* * $Id: fatmen.F,v 1.3 1996/04/12 07:56:01 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: fatmen.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/04/12 07:56:01 cernlib * new handling of title string * * Revision 1.2 1996/03/29 11:30:03 jamie * qftitlch * * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:42 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" * PROGRAM FATMEN * #include "fatmen/fatsys.inc" #include "fatmen/fatbug.inc" #include "fatmen/fatron.inc" COMMON /PAWC/ PAW(1000000) EXTERNAL FMEXIT,FMQUIT #include "zebra/quest.inc" CHARACTER VIDQQ*(*) #include "fatmen/qftitlch.inc" PARAMETER (VIDQQ = '@(#)' // + FatmenTitleFortranString + // '>') CALL CLEFT (VIDQQ,1,0) * * Initialise C * CALL INITC * * Initialise Zebra... * CALL MZEBRA(-3) CALL MZPAW(1000000,' ') * * Kuip... * NWORDS = 50000 CALL KUINIT(NWORDS) * * FATMEN... * LPRTFA = 6 IDEBFA = 0 SERNAM = 'INIT' FATNOD = ' ' #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS)) * * XZ... * CALL XZINIT(LPRTFA,IDEBFA,3,4,IC) #endif * * CDF... * CALL FMCDF #if defined(CERNLIB_PREV93A) * * Was required to allow 'rm' and 'rmdir' etc. * CALL KUEXEC('STYLE -U') #endif * * Set prompt... * CALL KIPRMT('Type INIT to initialise FATMEN>') THRONG = 'NONE' CALL FMLOGN(IRC) * * If FATMEN.KUMAC not found, use KULOGN * IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'Warning - future versions of FATMEN will not support', + ' FATMEN.KUMAC files' PRINT *,'The new scheme executes the following macros: ' PRINT *,'FATSYS, FATGRP, FATUSR and FATLOCAL' PRINT *,'See the FATMEN manual for more information' ELSE CALL KULOGN('FAT','SGULV') ENDIF * * Set up the EXIT and QUIT routines * CALL KUEXIT(FMEXIT) CALL KUQUIT(FMQUIT) * * Pass control to KUIP... * #if !defined(CERNLIB_MOTIF) CALL KUWHAT #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_MOTIF) CALL KUWHAM('Fatmen') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) CALL SYS$EXIT(%VAL(1)) #endif END #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) SUBROUTINE XYOPEN * * Dummies - not needed for interactive version * ENTRY XYCLOS ENTRY XYREAD ENTRY XYWRIT END *+ #endif