* * $Id: mkfatnew.dat,v 1996/03/07 15:17:49 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mkfatnew.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:49 mclareni * Fatmen * * $!DECK ID>, MKFATNEW.COM $! fatsys:==CERN ! For example $! fatgrp:==LHC ! For example $ $ type/nopage sys$input Please give the name of the FATMEN system. This name forms the top-level of the FATMEN catalogue, e.g. //CERN $eod $ inquire/nopunc ans "FATSYS? " $ if ans.eqs."" then ans = "CERN" $ fatsys==ans - "//" $ type/nopage sys$input Please give the name of the FATMEN group. $eod $ inquire/nopunc ans "FATGRP? " $ if ans.eqs."" then exit $ fatgrp==ans - "FM" $ write sys$output "" $ inquire/nopunc fatdir "Directory where FATMEN catalogue should reside? " $ olddir = f$environment("DEFAULT") $ set default 'fatdir' $ create/directory [.todo] $ create/directory [.tovm] $ create/directory [.done] $ set file/protection=w:rw todo.dir $ fatman="FM''fatgrp'" $ set file/acl=(id='fatman',access=read+write,options=default) todo.dir $ set file/protection=w:rw tovm.dir $ set file/protection=w:rw done.dir $ run cern:[pro.exe]fatnew $ set default 'olddir'