* * $Id: ftrend.F,v 1996/03/07 15:18:01 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ftrend.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:18:01 mclareni * Fatmen * * #include "fatmen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE FTREND (PATH) * ************************************************************************ * * SUBR. FTREND (PATH) * * Closes one output stream * * Arguments : * * PATH Path name of the directory * * Called by User * * Error Condition : * * IQUEST(1) = 0 : No error * = 31 : Illegal Path name * = 32 : Path name cannot be found in the list of those * initialized * ************************************************************************ * #include "fatmen/fatbank.inc" CHARACTER PATH*(*), PATHX*80, TOPN*16 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * *** Find number of characters in the path name * NCH = LENOCC (PATH) IF (PATH(1:1).NE.'*') THEN IF (NCH.LT.3.OR.PATH(1:2).NE.'//') THEN IQUEST(1) = 31 IF (IDEBFA.GE.-3) WRITE (LPRTFA, 1001) PATH(1:NCH) GO TO 999 ENDIF ENDIF * * *** Check if the Path name matches * 5 LSAVFA = LTOPFA 10 IF (LSAVFA.NE.0) THEN NCHR = IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MNCHFA) CALL UHTOC (IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MCHRFA), 4, PATHX, NCHR) IF (PATH(1:1).EQ.'*') GO TO 15 IF (PATH(1:NCH).NE.PATHX(1:NCHR)) THEN LSAVFA = LQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA) GO TO 10 ENDIF ELSE IQUEST(1) = 32 IF (IDEBFA.GE.-3) WRITE (LPRTFA, 1002) PATH(1:NCH) GO TO 999 ENDIF * * *** See if any other stream open with the same RZ file * 15 LUNRZ = IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MLUNFA) IROPN = 0 LBFXFA = LTOPFA 20 IF (LBFXFA.NE.0) THEN IF (LBFXFA.NE.LSAVFA) THEN IF (IQ(KOFUFA+LBFXFA+MLUNFA).EQ.LUNRZ) THEN IROPN = 1 GO TO 30 ENDIF ENDIF LBFXFA = LQ(KOFUFA+LBFXFA) GO TO 20 ENDIF * * *** Print out summary * 30 WRITE (LPRTFA,1000) PATHX(1:NCHR), LUNRZ, IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MTOTFA) + , IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MINPFA), IQ(KOFUFA+LSAVFA+MOUTFA) IF (IROPN.EQ.0) THEN II = INDEX (PATHX(3:NCHR), '/') - 1 IF (II.LE.0) THEN II = NCHR ELSE II = II + 2 ENDIF TOPN = PATHX(3:II) CALL RZEND (TOPN) ENDIF CALL MZDROP (IDIVFA, LSAVFA, ' ') LSAVFA = 0 IF (LTOPFA.NE.0.AND.PATH(1:1).EQ.'*') GO TO 5 * 1000 FORMAT (/,' FTREND : Close stream for ',A,' on unit ',I4, + /,' Total number of data structures ',I10, + /,' Number of data structures read ',I10, + /,' Number of data structures written ',I10) 1001 FORMAT (/,' FTREND : Illegal path name ',A) 1002 FORMAT (/,' FTREND : RZ file is not initialized for ',A) * END FTREND 999 END