* * $Id: fatuse.dat,v 1996/03/07 15:17:50 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fatuse.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:50 mclareni * Fatmen * * /*DECK ID>, FATUSE.EXEC */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* F A T U S E E X E C */ /* ---------------------- */ /* */ /* 12/04/90 Modified to count FINDs and MAKEs rather than GETs */ /* 03/04/90 J.D. Shiers */ /* */ /* EXEC to measure FATMEN usage from FATSERV LOG files on server disks.*/ /* For a given group, counts: Number of users */ /* For each user, counts: Number of INITs, Number of FINDs, MAKEs */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Parse upper arg fatgroup from to '(' opt . If fatgroup = '' then do Say "Please supply name of group" exit 1 end Say 'Look at usage statistics for group 'fatgroup If strip(from) ^= '' then Say "From "from else from = '00/00/00' If strip(to) ^= '' then Say "To "to else to = '99/99/99' If substr(fatgroup,1,2) ^= 'FM' then fatgroup = 'FM' || fatgroup 'EXEC GIME 'fatgroup '(NONOTICE QUIET STACK' Pull fatmode . 'EXECIO * DISKR FATSERV LOG 'fatmode nusers = 0 fusers = '' ninit = 0 nshell = 0 nfind = 0 nmake = 0 nstrange = 0 nline = 0 nlines = queued() Do queued() Pull line nline = nline + 1 If nline = 1 then parse var line sd st . If nline = nlines then parse var line ed et . If index(line,'*FATLOG*') = 0 then iterate Parse var line dd . If dd < from then iterate If dd > to then iterate Parse var line . '*FATLOG*' . fuser facc . verb noun adjective . /* Encountered this user already? */ If index(fusers,fuser||'/') = 0 then do nusers = nusers + 1 fusers = fusers || fuser || '/' end /* Count number of INITs, FINDs and MAKEs */ Select When verb = 'INIT' then do If adjective = 'SHELL' then nshell = nshell + 1 else ninit = ninit + 1 end When verb = 'FMFIND.' then do nfind = nfind + 1 end When verb = 'FMMAKE.' then do nmake = nmake + 1 end When verb = 'END' then do end Otherwise do nstrange = nstrange + 1 end end /*Select*/ end len = 69 + length(fatgroup) equals = copies('=',len) Say 'FATMEN log for group 'fatgroup 'runs from 'sd st' to 'ed et Say equals Say '' Say 'Selected period: 'from ' to 'to Say '' Say 'Total number of users = 'nusers Say 'Total number of INITs (FORTRAN) = 'ninit Say 'Total number of INITs (SHELL) = 'nshell Say 'Total number of FINDs = 'nfind Say 'Total number of MAKEs = 'nmake Say 'Total number of unrecognised lines = 'nstrange 'EXEC DROP 'fatmode '(QUIET)' if opt = '' then exit fn = "FATUSERS "||substr(fatgroup,3) || ' ' || qdisk("MAX","MODE") Say 'List of users will be stored in 'fn if fexist(fn) then "ERASE "fn fusers = translate(fusers,' ','/') i = 0 do words(fusers) i = i + 1 fuser = word(fusers,i) "EXECIO 1 DISKW "fn "(STRING" fuser end "FINIS "fn