* * $Id: fatrzchk.F,v 1996/03/07 15:17:39 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fatrzchk.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:39 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" PROGRAM FATRZCHK * * Check that RZ file is not corrupted. Requires that RZVER2 * is extracted with sequence RZBMAP appropriately defined. * * KDMAX must be >= NRECS * LRECL / 32 (lrecl in words) * #include "fatmen/fatbug.inc" #include "fatmen/slate.inc" #include "zebra/quest.inc" * COMMON/PAWC/PAW(500000) CHARACTER*255 FILE,DEFAULT CHARACTER*8 CHWAKE,CHLOGL,CHUSER,CHHOST,CHTYPE,CHSYS,SERNAM #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) CHARACTER*80 LINE CHARACTER*1 SERMOD #endif INTEGER LENOCC CALL HLIMIT(500000) * * Get the log level * CALL GETENVF('FMLOGL',CHLOGL) IF(IS(1).GT.0) THEN IDEBFA = ICDECI(CHLOGL,1,8) ELSE IDEBFA = 0 ENDIF * * Get the system name * CALL GETENVF('FATSYS',FILE) IF(IS(1).EQ.0) THEN FILE = 'CERN' IS(1) = 4 ENDIF FILE(IS(1)+1:) = '.FATRZ' LFILE = IS(1) + 6 IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. The catalogue name is '// +FILE(1:LFILE) * * Get the group * CALL GETENVF('FATGRP',CHUSER) IF(IS(1).EQ.0) THEN CHUSER = 'FMCERN' LUSER = 6 ELSE LUSER = IS(1) CALL CLTOU(CHUSER) ENDIF IF(CHUSER(1:2).NE.'FM') THEN SERNAM = 'FM' // CHUSER(1:LUSER) LUSER = LUSER + 2 ELSE SERNAM = CHUSER(1:LUSER) ENDIF LSN = LUSER #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) * * Get directory where RZ file is kept... * DEFAULT = ' ' CALL GETENVF(SERNAM(1:LSN),DEFAULT) LDEF = IS(1) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. catalogue is in directory ', + DEFAULT(1:LDEF) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) LDEF = LDEF + 1 DEFAULT(LDEF:LDEF) = '/' #endif LREC = 0 #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) * * Link to disk of specified service machine * SERMOD = '?' CALL VMCMS('EXEC GIME '//SERNAM// +'(QUIET NONOTICE STACK)',IRC) IF (IRC .LE. 4) THEN CALL VMRTRM(LINE,LEN) SERMOD = LINE(1:1) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) + PRINT *,'Linked to ',SERNAM,' mode ',SERMOD ELSEIF(IRC.EQ.104) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GT.-3) + PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. Invalid userid. Check variable FATGRP' STOP 16 ELSE IF(IDEBFA.GT.-3) + PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. Error code ',IRC,' from EXEC GIME', + ' type FIND GIME for a list of return codes' STOP 16 ENDIF CALL RZOPEN(1,'RZ',FILE(1:LFILE)//' '//SERMOD,' ',LREC,IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) CALL RZOPEN(1,'RZ',DEFAULT(1:LDEF)//FILE(1:LFILE),' ',LREC,IRC) #endif IF(ISTAT.NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. error ,IRC, from RZOPEN' GOTO 99 ENDIF CALL RZFILE(1,'RZ',' ') CALL RZLOGL(1,1) CALL RZVERI('//RZ','OP') IRC = IQUEST(1) CALL RZEND('RZ') CLOSE(1) 99 CONTINUE IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN PRINT *, + 'FATRZCHK. input RZ file is corrupt or cannot be opened!' #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) STOP 16 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) *%BAS-E-CORFILSTR, Corrupted file structure CALL SYS$EXIT(%VAL(1736938)) #endif ELSE PRINT *,'FATRZCHK. input RZ file seems to be OK!' ENDIF END