* * $Id: fatback.dat,v 1.3 1996/04/22 06:37:57 jamie Exp $ * * $Log: fatback.dat,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/04/22 06:37:57 jamie * better messages regarding actual backup * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/16 06:43:37 jamie * latest fatmen scripts from /afs/cern.ch/project/fatmen/scripts * * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:52 mclareni * Fatmen * * #!/bin/ksh d=`date` echo echo FATBACK running at $d echo # # Fix for CERNSP based fatcat server # this_host=`hostname` if [ $this_host = "sp020" ] then export FMHOST=fatcat echo ${0}: setting FATMEN hostname to $FMHOST fi # # Delete old backup files # find /fatback0 -name *.fatfx -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \; find /fatback1 -name *.fatfx -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \; # d=`date` echo echo FATBACK cleanup completed at $d echo # # Loop over all FATMEN servers and # stop them # copy the .fatrz file to the backup area, verifying it in the process # restart current server # log=" " run=" " nos=" " b="." # # Ensure that variables are defined... # for i in /fatmen/fm* do typeset -u fatgrp typeset -l fatman fatpath=$i fatgrp=`basename $i` fatman=$fatgrp eval $fatgrp=$fatpath;export $fatgrp if [ $fatman != "fmsend" -a $fatman != "fmkeops" ] then # # and stop those servers that are running... # if [ -x ${i}/fatserv ] then # # does a log file exist? # if [ -f /fatmen/${fatgrp}.log ] then echo Log file exists for ${fatgrp} - looking for existing process log=${log}${b}${fatgrp} pid=`cat /fatmen/${fatgrp}.log | awk '{printf "%s\n",$14}'` if (test $pid) then echo Looking for server process for $fatgrp if(ps -ae | grep -ws $pid ) then echo FATSRV running PID = $pid run=${run}${b}${fatgrp} d=`date` echo Stopped at $d for backup > /fatmen/${fatman}/todo/signal.stop # # Wait until the server is stopped # while (ps -ae | grep -s $pid ) do d=`date` echo Server ${fatman} still running - sleeping at $d sleep 60 done # # Check that output directory exists # if [ ! -d /fatback/${fatman} ] then echo Creating directory /fatback/${fatman} mkdir /fatback/${fatman} fi # # Server is now stopped - backup RZ file # d=`date` echo Backing up /fatmen/${fatman}/cern.fatrz at ${d} >> \ /fatback/fatback.log /afs/cern.ch/project/fatmen/@sys/bin/fatback /fatmen/${fatman}/cern.fatrz \ /fatback/${fatman} >> /fatback/fatback.log rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ] then # # Send mail # echo RC = $rc for backup of RZ file for ${fatman} | mail \ -s "FATMEN backup for ${fatman}" fatcat-mgr@zfatal.cern.ch # # print in log # echo RC = $rc for backup of RZ file for ${fatman} >> \ /fatback/fatback.log # # stdout # echo RC = $rc for backup of RZ file for ${fatman} fi # echo Backup of /fatmen/${fatman}/cern.fatrz complete at ${d} >> \ /fatback/fatback.log echo Backup of /fatmen/${fatman}/cern.fatrz complete at ${d} # # Touch good backup file # touch /fatback/${fatman}/good.fatfx # # Now restart server # d=`date` echo Restarting server for ${fatman} at ${d} rm /fatmen/${fatman}/todo/signal.stop nohup /fatmen/${fatman}/fatserv > /fatlogs/${fatman}/fatserv.log & else echo No existing server found for $fatgrp echo Removing old log file... rm /fatmen/${fatgrp}.log nos=${nos}${b}${fatgrp} fi fi fi fi fi done echo echo Log files found for $log | tr '.' ' ' echo Servers running for $run | tr '.' ' ' echo No server found for $nos | tr '.' ' '