* * $Id: fatserv.dat,v 1996/03/07 15:17:50 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fatserv.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:50 mclareni * Fatmen * * /*DECK ID>, FATSERV.EXEC */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Generic server exec for FATMEN/PMDELPHI/CPDELPHI */ /* ------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Last modification: 26/03/92 */ /* =========================== */ /* */ /* Based on DBL3 exec. */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Parse Source . . execname . If Index('FATSERV/DELSERV/DELCOPY/DELPSF',execname) = 0 then do Say 'Action not currently supported' Exit 999 end If execname = 'DELSERV' then do if fexist('DELSERV ERRFILE') then 'ERASE DELSERV ERRFILE' end 'IDENTIFY (LIFO' Parse pull username . mynode . if XFLAG('CPXA') then do NOREAD = 'NOREAD' IUCVMSG = 'IUCVMSG' end else do NOREAD = '' IUCVMSG = '' end /* Get wakeup interval */ interval = "+01:00:00" "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC STACK FMWAKEUP" pull sleep if strip(sleep) = '' then sleep = interval "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC GET FATADDR" Parse var fataddr fatuser fatnode . Select When execname = 'FATSERV' then do if fexist("FATMEN RDRFILE A") then do Say "Unprocessed FATMEN RDRFILE exists -> will process now" "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC GET FATADDR" Parse var fataddr fatuser fatnode . exit /* Fast exit if we still have a file to process */ end /* owner.0 = 4 owner.1 = username mynode owner.2 = "JAMIE CERNVM" owner.3 = "FATONE" owner.4 = "HRRCR" operator.0 = 3 operator.1 = "OPSUTIL" operator.2 = "CONSOLE" operator.3 = "LEPSERV"*/ /* Build list of FAT owners and operators */ fatstaff = 'FATOWNERS FATOPERATORS' Do j = 1 to 2 current = word(fatstaff,j) 'NAMEFIND :NICK 'current'(STACK' If RC = 32 then do ic = setvar(stem'.0',0) end else do stem = substr(current,4,length(current)-4) Pull line Pull . line /* stem.0 = words(line) */ ic = setvar(stem'.0',words(line)) do i = 1 to words(line) current = word(line,i) 'NAMEFIND :NICK 'current'(STACK' If RC = 32 then do address = current mynode ic = setvar(stem'.'i,address) end else do Pull . Pull . user Pull . node address = user node ic = setvar(stem'.'i,address) end end end end end When execname = 'DELSERV' | execname = 'DELCOPY' | , execname = 'DELPSF' then do owner.0 = 4 owner.1 = username mynode /* this must be here always */ owner.2 = "JAMIE CERNVM" owner.3 = "PALERMO CERNVM" owner.4 = "NICK CERNVM" operator.0 = 2 operator.1 = "OPSUTIL" operator.2 = "CONSOLE" end otherwise nop end /* Select on EXECNAME */ validmsg.0 = 15 validmsg.1 = "HELP = display this list" validmsg.2 = "HELLO = check if server is active" validmsg.3 = "STOP = stop server" validmsg.4 = "QDISK (QUERY_DISK_parameters) (,File) " validmsg.5 = "QSPOOL = return number of spool files" validmsg.6 = "DROP fmode (fmode) (...)" validmsg.7 = "GIME gime_parameters_and_options" validmsg.8 = "*FATLOG* = log FATMEN request " validmsg.9 = "CLOSE = close console log and send to JAMIE" validmsg.10 = "NEWLOG = start new "execname "log" validmsg.11 = "FINIS = close "execname "log" validmsg.12 = "SETPW" validmsg.13 = "LOGOFF" validmsg.14 = "PURGE = purge old FAT* FZ* journal files" validmsg.15 = "WAKEUP = simulate arrival of new RDR file" Stop = 999999 /* Issue WAKEUP and wait for new RDR files ... */ wait: 'DROPBUF' 'CP SET MSG IUCV' Do Forever Call wakeup_wait RC = Result Select When RC = 6 then do /* Console attention */ Signal Stop Call Logmes execname mynode "Stop" End /* When RC = 3 then do /* time */ time = 'TIME'("S") do i = 1 to times.0 timediff = time-times.i If timediff >= 0 & timediff < 5 then leave End If i <= times.0 then do Call logmes execname mynode "TIME" time nomsg = 1 end nomsg = 0 End */ Otherwise do End End End /*Do Forever*/ /*=================== W A K E U P - W A I T ========================*/ wakeup_wait: if fexist("$ORACLE$ $OSDPRT$") then do "ERASE $ORACLE$ $OSDPRT$" end 'WAKEUP' sleep '(RDR' NOREAD IUCVMSG code = rc /* P r o c e s s m e s s a g e */ Select When code = 2 then do /* Timer expired */ if username = 'FMFATCAT' then do Say 'Wakeup at 'date() time() exit 99 end end When code = 4 then do /* New RDR file */ Say 'New RDR file received' call check_sp /* Check disk space */ temp = QSPOOL("FIRST") Parse var temp origin spoolid class fna fty . fattype = QSPOOL("FIRST","TYPE") if fattype = 'CON' then do Say 'Purging console file ...' 'CP PURGE RDR 'spoolid end fatuser = QSPOOL("FIRST","ORIGINID") fatnode = QSPOOL("FIRST","FROMNODE") /* Fix user and node name for files arriving from Cray station */ if fatuser = "CRNCRAYX" & fatnode = "CERNVM" then do fatuser = username fatnode = "SN201" end "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC SETPL FATADDR " fatuser fatnode If class = "U" & index(origin,'ORA') ^= 0 then do Say origin spoolid class Say 'Log file from ORACLE - purge' 'CP PURGE R' spoolid Return 1 end If fty = "MAIL" | fty = "NOTE" then do "CP PURGE RDR" spoolid Say purging mail file... Return 1 End/* End of MAIL handling */ /* Receive RDR file and then exit */ /* call queue_rdr*/ Select When execname = 'FATSERV' then do 'EXEC Receive 'spoolid 'FATMEN RDRFILE (REPLACE)' "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC STACK FATUPDATES" pull fatupdates if strip(fatupdates) = '' then fatupdates = 0 fatupdates = fatupdates + 1 'GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC SETPL FATUPDATES 'fatupdates 'GLOBALV INIT' /* Number of pending RDR files */ nfiles = QSPOOL("RDR","NUMFILES") "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC SETPL FATFILES "nfiles Exit end When execname = 'DELSERV' then do 'GLOBALV SELECT *DELPHI SET origin 'origin 'EXEC Receive 'spoolid 'DELPHI MINIPSF (REPLACE)' 'COPY DELPHI MINIPSF A (REPLACE LRECL 132 RECFM F)' Exit end When execname = 'DELCOPY' then do 'EXEC Receive 'spoolid 'DELPHI MINIPSF (REPLACE)' 'EXEC DELCP' end When execname = 'DELPSF' then do 'EXEC Receive 'spoolid 'DELPHI MINIPSF (REPLACE)' 'EXEC APPPSF' end Otherwise nop End End When code = 5 then do /* New MSG */ Pull text Parse var text . user text /* Say 'New MSG received'*/ /* HCPMID6001I TIME IS 00:00:00 SET MONDAY 03/23/92 */ /* Special processing for wakeup at midnight */ if index(text,'TIME IS 00:00:00') ^= 0 then do 'GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC STACK FATUPDATES' pull fatupdates if strip(fatupdates) = '' then fatupdates = 0 Say '**** ' fatupdates ' updates processed in last 24 hours ' 'GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC SETPL FATUPDATES 0' 'GLOBALV INIT' return end If user = XNAME("RSCSID") | user = "DECMCS" then do Parse Var text . "FROM" user_node text Parse Var user_node node "(" user ")" . If user = "" | DATATYPE(user,"N") then Return 1 End Else do node = mynode End If index(text,"*GONE") ^= 0 then Return /* Ignore GONE messages */ If index(user,"DECSTG") ^= 0 then Return /* Ignore DECSTG% messages */ If user = 'MAILER' then Return /* Don't process messages from MAILER */ If user = "MAILER" then Return 1 Call process_msg Return result end When code = 6 then do /* Console interrupt */ Say "" Say "Stopping due to CONSOLE interrupt at "date() time() Say "Stopping due to CONSOLE interrupt at "date() time() Say "" Signal stop end Otherwise nop End Return /*====================== L o g m e s ========================*/ Logmes: Procedure Expose execname Nextwork stop owner. Trace Off Parse arg user node action text day = DATE("O") tim = TIME() line = day tim , LEFT(user,8) LEFT(node,8) LEFT(action,8) text Call Check_A "Logging" line 'EXECIO 1 DISKW 'execname' LOG A ( VAR LINE ' Return 0 /*====================== H a l t ==============================*/ Halt: Call Logmes execname XNAME("NODEID") "ERROR" "Halt at line" sigl Signal Stop /*====================== S y n t a x ========================*/ Syntax: Call Logmes execname XNAME("NODEID") "ERROR" "Syntax error at line" sigl Signal Stop /*====================== N o v a l u e =====================*/ Novalue: Call Logmes execname XNAME("NODEID") "ERROR" "Undefined variable at line" sigl Signal Stop /*====================== C h e c k _ f m ==================*/ Check_fm: Procedure Expose execname Nextwork stop owner. Trace Off Parse Arg fm,blkneed mynode = XNAME("NODEID") If ^QDISK(fm,'RW') then do text = "Not write access to my" fm "disk" Call warning text Return -2 End lim = 10 blkmin = 30 blkleft = QDISK(fm,'BLKLEFT') If blkleft < blkmin then do text = "Disk space = "blkleft" blocks in my" fm "disk" Call warning text Return -1 End If blkleft < blkmin+blkneed then irc = Nextwork Else irc = 0 blktot = QDISK(fm,'BLKTOT') left = 100 * blkleft/blktot If left < lim then do If ^FEXIST(execname "LESS"lim fm) then do line = "Disk space: Only " FORMAT(left,3,1)"% free " 'EXECIO 1 DISKW' execname 'LESS'lim fm '1 ( VAR LINE FINIS' text = line "on my" fm "disk" Call warning text End End Else do If FEXIST(execname "LESS"lim fm) then 'ERASE' execname 'LESS'lim fm End Return irc /*====================== C h e c k _ s p ==================*/ Check_sp: Procedure Expose username execname Nextwork stop owner. Trace Off permax = 90 perused = QDISK('A','PERCENT') If perused > permax then do text = perused "% of A-disk in use - performing cleanup " Call warning text Say text "EXEC SENDFILE "execname "LOG TO JAMIE AT CERNVM" Call warning "Erasing "execname "LOG" "ERASE "execname "LOG" Call warning "Erasing "username "NETLOG" "ERASE "username "NETLOG" perused = QDISK('A','PERCENT') text = perused "% of A-disk in use after cleanup " Call warning text If perused > permax then do Call warning "Clean-up failed - exiting" Exit 999 End Return 0 End /*====================== C h e c k _ A =====================*/ Check_A: Trace Off Parse arg mssg irc = Check_fm("A",0) If irc <= -2 then do Say mssg Signal Stop End If irc = - 1 then do If QFILE(execname "LOG A","BLKNO") > 10 then do 'EXEC SENDFILE 'execname' LOG A TO 'XNAME("USERID")' ( NOLOG' 'ERASE 'execname' LOG A' If Check_fm("A",0) < 0 then do Say mssg Signal Stop End Else Return 0 End Else do Say mssg Signal Stop End End Return 0 /*====================== O p e r a t o r ==================*/ Operator: Procedure Expose execname stop owner. operator. mynode Parse arg user , node If node ^= mynode then Return -1 do i=1 to operator.0 If operator.i = user then Return 0 End Return -1 /*====================== A u t h o r i z e ===============*/ Authorize: Procedure Expose execname stop owner. Parse arg user , node do i=1 to owner.0 Parse Var owner.i usero nodeo If user = usero then do If nodeo = "" | node = nodeo then Return 0 End End Return -1 /*====================== P r o c e s s _ m s g ===================*/ Process_msg: /*Say text*/ action = SUBSTR(WORD(text,1),1,4," ") Select When action = "QSPO" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "Qspool " n_files = QSPOOL("RDR","NUMFILES") Call Send_msg user node "I have "n_files" files in my RDR" End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "STOP" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "Stop " Call Send_msg user node "Stop" Signal Stop End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "LOGO" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "Logoff " Call Send_msg user node "Logoff" Queue "CP LOGOFF" Signal Stop End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "WAKE" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "WAKEUP" Call Send_msg user node "Thanks for the alarm call" Exit 99 End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "PURG" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "PURGE" Call Send_msg user node "Purging journal files..." 'LISTFILE FAT* FZ* B (E' 'CMS EXEC PURGE' End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "HELL" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 | operator(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node "Hello " Call Send_msg user node "Hello and how are you today?" End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "HELP" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call Help End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "NEWL" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do "FINIS "execname "LOG" "ERASE "execname "LOG" Call Logmes user node text Call send_msg user node "Old "execname "log erased" End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "FINI" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do "FINIS "execname "LOG" Call Logmes user node text Call send_msg user node execname "log closed" End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "SETP" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Parse var text wud pw . /* "GLOBALV SELECT *EXEC SETPL PWD "pw "GLOBALV INIT" */ "EXEC RACKF" pw Call Logmes user node wud Call send_msg user node "SETPW processed" Call Logmes user node "Logoff after pw change" Call Send_msg user node "Logoff after pw change" "CP LOGOFF" End Else Do Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text Call send_msg user node "Not authorized" End End When action = "CLOS" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text "CP SPOOL CONSOLE CLOSE" saverc = Result Call Send_msg user node text "processed." Return saverc End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "QQUE" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call qqueue text End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "QDIS" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call q_disk text End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "DROP" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call drop text End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "GIME" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call gime text End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "CHQU" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call chqueue text Return result End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End When action = "*FAT" then do Call Logmes user node text End When action = "CHJO" then do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call Logmes user node text Call chjour text Return result End Else Call Logmes user node "NOAUTHO" text End Otherwise do If Authorize(user,node) = 0 then do Call send_msg user node "Invalid command" text Call Help End Call Logmes user node "BAD_MSG" text End End Return 1 /*====================== H e l p ==============================*/ Help: parse arg ihelp If DATATYPE(ihelp,"N") & ihelp > 0 & ihelp <= validmsg.0 then do Call Send_msg user node validmsg.ihelp End Else do Call Send_msg user node "The valid commands are:" do i=1 to validmsg.0 Call Send_msg user node validmsg.i End End Return 0 /*====================== S e n d _ m s g ==================*/ Send_msg: Procedure Expose execname stop owner. Parse arg user node stext mynode = XNAME("NODEID") If user = XNAME("USERID") & node = mynode then Say stext Else do If node = mynode then 'CP MSG' user stext Else 'EXEC TELL' user 'AT' node stext End Return 0 /*====================== C h e c k _ f i l e =====================*/ Check_file: Parse arg fname,ftype,fuser,faddr If faddr ^= QDISK(Buffm,"ADDRESS") | fuser ^= XNAME("USERID") then do 'EXEC GIME 'fuser faddr '(STACK QUIET' If RC > 4 then Return -2 Parse Pull fmode . idrop = 1 End Else do fmode = Buffm idrop = 0 End iexist = FEXIST(fname ftype fmode) - 1 If iexist = 0 then do blkno = QFILE("=","BLKNO") blksize = QDISK(fmode,"BLKSIZE") size = FORMAT(blkno*blksize/1000,6,1) End If idrop then 'EXEC DROP 'fmode Return iexist /*====================== S t o p ==============================*/ Stop: text = 'STOP' call warning text If FEXIST(execname "AUXLOG A") Then 'ERASE 'execname' AUXLOG A' Exit stop /*====================== W a r n i n g =====================*/ Warning: Parse arg msg do i = 2 to owner.0 Parse var owner.i user node If node = "" then node = XNAME("NODEID") Call mail user node msg End Return 0 /*====================== M a i l ==============================*/ Mail: Procedure Expose execname stop owner. Parse Arg user node text test = 1 If ^test then 'EXEC MAIL' user 'AT' node '(NOPROMPT NOLOG NOEDIT FILE DUMMY MAIL A', 'SUBJECT' execname 'AT' XNAME("NODEID")':' text Else Call Send_msg user node text Return 0 /*====================== R e c e i v e =====================*/ Receive: Parse Arg spoolid fname ftype fmode 'EXECIO 0 CP ( STRING ORDER READER' spoolid Do forever 'EXECIO 1000 CARD (STEM BUFF. ' Rcsave = RC 'EXECIO' Buff.0 'DISKW' fname ftype fmode '0 F 80 ( STEM BUFF. ' If Rcsave = 2 then leave End 'FINIS' fname ftype fmode Return 0 /*====================== D r o p ==============================*/ Drop: Parse arg . fm 'EXEC DROP 'fm' ( QUIET' Call Send_msg user node "DROP "fm" ===> Rc="RC Return 0 /*====================== G i m e ==============================*/ Gime: Parse arg . fm 'MAKEBUF' ibuf = Rc 'EXEC GIME 'fm' ( QUIET STACK' rcsave = rc If rcsave <= 4 then Parse pull fmode . 'DROPBUF' ibuf Call Send_msg user node "GIME "fm" ===> Rc="rcsave "fm="fmode Return 0 /*====================== Q d i s k ===========================*/ Q_disk: Parse arg . rest Parse Var rest opt "," ifile mynode = XNAME("NODEID") ifile = 'ABBREV'('WORD'(ifile,1),"F") 'MAKEBUF' buffn = Rc 'QUERY DISK 'opt'( STACK' Queue "" If ifile then do If node = mynode then do 'CP SPOOL PUNCH TO 'user End Else do 'CP SPOOL PUNCH TO 'XNAME("RSCSID") 'CP TAG DEV PUNCH 'node user End 'EXECIO * PUNCH ' 'CP CLOSE PUNCH NAME' execname 'QDISK' 'CP SPOOL PUNCH OFF' If node ^= mynode then 'CP TAG DEV PUNCH' End Else do forever Parse pull line If line = "" then leave Call Send_msg user node line End 'DROPBUF' buffn Return 0