* * $Id: fmnamf.F,v 1996/03/07 15:18:20 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fmnamf.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:18:20 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_CSPACK) SUBROUTINE FMNAMF(LUN,CHFILE,CHNODE,CHIN,NIN,CHOUT,NOUT,IRC) CHARACTER*(*) CHIN(2,NIN),CHOUT(2,NOUT),CHFILE,CHNODE CHARACTER*255 CHLINE,CHBUF(10),CHUBUF(10) CHARACTER*255 CHTAG ,CHVAL ,CHULIN, CHNAME LOGICAL IEOF * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) CHARACTER*8 PREFIX #endif * * CERN PROGLIB# M442 NAMEFD .VERSION KERNBIT 1.08 911120 * Author: Jamie Shiers * * ==> Copied 02/12/92 to provide CSPACK access to remote names files * * Emulation of VM/CMS NAMEFIND command. Process NAMES file * looking for the first entry containing the specified * input tags and return those requested. * CHIN(1,I) = tag name * CHIN(2,I) = tag value * * Checks on tag name and value are case insensitive, but * values are returned asis. * * Return codes: * in case of OPEN error: IOSTAT from FORTRAN OPEN * 32 - no match found for input tags & values * 4 - not all requested output tags found * * Mods Date Comments * 92/10/15 Version=1.06 Fix bug for single character values * 92/10/09 Version=1.05 Handle multiple tags/line correctly * 92/06/11 Version=1.04 Look for tags terminated by . * Version=1.03 Open files on VAX READONLY * Version=1.02 Open files on IBM ACTION='READ' * Version=1.01 Open files on VAX shared * Version=1.00 First release * ------------------------------------------------------------------ IRC = 0 IFOUND = 0 LF = LENOCC(CHFILE) CHNAME = CHFILE(1:LF) CALL XZOPEN(LUN,CHNAME(1:LF),CHNODE,80,'F',IRC) IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'Cannot open ',CHNAME(1:LF),' IOSTAT = ',IRC RETURN ENDIF * * Loop over all records in the file, looking for the first * entry that matches input criteria * IEOF = .FALSE. NBUF = 1 10 CONTINUE CALL XZGETL(LUN,CHLINE,'(A)',' ',IRC) LLINE = LENOCC(CHLINE) IF(LLINE.EQ.0) GOTO 10 * * Ignore lines beginning with a * * IF(CHLINE(1:1).EQ.'*') GOTO 10 CHULIN = CHLINE CALL CLTOU(CHULIN) * * Each element of the file starts with a line containing * :nick and ends with the next line containing :nick, * or the end-of-file * IF(INDEX(CHULIN(1:LLINE),':NICK').NE.0) THEN CHBUF(NBUF) = CHLINE(1:LLINE) * * Now get the remaining records for this element * 20 CONTINUE CALL XZGETL(LUN,CHLINE,'(A)',' ',IRC) * * EOF handling could be better but... * IF(IRC.NE.0) GOTO 30 LLINE = LENOCC(CHLINE) IF(LLINE.EQ.0) GOTO 20 CHULIN = CHLINE CALL CLTOU(CHULIN) IF(INDEX(CHULIN(1:LLINE),':NICK').NE.0) GOTO 40 NBUF = NBUF + 1 CHBUF(NBUF) = CHLINE(1:LLINE) GOTO 20 30 CONTINUE IEOF = .TRUE. 40 CONTINUE * * Now have NBUF lines for current element. * Look for input tags... * NTAGS = 0 DO 50 I=1,NBUF LBUF = LENOCC(CHBUF(I)) IF(LBUF.EQ.0) GOTO 50 DO 60 J=1,NIN * * Does this tag exist in current record? * LTAG = LENOCC(CHIN(1,J)) CHTAG = CHIN(1,J)(1:LTAG) CHUBUF(I) = CHBUF(I) CALL CLTOU(CHTAG) CALL CLTOU(CHUBUF(I)) ISTART = INDEX(CHUBUF(I)(1:LBUF),CHTAG(1:LTAG)//'.') IF(ISTART.NE.0) THEN * * Does the value match? * ISTART = ISTART + LTAG + 1 IEND = INDEX(CHBUF(I)(ISTART+1:LBUF),' ') IF(IEND.EQ.0) THEN IEND = LBUF ELSE IEND = IEND + ISTART ENDIF CHVAL = CHIN(2,J) LCHVAL = LENOCC(CHIN(2,J)) CALL CLTOU(CHVAL) IF(CHVAL(1:LCHVAL).NE.CHUBUF(I)(ISTART:IEND)) THEN GOTO 70 ELSE * * Tag matched - increment counter * NTAGS = NTAGS + 1 ENDIF ENDIF 60 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * * Check that we found all the tags we were looking for... * IF(NTAGS.LT.NIN) GOTO 70 IFOUND = 1 * * Now return want the user wanted... * NTAGS = 0 DO 80 I=1,NBUF LBUF = LENOCC(CHBUF(I)) IF(LBUF.EQ.0) GOTO 80 DO 90 J=1,NOUT * * Does this tag exist in current record? * LTAG = LENOCC(CHOUT(1,J)) CHTAG = CHOUT(1,J)(1:LTAG) CALL CLTOU(CHTAG) ISTART = INDEX(CHUBUF(I)(1:LBUF),CHTAG(1:LTAG)//'.') IF(ISTART.NE.0) THEN * * Get the value of this tag... * ISTART = ISTART + LTAG + 1 IF(ISTART.GE.LBUF) THEN IEND = LBUF ELSE IEND = INDEX(CHBUF(I)(ISTART+1:LBUF),' :') IF(IEND.EQ.0) THEN IEND = LBUF ELSE IEND = IEND + ISTART ENDIF ENDIF CHOUT(2,J) = CHBUF(I)(ISTART:IEND) NTAGS = NTAGS + 1 ENDIF 90 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE * * We have found an entry - now return * IF(NTAGS.EQ.NOUT) THEN IFOUND = 2 GOTO 99 ENDIF * * Entry did not have all the fields we want * Look for a better one... * 70 CONTINUE * * Anything left to process? * IF(.NOT.IEOF) THEN NBUF = 1 CHBUF(NBUF) = CHLINE(1:LLINE) GOTO 20 ENDIF * ENDIF 99 CALL XZCLOS(LUN,' ',IRC) * * No entries found matching search criteria * IF(IFOUND.EQ.0) IRC = 32 IF(IFOUND.EQ.1) IRC = 4 END #endif