* * $Id: fmsreq.F,v 1996/03/07 15:18:14 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fmsreq.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:18:14 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE FMSREQ(CHSERV,CHCOMM,IRC,CHREP,L) #include "fatmen/faust.inc" #include "fatmen/fatnet.inc" CHARACTER*(*) CHSERV,CHCOMM,CHREP(L) CHARACTER*240 COMAND CHARACTER*20 LINE PARAMETER (ISLEEP=60) PARAMETER (MAXTRY=1000) #include "fatmen/fatbug.inc" SAVE NENTRY DATA NENTRY/0/ #if (!defined(CERNLIB_CRAY))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_SGI)) #include "fatmen/errno.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_CRAY) #include "fatmen/errcray.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_SGI) #include "fatmen/errsgi.inc" #endif LCHSRV = LENOCC(CHSERV) LCHCMM = LENOCC(CHCOMM) IRC = 0 NENTRY = NENTRY + 1 NRETRY = 0 NFSREQ = NFSREQ + 1 IF(IDEBFA.GE.3) PRINT *,'FMSREQ. enter for service ', + CHSERV(1:LCHSRV),' command ',CHCOMM(1:LCHCMM) COMAND = CHCOMM(1:LCHCMM) LBUF = L 10 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_TMS) LENBUF = LBUF CALL SYSREQ(CHSERV(1:LCHSRV),COMAND, + IRC,CHREP,LENBUF) * * Service (temporarily) unavailable) * IF(IRC.EQ.3) THEN CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 10 ENDIF * * Volume in use (actually, volume not Free or Held) * IF(IRC.EQ.260) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) WRITE(LPRTFA,9001) IRC,ISLEEP 9001 FORMAT(' FMSREQ. return code ',I5, + ' from TMS. Waiting ',I5,' seconds before retry') CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) GOTO 10 ENDIF * * Network errors * IFIND = IUFIND(IABS(IRC),IFATRC,1,NERRS) IF(IFIND.LE.NERRS) THEN * * Found a return code for which we retry * NSECS = IRETRY(IFIND) IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) WRITE(LPRTFA,9001) IRC,NSECS CALL SLEEPF(NSECS) GOTO 10 ENDIF * * Continuation message: was the buffer big enough to * fit the continuation command? * IF(IRC.EQ.2.AND.LENBUF.GT.0) L = LENBUF IF(IRC.NE.2) L = LENBUF * * 'Safe' error messages (continuation, volume unknown, unavailable) * IF(IRC.EQ.2.OR.IRC.EQ.8.OR.IRC.EQ.100.OR. + (IRC.GE.312.AND.IRC.LE.315)) GOTO 30 * * Bad configuration file * IF(IRC.EQ.-1009) THEN IF(NENTRY.EQ.1.AND.IDEBFA.GE.-3) THEN WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) 9002 FORMAT(///,' FMSREQ. *** alarm *** ',//, + ' ## # ## ##### # #',/, + ' # # # # # # # ## ##',/, + ' # # # # # # # # ## #',/, + ' ###### # ###### ##### # #',/, + ' # # # # # # # # #',/, + ' # # ###### # # # # # #',//, + ' FMSREQ. *** alarm *** ',///) WRITE(LPRTFA,9003) 9003 FORMAT(' FMSREQ. !!! SYSREQ is not correctly installed on', + ' this machine.',/, + ' FMSREQ. Check P=SYSREQ,D=GETCONFE in CSPACK') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9004) 9004 FORMAT(' FMSREQ. the configuration file should be: ') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9005) 9005 FORMAT(' --> SYS$MANAGER:SYSREQ.CONF') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9006) 9006 FORMAT(' --> /etc/shift.conf (if the SHIFT s/w is installed)') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_SHIFT)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9007) 9007 FORMAT(' (FATMEN has been installed with the SHIFT flag)') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9008) 9008 FORMAT(' --> /etc/sysreq.conf (otherwise)') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(defined(CERNLIB_TMS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_SHIFT)) WRITE(LPRTFA,9009) 9009 FORMAT(' (FATMEN has been installed without the SHIFT flag)') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_TMS) WRITE(LPRTFA,9002) ENDIF GOTO 30 ENDIF * * Other errors * IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN IF(NRETRY.GT.MAXTRY) THEN IF(IDEBFA.GE.-3) WRITE(LPRTFA,9010) IRC,NRETRY 9010 FORMAT(' FMSREQ. return code ',I5,' from TMS.', + ' Giving up after ',I6,' retries') GOTO 30 ENDIF IF(IDEBFA.GE.-3.AND.NRETRY.EQ.0) THEN * * Display messages from TMS * WRITE(LPRTFA,9011) IRC 9011 FORMAT(' FMSREQ. return code ',I5,' from SYSREQ.') WRITE(LPRTFA,9012) CHCOMM(1:LCHCMM),CHSERV(1:LCHSRV) 9012 FORMAT(' Command was ',A,' for service ',A) DO 20 ILOOP=1,LENBUF PRINT *,'FMSREQ. ',CHREP(ILOOP)(1:LENOCC(CHREP(ILOOP))) 20 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(IDEBFA.GE.0) WRITE(LPRTFA,9001) IRC,ISLEEP CALL SLEEPF(ISLEEP) NRETRY = NRETRY + 1 GOTO 10 ENDIF #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_TMS) IRC = 999 #endif 30 CONTINUE END