* * $Id: fatsrv.F,v 1.3 1997/03/17 12:48:05 jamie Exp $ * * $Log: fatsrv.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1997/03/17 12:48:05 jamie * bigger store * * Revision 1.2 1996/06/21 12:16:03 jamie * check for bad FZ files in Unix server * * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:40 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" PROGRAM FATSRV *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * MAIN routine for FATMEN Service routine * * FATSRV wakes up at regulard intervals, or upon arrival of new RDR * * files (VM), reads them in and updates RZ file. * * ORACLE/SQL database is also updated if +USE,*SQL. * * * * VM/CMS * * ------ * * Issues WAKEUP (via EXEC) to wait for new RDR files in FZ format * * * * MVS * * --- * * Read FATSYS, FATGRP, FMWAKEUP and FMLOGL from unit 5. * * Look for new FZ files in .todo * * Use PARM instead of GETENVF, e.g. * * * * // EXEC PGM=FATSRV,PARM='DESY,H1,60,3' * * * * VAX/VMS * * ------- * * New FZ files are found in <.TODO>. On wakeup, server reads in * * FZ files and updates RZ file. FZ files then spooled to CERNVM. * * If link to CERNVM is done, renames files to <.TOVM>, else * * to <.DONE>. (Files in <.DONE> should be purged by a CRON job). * * * * UNIX * * ---- * * As for VMS, replacing <.DONE> etc. by /done. * * to /done . (Files in /done should be purged by a CRON job). * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* #include "fatmen/fatsys.inc" #include "fatmen/fatout.inc" #include "fatmen/slate.inc" #include "fatmen/fatstat.inc" INTEGER SYSTEMF LOGICAL EXIST CHARACTER*8 CHWAKE #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) INTEGER STATUS INCLUDE '($RMSDEF)' INTEGER SYS$GETMSG PARAMETER (MINBLK=500) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) PARAMETER (MAXDSN=100) CHARACTER*44 DSN(MAXDSN),NEWDSN DIMENSION HDSN(14) CHARACTER*100 CHPARM #endif CHARACTER*80 CHLINE CHARACTER*255 CHDIR CHARACTER*512 COMAND CHARACTER*240 GENEN CHARACTER*132 LINE,FILEN,NEWF CHARACTER*132 TODO CHARACTER*255 FNAME CHARACTER*255 FATRZ CHARACTER*1 DELM CHARACTER*4 CHOPT * COMMON / / FENCDB(22), LQ(150000) PARAMETER (LURCOR=1000000) * PARAMETER (LURCOR=500000) * PARAMETER (LURCOR=80000) COMMON/CRZT/IXSTOR,IXDIV,IFENCE(2),LEV,LEVIN,BLVECT(LURCOR) DIMENSION LQ(999),IQ(999),Q(999) EQUIVALENCE (IQ(1),Q(1),LQ(9)),(LQ(1),LEV) * #include "zebra/quest.inc" COMMON /USRLNK/LUSRK1,LUSRBK,LUSRLS INTEGER FMHOST,FMUSER,FAFNDF CHARACTER*12 CHUSER,CHSYS,CHLOG COMMON/FSRVCM/ HNAME,HTYPE,HSYS CHARACTER*8 HNAME,HTYPE,HSYS CHARACTER*64 FUNAM #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) LOGICAL ITOVM,IDONE #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) LOGICAL ITOVM,IDONE,ITODO #endif * #include "fatmen/fatbug.inc" LUNRZ = 1 LUFZFA = 2 * * * Initialise ZEBRA * CALL MZEBRA(-3) CALL MZSTOR(IXSTOR,'/CRZT/','Q',IFENCE,LEV,BLVECT(1),BLVECT(1), + BLVECT(5000),BLVECT(LURCOR)) CALL MZLOGL(IXSTOR,-3) * * *** Define user division and link area like: * CALL MZDIV (IXSTOR, IXDIV, 'USERS', 50000, LURCOR, 'L') CALL MZLINK (IXSTOR, '/USRLNK/', LUSRK1, LUSRLS, LUSRK1) * * * Determine if we are running on CERNVM... * IC = FMHOST(HNAME,HTYPE,HSYS) #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) CALL GOPARM(LPARM,CHPARM) IF(LPARM.EQ.0) THEN NPARMS = 0 ELSE CALL FMNWRD(',',CHPARM(1:LPARM),NPARMS) ENDIF IF(NPARMS.GT.0) THEN CALL FMWORD(CHSYS,0,',',CHPARM(1:LPARM),IRC) ELSE PRINT *,'FATSRV. GOPARM variable FATSYS not defined. ' PRINT *,'FATSRV. defaulted to CERN' CHSYS = 'CERN' ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) CALL VMREXX('F','FATSYS',CHSYS,IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) CALL GETENVF('FATSYS',CHSYS) LDEF = IS(1) IRC = 0 IF(LDEF.EQ.0) IRC = -1 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN CHSYS = 'CERN' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) PRINT *,'FATSRV. REXX variable FATSYS not defined. ' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) PRINT *,'FATSRV. symbol FATSYS not defined.' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) PRINT *,'FATSRV. environmental variable FATSYS not defined. ' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) PRINT *,'FATSRV. defaulted to CERN' ENDIF #endif CALL CLTOU(CHSYS) TOPDIR = '//'//CHSYS #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) * * Take username from REXX variable 'FATMAN' * If not defined, use current username * This username determines the FATMEN group for whom we are working... * CALL VMREXX('F','FATMAN',CHUSER,IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) CALL GETENVF('FATGRP',CHUSER) LDEF = IS(1) IRC = 0 IF(LDEF.EQ.0) IRC = -1 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) IF(NPARMS.GE.2) THEN CALL FMWORD(CHUSER,1,',',CHPARM(1:LPARM),IRC) ELSE PRINT *,'FATSRV. GOPARM variable FATUSER not defined. ' IRC = -1 ENDIF #endif IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN IC = FMUSER(CHUSER) #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) PRINT *,'FATSRV. REXX variable FATMAN not defined. ' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) PRINT *,'FATSRV. symbol FATGRP not defined.' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) PRINT *,'FATSRV. environmental variable FATGRP not defined. ' #endif PRINT *,'Using current username' ENDIF CALL CLTOU(CHUSER) IF(CHUSER(1:2).NE.'FM') THEN SERNAM = 'FM' // CHUSER(1:LENOCC(CHUSER)) ELSE SERNAM = CHUSER(1:LENOCC(CHUSER)) ENDIF LSN = LENOCC(SERNAM) * * * Get directory where RZ file is kept... * #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) DEFAULT = ' ' CALL GETENVF(SERNAM(1:LSN),DEFAULT) LDEF = IS(1) IF(LDEF.GT.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. catalogue is in directory ', + DEFAULT(1:LDEF) ELSE PRINT *,'FATSRV. symbol/variable ',SERNAM(1:LSN), + ' is undefined. Using current directory' CALL GETWDF(DEFAULT) LDEF = IS(1) ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) * * We are abit less flexible than on other systems and * require a DD card for the FATMEN RZ file... * CALL VBLANK(HDSN,14) CALL FTINFO(LUNRZ,-1,HDSN,IRC) CALL UHTOC(HDSN,4,DEFAULT,LEN(DEFAULT)) LDEF = LENOCC(DEFAULT) LDEF = INDEXB(DEFAULT(1:LDEF),'.') - 1 LDEF = INDEXB(DEFAULT(1:LDEF),'.') - 1 DEFAULT(LDEF+1:) = ' ' #endif * * Get wakeup interval * ISLEEP = 60 #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) IF(NPARMS.GE.3) THEN CALL FMWORD(CHWAKE,2,',',CHPARM(1:LPARM),IRC) ELSE IC = -1 ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) CALL VMREXX('F','FMWAKEUP',CHWAKE,IC) LCHW = LENOCC(CHWAKE) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) CALL GETENVF('FMWAKEUP',CHWAKE) LCHW = IS(1) IF(LCHW.GT.0) THEN IC = 0 ELSE IC = -1 ENDIF #endif IF(IC.EQ.0) THEN ISLEEP = ICDECI(CHWAKE,1,8) ENDIF IF(ISLEEP.EQ.0) THEN ISLEEP = 60 WRITE(CHWAKE,'(I8.8)') ISLEEP ENDIF * PRINT *,'FATSRV. Initialising for group ',CHUSER(1:LSN) PRINT *,'FATSRV. wakeup interval is ',ISLEEP,' seconds' #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) SLEEP = FLOAT(ISLEEP) #endif * * Set logging level * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) CALL VMREXX('F','FMLOGL',CHLOG,IRC) IF(IRC.EQ.0) ILOG = ICDECI(CHLOG,1,8) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) CALL GETENVF('FMLOGL',CHLOG) IF(IS(1).GT.0) ILOG = ICDECI(CHLOG,1,8) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) IF(NPARMS.GE.4) THEN CALL FMWORD(CHLOG,3,',',CHPARM(1:LPARM),IRC) IF(IRC.EQ.0) ILOG = ICDECI(CHLOG,1,8) ENDIF #endif * * Initialise FATMEN... * CALL FMLOGL(ILOG) * * Set Zebra loglevel * IZLOG = MAX(ILOG,-3) IZLOG = MIN(ILOG,2) CALL MZLOGL(IXSTOR,IZLOG) * * Force non-CSPACK access * FATNOD = ' ' * * Single user mode * LTOP = LENOCC(TOPDIR) CHOPT = '1DL ' #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) CHOPT = '1DLX' #endif CALL FATINI(IXSTOR,LUNRZ,LUFZFA,TOPDIR(1:LTOP),CHOPT) OUTPUT = 'TTY' * * Zero counters * NFMUSR = 0 NFMNOD = 0 NFMFIL = 0 NFMCOM = 0 NFMPUT = 0 NFMMOD = 0 NFMDEL = 0 NFMMDR = 0 NFMRMD = 0 NFMOPN = 0 NFMCLS = 0 NFMPDK = 0 NFMPRP = 0 NFMPDL = 0 NFMBAD = 0 NFMLOG = 0 * * Compare bit map of allocated records against the file itself * CALL RZVERI(TOPDIR(1:LTOP),'C') IF(IQUEST(2).NE.0) THEN * * Rebuild bit map * PRINT *,'FATSRV. ',IQUEST(2), + ' records marked as free but in use' PRINT *,'FATSRV. rebuilding bitmap...' CALL RZFREE('RZFILE') CALL RZVERI(TOPDIR(1:LTOP),'B') CALL RZLOCK('RZFILE') ENDIF * * Print version * CALL FMVERS #if (defined(CERNLIB_APOLLO))&&(defined(CERNLIB_PLONK)) NRETRY = 0 10 CONTINUE NRETRY = NRETRY + 1 CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) * * Single user mode * FATRZ = TOPDIR(3:LTOP)//'.FATRZ' LRECL = 0 CALL FAOPEN('FARZ',LUNRZ,'U',FATRZ,LRECL,5000) IF(IFMODX.EQ.0) THEN CHOPT = 'UDL' ELSE CHOPT = 'UDLX' ENDIF CALL RZFILE(LUNRZ,TOPDIR(3:LTOP),CHOPT) IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. error ',IQUEST(1),' from RZFILE' IF(NRETRY.LT.2) THEN CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) GOTO 10 ELSE PRINT *,'giving up after ',NRETRY,' retries' STOP ENDIF ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_SQLCOM) * * Connect to ORACLE or SQL/DS * DO 20 I=1,5 CALL FMLOGI(IRC) IF(IRC.EQ.0) GOTO 30 PRINT *,'FATSRV. cannot connect to ORACLE.', + ' Will sleep for 1 minute then retry' CALL SLEEPF(60) 20 CONTINUE * * Cannot connect to ORACLE after 5 attempts - shutdown * CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM))&&(defined(CERNLIB_SQLCOM)) CALL VMCMS('#CP LOGOFF',IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_SQLCOM) STOP 30 CONTINUE #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) * * Find directory name where updates are kept * TODO = ' ' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) TODO = DEFAULT(1:LDEF) // '/todo' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) TODO = DEFAULT(1:LDEF-1) // '.TODO]AA*.*' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) LTODO = LENOCC(TODO) #endif * * Check that TODO directory exists * #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) INQUIRE(FILE=TODO(1:LTODO),EXIST=ITODO) IF(.NOT.ITODO) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. directory ',TODO(1:LTODO), + ' does not exist. Stopping...' GOTO 100 ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) INQUIRE(FILE=DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'TODO.DIR',EXIST=ITODO) IF(.NOT.ITODO) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. directory ',TODO(1:LTODO-5), + ' does not exist. Stopping...' GOTO 100 ENDIF #endif * * Do we need to copy to VM? * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) INQUIRE(FILE='/'//DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'.tovm',EXIST=ITOVM) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) INQUIRE(FILE=DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'TOVM.DIR',EXIST=ITOVM) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) INQUIRE(FILE=DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'/tovm',EXIST=ITOVM) #endif IF(ITOVM) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. tovm directory exists - ', + 'will attempt to send files to CERNVM.' ENDIF * * Check that DONE directory exists * #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) INQUIRE(FILE=DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'DONE.DIR',EXIST=IDONE) IF(.NOT.IDONE) THEN CHDIR = DEFAULT(1:LDEF-1)//'.DONE'//DEFAULT(LDEF:LDEF) LDIR = LENOCC(CHDIR) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. creating directory ', + CHDIR(1:LDIR) IC = LIB$CREATE_DIR(CHDIR(1:LDIR)) IF(.NOT.IC) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(IC)) ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) INQUIRE(FILE=DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'/done',EXIST=IDONE) IF(.NOT.IDONE) THEN CHDIR = DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'/done' LDIR = LENOCC(CHDIR) CALL CUTOL(CHDIR(1:LDIR)) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. creating directory ', + CHDIR(1:LDIR) IC = SYSTEMF('mkdir '//CHDIR(1:LDIR)) IF(IC.NE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. error creating directory' ENDIF #endif * * Infinite loop - wait for new RDR files and then try to * read them in with FZ * 40 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) CALL VMCMS('EXEC FATSERV',IC) IF((IC.EQ.3).OR.(IC.EQ.99)) GOTO 40 IF(IC.NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'ERROR FROM VMCMS, CODE=',IC GOTO 100 ENDIF * * If we get here, we should have just received a file * Try to read in with FZIN * CALL FMFZI(' ',GENEN,ICOUNT) * * Error opening input file * IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) GOTO 40 LG = LENOCC(GENEN) * * No updates found in input file (curious) * IF(ICOUNT.EQ.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.-1) WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) ELSE * * Forward updates to remote nodes * (we now require an entry in the names file also for CERNVM) * CALL VMCMS('EXEC FAT4WARD '//GENEN(1:LG),IRC) ENDIF * * Store journal file * CALL VMCMS('EXEC FATJOURN',IRC) * * Close and re-open RZ file so that updates are visible * CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) * * Single user mode * FATRZ = TOPDIR(3:LTOP)//'.FATRZ.A6' LRECL = 0 CALL FAOPEN('FARZ',LUNRZ,'U',FATRZ,LRECL,5000) IF(IFMODX.EQ.0) THEN CHOPT = '1' ELSE CHOPT = '1X' ENDIF CALL RZFILE(LUNRZ,TOPDIR(3:LTOP),CHOPT) GOTO 40 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) * * Look for new files in .todo * 50 CONTINUE CALL FALCAT(DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'.TODO',DSN,MAXDSN,NUMDSN,IRC) IF((IRC.EQ.0).AND.(NUMDSN.EQ.0)) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) THEN CALL DATIME(ID,IT) PRINT *,'FATSRV. time is ',ID,IT, + ' sleeping for ',ISLEEP,' seconds' ENDIF CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 40 ELSE DO 70 I=1,NUMDSN * * Read in FZ file * LDSN = LENOCC(DSN(I)) IF(INDEX(DSN(I)(1:LDSN),'SIGNAL.STOP').NE.0) GOTO 100 CALL FMFZI(DSN(I)(1:LDSN),GENEN,ICOUNT) * * Error opening input file * IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 40 ENDIF IF(ICOUNT.EQ.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.-1) WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) ELSE * * Queue to remote servers * ITODO = INDEX(DSN(I)(1:LDSN),'.TODO') NEWDSN = DSN(I)(1:LDSN) NEWDSN(ITODO:ITODO+4) = '.TOVM' 60 CONTINUE CALL FMFNME(FUNAM) NEWDSN(ITODO+5:) = '.'//FUNAM LNEW = LENOCC(NEWDSN) INQUIRE(FILE='/'//NEWDSN(1:LNEW),EXIST=EXIST) IF(EXIST) THEN CALL SLEEPF(1) GOTO 60 ENDIF CALL FAMOVE(DSN(I)(1:LDSN),NEWDSN(1:LNEW),IC) ENDIF 70 CONTINUE * * Any more files to be processed? * IF(IRC.EQ.1) GOTO 50 ENDIF GOTO 40 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) * * Check disk quota * CALL FMQUOT(IUSED,IFREE,IALLO,IOVER,IRC) IF(IRC.LT.0.AND.IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. error obtaining ', + 'disk quota information' IF(IRC.EQ.0.AND.IFREE.LT.MINBLK) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATSRV. triggering disk cleanup' IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'Current usage = ',IUSED,IFREE, + IALLO,IOVER,' blocks used/free/allocated/overdraft' IRC = SYSTEMF('PURGE *.*/LOG') CALL FMQUOT(IUSED,IFREE,IALLO,IOVER,IRC) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'After cleanup = ',IUSED,IFREE, + IALLO,IOVER,' blocks used/free/allocated/overdraft' ENDIF IF(IDEBFA.GE.3) PRINT *,'FATSRV. looking for files in ', + TODO(1:LTODO) ICONT = 0 80 CONTINUE * * Check for signal.stop file * JCONT = 0 STATUS = LIB$FIND_FILE(TODO(1:LTODO-5)//'SIGNAL.STOP', + FILEN,JCONT) ISTAT = LIB$FIND_FILE_END(JCONT) IF(STATUS.EQ.RMS$_SUC) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. signal.stop file found - stopping' GOTO 100 ENDIF * * Look for new files in <.TODO> * STATUS = LIB$FIND_FILE(TODO(1:LTODO),FILEN,ICONT) * * Unexpected error * IF(STATUS.NE.RMS$_NMF.AND.STATUS.NE.RMS$_FNF.AND. + .NOT.STATUS) THEN CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) ENDIF * * No more files - clear context pointer * IF(STATUS.EQ.RMS$_NMF) THEN IRC = LIB$FIND_FILE_END(ICONT) ICONT = 0 GOTO 40 ENDIF * * File not found - sleep * IF(STATUS.EQ.RMS$_FNF) THEN IRC = LIB$FIND_FILE_END(ICONT) ICONT = 0 IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) THEN CALL DATIME(ID,IT) PRINT *,'FATSRV. time is ',ID,IT, + ' sleeping for ',ISLEEP,' seconds' ENDIF CALL LIB$WAIT(SLEEP) GOTO 40 ENDIF LFILEN = INDEX(FILEN,';') -1 IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) PRINT *,'New FZFILE found ',FILEN(1:LFILEN) * * Read in FZ file * CALL FMFZI(FILEN(1:LFILEN),GENEN,ICOUNT) * * Error opening input file * IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 80 ENDIF IF(ICOUNT.EQ.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.-1) WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) ELSE * * Send to remote servers * CALL FMSSND(GENEN,FILEN(1:LFILEN),IRC) ENDIF * * Try to copy to CERNVM * IF(ITOVM.AND.ICOUNT.GT.0) THEN CALL FMTOVM(LUFZFA,FILEN(1:LFILEN),IRC) ELSE IRC = 0 ENDIF IDIR = INDEX(FILEN,'.TODO') NEWF = FILEN IF (IRC .EQ. 0) THEN * * Send to VM successful, can rename to <.DONE> * NEWF(IDIR+1:IDIR+4) = 'DONE' LCOLON = INDEX(FILEN(1:LFILEN),';') IF(LCOLON.NE.0) LFILEN = LCOLON IF(IDEBFA.GE.3) PRINT *,'FATSRV. renaming ', + FILEN(1:LFILEN),' to ',NEWF(1:LFILEN) IC = LIB$RENAME_FILE(FILEN(1:LFILEN),NEWF(1:LFILEN),,,,,,,,,,) IF (.NOT. IC) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(IC)) ELSE * * Send to VM failed, queue to <.TOVM> * NEWF(IDIR+1:IDIR+4) = 'TOVM' IF(IDEBFA.GE.3) PRINT *,'FATSRV. renaming ', + FILEN(1:LFILEN),' to ',NEWF(1:LFILEN) IC = LIB$RENAME_FILE(FILEN(1:LFILEN),NEWF(1:LFILEN),,,,,,,,,,) IF (.NOT. IC) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(IC)) ENDIF * * Close and re-open RZ file so that updates are visible * CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) * * Single user mode * FATRZ = TOPDIR(3:LTOP)//'.FATRZ' LRECL = 0 CALL FAOPEN('FARZ',LUNRZ,'SU',FATRZ,LRECL,5000) IF(IFMODX.EQ.0) THEN CHOPT = '1DL' ELSE CHOPT = '1DLX' ENDIF CALL RZFILE(LUNRZ,TOPDIR(3:LTOP),CHOPT) * * Any more files with current context pointer? * GOTO 80 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) * * Look for new files in /todo * ICONT = 0 90 CONTINUE FILEN = ' ' INQUIRE (FILE=TODO(1:LTODO)//'/signal.stop', EXIST=EXIST) IF(EXIST) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. signal.stop file found - stopping' GOTO 100 ENDIF ISTAT = FAFNDF(TODO(1:LTODO),FILEN,ICONT) * * If we were processing a previous batch of files and hit * EOF, go look immediately if there are now some more * IF(ISTAT.EQ.1.AND.ICONT.EQ.1) GOTO 40 * * EOF? * IF(ISTAT.NE.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) THEN CALL DATIME(ID,IT) PRINT *,'FATSRV. time is ',ID,IT, + ' sleeping for ',ISLEEP,' seconds' ENDIF CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 40 ENDIF ICONT = 1 * * Ignore files . and .. * IF((FILEN(1:1).EQ.'.')) GOTO 90 LFILEN = LENOCC(FILEN) * * Ignore Kumacs * IF(INDEX(FILEN(1:LFILEN),'.kumac').NE.0) GOTO 90 IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) PRINT *,'FATSRV. new FZFILE found ', + FILEN(1:LFILEN) IF (INDEX(FILEN,'signal.stop') .NE. 0) GOTO 100 IF (FILEN(1:2).EQ.'zz'.OR.FILEN(1:2).EQ.'ZZ') THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.1) THEN CALL DATIME(ID,IT) PRINT *,'FATSRV. time is ',ID,IT, + ' sleeping for ',ISLEEP,' seconds' ENDIF CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 40 ENDIF * * Read in FZ file * FNAME = TODO(1:LTODO)//'/'//FILEN(1:LFILEN) LFNAM = LENOCC(FNAME) * * Check for bad FZ files * OPEN(LUFZFA,FILE=FNAME(1:LFNAM),STATUS='OLD',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', + FORM='FORMATTED') READ(LUFZFA,'(A)') CHLINE CLOSE(LUFZFA) IF(CHLINE(1:2).NE.'>>') THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) WRITE(LPRTFA,7001) FNAME(1:LFNAM) 7001 FORMAT(' FATSRV. bad FZ file: ',A, ' moving to BAD directory') ISTAT = +SYSTEMF('mv '//FNAME(1:LFNAM)//' '//DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//'/bad') GOTO 40 ENDIF CALL FMFZI(FNAME(1:LFNAM),GENEN,ICOUNT) * * Error opening input file * IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 40 ENDIF IF(ICOUNT.EQ.0) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.-1) WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) ELSE * * Send to remote servers * CALL FMSSND(GENEN,FNAME(1:LFNAM),IRC) ENDIF * * Try to copy to CERNVM * IF(ITOVM.AND.ICOUNT.GT.0) THEN CALL FMTOVM(LUFZFA,FNAME(1:LFNAM),IRC) ELSE IRC = 0 ENDIF IDIR = INDEX(TODO,'/todo') NEWF = FNAME LNEWF = LFNAM IF (IRC .EQ. 0) THEN * * Send to VM successful, can rename to /done * NEWF(IDIR+1:IDIR+4) = 'done' COMAND = 'mv ' //FNAME(1:LFNAM)// ' ' //NEWF(1:LNEWF) LCOM = LENOCC(COMAND) ISTAT = SYSTEMF(COMAND(1:LCOM)) PRINT *,'FATSRV. executing ',COMAND(1:LCOM) ELSE * * Send to VM failed, queue to /tovm * NEWF(IDIR+1:IDIR+4) = 'tovm' COMAND = 'mv ' //FNAME(1:LFNAM)// ' ' //NEWF(1:LNEWF) LCOM = LENOCC(COMAND) ISTAT = SYSTEMF(COMAND(1:LCOM)) IF(IDEBFA.GE.3) PRINT *,'FATSRV. executing ',COMAND(1:LCOM) ENDIF * * Close and re-open RZ file so that updates are visible * CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) * * Single user mode, exchange mode catalogue * FATRZ = TOPDIR(3:LTOP)//'.FATRZ' LRECL = 0 CALL FAOPEN('FARZ',LUNRZ,'UX',FATRZ,LRECL,5000) CHOPT = '1DLX' CALL RZFILE(LUNRZ,TOPDIR(3:LTOP),CHOPT) IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'FATSRV. return code ',IQUEST(1),' from RZFILE' GOTO 100 ENDIF GOTO 90 #endif 100 CALL RZEND(TOPDIR(3:LTOP)) CLOSE (LUNRZ) * * Print termination statistics * IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) THEN WRITE(LPRTFA,9001) NFMUSR,NFMNOD,NFMFIL,NFMCOM +,NFMPUT,NFMMOD,NFMDEL,NFMMDR,NFMRMD,NFMOPN,NFMCLS +,NFMPDK,NFMPRP,NFMPDL,NFMBAD,NFMLOG 9001 FORMAT(' FATSRV. termination statistics: ',/, + ' Number of different users = ',I6,' (not yet counted) ',/, + ' Number of different nodes = ',I6,' (not yet counted) ',/, + ' Number of files = ',I6,/, + ' Number of commands = ',I6,/, + ' Number of PUTs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of MODs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of DELs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of MKDIRs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of RMDIRs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of OPENs = ',I6,/, + ' Number of CLOSEs = ',I6,' (not yet counted) ',/, + ' Number of RZDELK warnings = ',I6,/, + ' Number of REP failures = ',I6,' (no such entry) ',/, + ' Number of DEL failures = ',I6,' (no such entry) ',/, + ' Number of BAD commands = ',I6,' (unrecognised) ',/, + ' Number of LOG commands = ',I6) ENDIF 9002 FORMAT(' FATSRV. no updates found in journal file - will not', + ' be sent to remote nodes.') END