the list of location codes that are currently in effect. Only datasets with a location code in the displayed range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. >Action FMSLOC *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand COPYLEVEL >Guidance Use the SHOW/COPYLEVEL comand to show the list of copy levels that are currently in effect. Only datasets with a copy level in the displayed range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. >Action FMSCPL *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand MEDIATYPE >Guidance Use the SHOW/MEDIATYPE comand to show the list of media types that are currently in effect. Only datasets with a media type in the displayed range will be visible via LS comands, or accessible through FIND or MAKE comands. >Action FMSMTP *---------------------------------------------------------------- >Comand USERWORDS >Guidance Use the SHOW/USERWORDS comand to show the list of ranges for the 10 user words that are currently in effect. Only entries which match the current user word ranges will be found be the SEARCH command. >Action FMSUWD * Sequence for FATMEN user comands #include "fatmen/fmucdf.inc" * Ignoring t=pass