* * $Id: tapeload,v 1996/03/07 15:17:35 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: tapeload,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 15:17:35 mclareni * Fatmen * * * This directory was created from fatmen.car patch tapeload PROGRAM TAPELOAD *...TAPELOAD *. FATMEN utility program to read tape details from a number of files *. ,extracting and processing the relevant information,before storing *. it within the FATMEN file catalogue.The 3 types of file that must *. be made available to the program are as follows: *. 1. A file of tape Volume Serial Numbers,identifying each tape *. file to be processed - these having already been staged as *. seperate disk files of the same name. *. 2. A number of tape files staged onto disk,each containing the *. compulsory header and data components,and optionally a *. trailer component. *. 3. A file containing run information for a number of tapes,this *. being inclusive of a generic name,a list of detectors not in *. use during the run,various other tape information and *. possibly a user comment. *. Only the information required for each catalogue entry is *. extracted from the above.Where an entry cannot be made the FATMEN *. default is allowed to take effect. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : ERRSET MZEBRA MZSTOR MZLOGL MZLINK FMINIT FMLIFT *. FMLINK UCTOH DBPKTM DZSHOW FMPUT *. HDRTRL BINTCM GETTAP CONCAT FATDAT *. CALLED : *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. *--- Assign data set mnemonics for bank keys. * #include "fatpara.inc" * PARAMETER (LURCOR=200000) COMMON /CRZT/ IXSTOR,IXDIV,IFENCE(2),LEV,LEVIN,BLVECT(LURCOR) DIMENSION LQ(999),IQ(999),Q(999) EQUIVALENCE (IQ(1),Q(1),LQ(9)),(LQ(1),LEV) * COMMON /USRLNK/ LUSRK1,LUSRBK,LUSRLS COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100) PARAMETER (LKEYFA=10) DIMENSION KEYS(LKEYFA) * INTEGER ICTRX,IPTRG,IUNITA,IUNITB,IUNITC,IRC,IOSTAT PARAMETER (IUNITA=3,IUNITB=9,IUNITC=8) INTEGER NRECS INTEGER IOFILE,NBYTES PARAMETER (IOFILE = 1) * INTEGER IDATE,ITIME,IPACK INTEGER IBLKLN(2),IRECLN(2),ITAPDV(2),ITAPDN(7) INTEGER IVLSQN(2),IDSSQN(2),ICRDAT(2),IBLKCT(2) INTEGER ICPLVL,ILOCCD,IMEDTP,ISTREC,IENREC,ISTBLK INTEGER IFLSIZ,IDUMMY * CHARACTER*80 CBUFF CHARACTER*54 CGNAME CHARACTER*7 CBDISP CHARACTER*17 CDATID(2) CHARACTER*4 CFATFM,CLABEL,CDSSQN,CLABRQ(2,2) CHARACTER*6 CINVSN,CVLSLN,CVISID CHARACTER*1 CRECFT(2) CHARACTER*80 CDETOT,CCOM1,CCOM2,COMMNT * LOGICAL BERROR,BDIFF LOGICAL BINTCM DATA NSHOWN/0/ * *--- Declare common blocks,containing the arrays responsible for storing *--- the Header and Trailer fields from the staged TAPE files. * COMMON /TAPDL1/ CDATID,CRECFT COMMON /TAPDL2/ IBLKLN,IRECLN,ITAPDV,IVLSQN,IDSSQN,ICRDAT,IBLKCT * *--- Assign defaults to the file catalogue fields,for which values are *--- not supplied in either the Tape file or the Run Information file. *--- Additionally,set values within a number of arrays,to be used for *--- reference during processing. * DATA ICPLVL,ILOCCD,IMEDTP /0,1,2/ + ISTREC,IENREC,ISTBLK,IFLSIZ /0,0,0,0/ + ITIME /0/ + ITAPDN /200,556,800,1600,6250,0,38000/ + CFATFM /'FX'/ + CLABRQ(1,1),CLABRQ(1,2) /'HDR1','HDR2'/ + CLABRQ(2,1),CLABRQ(2,2) /'EOF1','EOF2'/ * *--- Surpress error messages for error 219. * CALL ERRSET(219,0,-1,1,1) * *--- Initialise Zebra,create short term divisions and set the log level. * CALL MZEBRA(-3) CALL MZSTOR(IXSTOR,'/CRZT/','Q',IFENCE,LEV,BLVECT(1),BLVECT(1), + BLVECT(5000),BLVECT(LURCOR)) CALL MZLOGL(IXSTOR,IXDIN,'USERS',50000,LURCOR,'L') * *--- Define user link area. * CALL MZLINK(IXSTOR,'/USRLNK/',LUSRK1,LUSRLS,LUSRK1) * *--- Set unit numbers for the RZ database. * LUNRZ = 1 LUNFZ = 2 * *--- Initialise FATMEN for OPAL. * CALL FMINIT(IXSTOR,LUNRZ,LUNFZ,'//CERN/OPAL',IRC) * *--- Read bank display option from the Tape VSN file,specifying whether *--- each bank is to be displayed on the terminal for validation before *--- committing it to FATMEN. * * Modified 6/2/90 JDS * READ(IUNITC,FMT='(A7)',END=80) CBDISP READ(IUNITC,*,END=80) NDISP * *--- If an invalid value has been supplied for the bank display option, *--- then issue an error message and branch to terminate program *--- execution. * * IF (CBDISP.NE.'DISPLAY'.AND.CBDISP.NE.'NO DISP') THEN * PRINT*,' Invalid bank display option in tape VSN file.' * PRINT*,' ' * PRINT*,' EXECUTION COMPLETED - NO PROCESSING HAS TAKEN PLACE.' * GO TO 90 * ENDIF * *--- Loop to repeatedly read the filename of the next staged tape file *--- from the file of Volume Serial Numbers and open it for subsequent *--- processing. * 10 CONTINUE READ(IUNITC,FMT='(A6)',END=80) CINVSN PRINT*,' PROCESSING TAPE FILE: ',CINVSN OPEN(IUNITA,FILE='/'//CINVSN//' FATINFO *') BERROR = .FALSE. BDIFF = .FALSE. NRECS = 0 * *--- Loop to read and process successive labels(records) from the *--- current tape file's header. * 20 CONTINUE NRECS = NRECS + 1 * *--- If an error has occured in reading the header labels or all labels *--- have been read,then exit the loop. * IF (BERROR.OR.NRECS.GT.3) GO TO 30 * *--- Read a label or if the end of file is reached,branch to cease *--- processing the current tape file. * READ(IUNITA,FMT='(A)',END=70,IOSTAT=IOSTAT) CBUFF * *--- Store the label identifier. * CLABEL = CBUFF(1:4) * *--- If the first label is being processed then test the label *--- identifier for being that of the VOL1 label,storing the labels *--- details or flaging an error accordingly.If the first label is not *--- being processed then call HDRTRL to extract and store HDR1/HDR2 *--- details. * IF (NRECS.EQ.1) THEN * IF (CLABEL.EQ.'VOL1') THEN CVLSLN = CBUFF(5:10) ELSE BERROR = .TRUE. ENDIF * ELSE CALL HDRTRL(CBUFF,CLABEL,CLABRQ(1,NRECS-1),NRECS-1,1, + BERROR) ENDIF * *--- If an error has occured in processing the header labels then issue *--- the appropriate error message. * IF (BERROR) THEN PRINT*,' Error in processing HEADER' PRINT*,' - missing or unexpected additional record.' ENDIF * *--- Loop back to read and process the next header label. * GO TO 20 30 CONTINUE * *--- If an error occured in processing the header labels then branch to *--- cease processing the current tape file. * IF (BERROR) GO TO 70 * *--- Loop to repeatedly read Tape file data records,until encountering *--- the first trailer label or end of file marker.In the latter case *--- the program branches to the data processing section and does not *--- attempt to read and store trailer label fields. * 35 CONTINUE READ(IUNITA,FMT='(A)',END=65) CBUFF IF (CBUFF(1:4).EQ.'EOF1') GO TO 40 GO TO 35 40 CONTINUE * *--- Loop to read and process successive labels from the Tape file's *--- trailer.This procedure is almost identical to that employed to *--- read header labels,except that a VOL1 label is not expected. * NRECS = 1 50 CONTINUE CLABEL = CBUFF(1:4) CALL HDRTRL(CBUFF,CLABEL,CLABRQ(2,NRECS),NRECS,2,BERROR) * IF (BERROR) THEN PRINT*,' Error in proecssing TRAILER' PRINT*,' - missing or unexpected additional record.' GO TO 60 ENDIF * READ(IUNITA,FMT='(A)',END=60) CBUFF NRECS = NRECS + 1 IF (NRECS.GT.2.OR.BERROR) GO TO 60 GO TO 50 60 CONTINUE * *--- If an error occured in processing the trailer labels then branch *--- to cease processing the current tape file. * IF (BERROR) GO TO 70 * *--- Call function BINTCM for each array containing 2 corresponding *--- integer fields,taken from the HDR1 and EOF1(if it existed, *--- otherwise 0's are contained in the appropriate positions) labels. *--- The function returns a boolean value,depicting whether the 2 fields *--- differ or not. * BDIFF = BINTCM(IVLSQN,BDIFF) BDIFF = BINTCM(IDSSQN,BDIFF) BDIFF = BINTCM(ICRDAT,BDIFF) BDIFF = BINTCM(IBLKCT,BDIFF) * *--- Perform the same test as BINTCM on the character array CRECFT. * IF (CRECFT(1).EQ.' ') THEN IF (CRECFT(2).NE.' ') CRECFT(1) = CRECFT(2) ELSE IF (CRECFT(1).NE.CRECFT(2).AND.CRECFT(2).NE.' ') BDIFF = .TRUE. ENDIF * *--- If an EOF2 label existed then perform similar comparisons between *--- the corresponding fields of the HDR2 and EOF2 labels,setting a flag *--- if they differ. * IF (NRECS.EQ.2) THEN IF (CDATID(1).NE.CDATID(2)) BDIFF = .TRUE. IF (IBLKLN(1).NE.IBLKLN(2)) BDIFF = .TRUE. IF (IRECLN(1).NE.IRECLN(2)) BDIFF = .TRUE. IF (ITAPDV(1).NE.ITAPDV(2)) BDIFF = .TRUE. ENDIF * *--- If the information extracted from the header and trailer is *--- inconsistant,then issue an error message and branch to cease *--- processing the current tape file. * IF (BDIFF) THEN PRINT*,' HEADER-TRAILER information not consistant' PRINT*,' - details have not been stored.' GO TO 70 ENDIF * 65 CONTINUE * *--- Call subroutine GETTAP to locate and read the relevent details from *--- the appropriate entry in the Run Information file.The identifier *--- for such details being the Tape file's Volume Serial Number.A flag *--- is returned to indicate the success of GETTAP's search. * CALL GETTAP(IUNITB,CVLSLN,CVISID,CGNAME,IDUMMY,CDETOT,CCOM1, + CCOM2,BERROR) * *--- If an entry has not been located then branch to cease processing *--- the current tape(an error message having already been issued by *--- GETTAP). * BERROR = .NOT.BERROR IF (BERROR) GO TO 70 * *--- Call subroutine CONCAT to pack the 3 comment fields returned by *--- GETTAP into a single field,for insertion into the FATMEN file *--- catalogue. * CALL CONCAT(CDETOT,CCOM1,CCOM2,COMMNT) * *--- Set a pointer to the end of the Generic filename returned by GETTAP * IPTRG = INDEX(CGNAME,' ') IF (IPTRG.EQ.0) IPTRG = 55 * *--- Create a new ZEBRA bank for the current tapes' data set,with a *--- Generic name consisting of the concatenation of the string *--- '//CERN/OPAL' and the Generic file name returned by GETTAP. * CALL FMLIFT('//CERN/OPAL/'//CGNAME(1:IPTRG-1),KEYS,'3480','U' + ,IRC) * *--- Derive the address of the bank and associate it with the Generic *--- name. * CALL FMLINK('//CERN/OPAL/'//CGNAME(1:IPTRG-1),LFAT,IRC) * *--- Fill some fields of the bank with the values held for them in the *--- the tape data set variables/arrays,with the aid of the previously *--- defined bank offsets and the subroutine UCTOH(for char/hollerith *--- variables).Those fields not corresponding to tape data set *--- variables/arrays are left holding the defaults assigned by *--- FMLIFT. * CALL UCTOH(CDATID(1),IQ(LFAT+MFQNFA),4,17) IQ(LFAT+MCPLFA) = ICPLVL IQ(LFAT+MLOCFA) = ILOCCD IQ(LFAT+MMTPFA) = IMEDTP CALL UCTOH(CVLSLN,IQ(LFAT+MVSNFA),4,6) CALL UCTOH(CVISID,IQ(LFAT+MVIDFA),4,6) IQ(LFAT+MDENFA) = ITAPDN(ITAPDV(1)+1) IQ(LFAT+MVSQFA) = IVLSQN(1) IQ(LFAT+MFSQFA) = IDSSQN(1) IQ(LFAT+MSRDFA) = ISTREC IQ(LFAT+MERDFA) = IENREC IQ(LFAT+MSBLFA) = ISTBLK IQ(LFAT+MEBLFA) = IBLKCT(1) CALL UCTOH(CRECFT(1),IQ(LFAT+MRFMFA),4,1) IQ(LFAT+MRLNFA) = IRECLN(1) IQ(LFAT+MBLNFA) = IBLKLN(1) IQ(LFAT+MFSZFA) = IFLSIZ CALL UCTOH(CFATFM,IQ(LFAT+MFLFFA),4,4) CALL FATDAT(ICRDAT(1),IDATE) CALL FMPKTM(IDATE,ITIME,IPACK,IRC) IQ(LFAT+MCRTFA) = IPACK CALL UCTOH(COMMNT,IQ(LFAT+MUCMFA),4,80) * *--- Consider the bank display option and either display or don't *--- display the new ZEBRA bank accordingly. * * IF (CBDISP.EQ.'DISPLAY') THEN IF (NSHOWN.LT.NDISP) THEN CALL DZSHOW('ZEBRA BANK',IXSTOR,LFAT,'B',0,0,0,0) PRINT*,' ' NSHOWN = NSHOWN + 1 ENDIF * *--- Commit the bank to FATMEN as a new file catalogue entry. * CALL FMPUT('//CERN/OPAL/'//CGNAME(1:IPTRG-1),LFAT,IRC) * *--- Rewind the Run Information file and close the current Tape file, *--- before returning to read and process the next Tape file. * REWIND IUNITB CLOSE(IUNITA) GO TO 10 * *--- If an error occurred during the processing of the current tape,then *--- this piece of code is branched to,in order to issue an error *--- message before preparing and returning to read the next Tape file. * 70 CONTINUE IF (IOSTAT.LT.0) THEN PRINT*,' Error in commencing procesing' PRINT*,' - file is either empty or non-existant.' ENDIF PRINT*,' ATTEMPTING TO CONTINUE.....' PRINT*,' ' REWIND IUNITB CLOSE(IUNITA) GO TO 10 80 CONTINUE * *--- Termination sequence * PRINT*,' PROCESSING COMPLETED' 90 CONTINUE STOP END * * BLOCK DATA TAPEVR *...TAPEVR *. Block data subprogram to initialise the named common blocks of *. TAPDL1 and TAPDL2. *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log *. *.********************************************************************** *. INTEGER IBLKLN(2),IRECLN(2),ITAPDV(2) INTEGER IVLSQN(2),IDSSQN(2),ICRDAT(2),IBLKCT(2) CHARACTER*17 CDATID(2) CHARACTER*1 CRECFT(2) * COMMON /TAPDL1/ CDATID,CRECFT COMMON /TAPDL2/ IBLKLN,IRECLN,ITAPDV,IVLSQN,IDSSQN,ICRDAT,IBLKCT * *--- Initialise the array elements intended to hold the EOF1 tape *--- details and assign defaults to those intended to hold the HDR2 and *--- EOF2 details. * DATA CDATID(2) /' '/ + IVLSQN(2),IDSSQN(2),ICRDAT(2),IBLKCT(2) /0,0,0,0/ + CRECFT /'U','U'/ + IBLKLN /3600,3600/ + IRECLN /3600,3600/ + ITAPDV /6,6/ * END * * SUBROUTINE GETTAP(IUNITB,REFTAP,TAPNUM,GENAME,DATE,DETOUT,COM1, + COM2,BOOL) *...GETTAP *. This subroutine processes the Run Information file, extracting *. the generic name and attributing the additional information to *. the relevant variable names. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : *. CALLED : TAPELOAD *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : P.A.Eccles *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 26-Oct-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*80 LINE,DETOUT,COM1,COM2 CHARACTER*54 GENAME CHARACTER*6 TAPNUM,REFTAP CHARACTER FLAG,MARKER INTEGER IUNITB,DATE,UWORDS,NOCOM LOGICAL BOOL ************************************************************************ * * VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS::- * * CHARACTER:- * LINE = File record * DETOUT = Comment on the detectors not working * when the tape was taken * COM1,COM2 = User comments on the tapes contents * GENAME = Generic tape name * TAPNUM = Tape number from the label * REFTAP = Tape number being requested * FLAG = Symbol of a comment being of type DETOUT * MARKER = Tempory store to hold a records first * character to see if it matches to the FLAG * BOOL = Boolian marker for a tapes presence * within the input file * * INTEGER:- * IUNITB = Unit number associated with the input file * DATE = Tapes creation date * UWORDS = Number of comment records following * NOCOM = Integer boolian for a comments presence * * LOGICAL:- * BOOL = Boolian marker for a tapes presence * within the input file * ************************************************************************ * --- Initalise the data names LINE = ' ' DETOUT = ' ' COM1 = ' ' COM2 = ' ' GENAME = ' ' TAPNUM = ' ' MARKER = ' ' FLAG = '@' UWORDS = 0 DATE = 0 NOCOM = 0 BOOL = .FALSE. * --- Format definitions 90 FORMAT (A80) 100 FORMAT (A6,4X,A54,16X) 110 FORMAT (10X,I1,11X,I6,52X) * --- Main program 120 CONTINUE READ (IUNITB,FMT = 90,END=150) LINE READ (LINE,FMT = '(A6)') TAPNUM IF (TAPNUM.EQ.REFTAP) THEN BOOL = .TRUE. READ (LINE,FMT = '(10X,A54)') GENAME READ (IUNITB,FMT = 110,END=140) UWORDS, DATE IF (UWORDS.EQ.0) THEN DETOUT = 'No detectors out.' COM1 = 'No comments.' COM2 = ' ' GO TO 150 ENDIF IF (UWORDS.EQ.1) THEN READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE READ (LINE,FMT='(A1)') MARKER IF (MARKER.EQ.FLAG) THEN WRITE (DETOUT,FMT='(A79)') LINE(2:80) COM1 = 'No comments.' COM2 = ' ' ELSE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE DETOUT = 'No detectors out.' WRITE (COM1,FMT=90) LINE COM2 = ' ' ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF (UWORDS.EQ.2) THEN READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE READ (LINE,FMT='(A1)') MARKER IF (MARKER.EQ.FLAG) THEN WRITE (DETOUT,FMT='(A79)') LINE(2:80) READ (IUNITB,FMT=90,END=140) LINE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE WRITE (COM1,FMT=90) LINE COM2 = ' ' ENDIF ELSE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE DETOUT = 'No detectors out.' WRITE (COM1,FMT= 90) LINE ENDIF READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE WRITE (COM2,FMT= 90) LINE ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF (UWORDS.EQ.3) THEN READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE WRITE (DETOUT,FMT='(A79)') LINE(2:80) ENDIF READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE WRITE (COM1,FMT= 90) LINE ENDIF READ (IUNITB,FMT= 90,END=140) LINE IF ((LINE(11:14).EQ.'LEPD').OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'COSM') + .OR.(LINE(11:14).EQ.'SIMD')) THEN NOCOM = 1 GO TO 130 ELSE WRITE (COM2,FMT= 90) LINE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE GO TO 120 ENDIF * --- Error message when a comment isn't found when UWORDS > 0 130 CONTINUE IF (NOCOM.EQ.1) PRINT*,' Comment not found when expected tape ', + REFTAP * --- Error message when a comment isn't found when UWORDS > 0 at EOF 140 CONTINUE IF (LINE.EQ.' ') PRINT*,' Comment not found when expected tape ', + REFTAP 150 CONTINUE END * * SUBROUTINE HDRTRL(CBUFF,CLABEL,CLABRQ,NRECS,ISUB,BERROR) *...HDRTRL *. Subroutine to extract and store the relevant details from either *. of the 2 header labels,HDR1 and HDR2,or either of the 2 trailer *. labels,EOF1 and EOF2.The label itself is supplied as a parameter, *. along with the identifier of the label type expected.If the *. expected label is not discovered then no tape details will be *. extracted and in the case of a HDR1 label,an error message given. *. Note that the HDR1 and EOF1,HDR2 and EOF2 labels should contain *. the same information and this is duplicated in storage for later *. consistancy comparisons. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : *. CALLED : TAPELOAD *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. INTEGER NRECS,ISUB CHARACTER*80 CBUFF CHARACTER*4 CLABEL,CLABRQ LOGICAL BERROR * INTEGER IBLKLN(2),IRECLN(2),ITAPDV(2) INTEGER IVLSQN(2),IDSSQN(2),ICRDAT(2),IBLKCT(2) CHARACTER*17 CDATID(2) CHARACTER*1 CRECFT(2) REAL RRECLN,RBLKLN * COMMON /TAPDL1/ CDATID,CRECFT COMMON /TAPDL2/ IBLKLN,IRECLN,ITAPDV,IVLSQN,IDSSQN,ICRDAT,IBLKCT * *--- If the first header/trailer label is being processed,check for the *--- derived and expected label identifiers matching.If so,the approp- *--- riate label character positions are read from and stored.Otherwise *--- an error is flaged. * IF (NRECS.EQ.1) THEN * IF (CLABEL.EQ.CLABRQ) THEN CDATID(ISUB) = CBUFF(5:21) READ(CBUFF(28:31),FMT='(I4)') IVLSQN(ISUB) READ(CBUFF(32:35),FMT='(I4)') IDSSQN(ISUB) READ(CBUFF(42:47),FMT='(I6)') ICRDAT(ISUB) READ(CBUFF(55:60),FMT='(I6)') IBLKCT(ISUB) ELSE BERROR = .TRUE. ENDIF * *--- The same procedure is adopted for the second header/trailer label, *--- except that no error is registered for missing labels(the HDR2 and *--- EOF2 labels are permitted not to exist). * ELSE IF (NRECS.EQ.2.AND.CLABEL.EQ.CLABRQ) THEN CRECFT(ISUB) = CBUFF(5:5) READ(CBUFF(6:10),FMT='(F5.0)') RBLKLN IBLKLN(ISUB) = INT(RBLKLN/4) READ(CBUFF(11:15),FMT='(F5.0)') RRECLN IRECLN(ISUB) = INT(RRECLN/4) READ(CBUFF(16:16),FMT='(I1)') ITAPDV(ISUB) ENDIF * END * * SUBROUTINE CONCAT(CDETOT,CCOM1,CCOM2,COMMNT) *...CONCAT *. Subroutine to pack as many characters as possible from 3 comment *. fields of 80 bytes in length,into a single 80 byte FATMEN comment *. field.This involves regarding comment fields 1-3 as having *. descending priority,removing the trailing spaces from each comment *. field and inserting a seperating character string to distinguish *. the 3 original comment fields. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : IPOINT *. CALLED : TAPELOAD *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. CHARACTER*80 CDETOT,CCOM1,CCOM2,COMMNT INTEGER IPTR1,IPTR2,IPTR3,ICPTR * *--- Set pointers to the end of the 3 comment fields,by identifying the *--- position of the terminating string,' ',within them. * IPTR1 = INDEX(CDETOT,' ') IPTR2 = INDEX(CCOM1,' ') IPTR3 = INDEX(CCOM2,' ') * ICPTR = 1 COMMNT = ' ' * *--- If the 1st comment field contains a value then store it within the *--- packed comment field and set a pointer to it's last character *--- position.The function IPOINT is called if the 1st comment fields *--- end pointer is set to 0(ie it could be either 79 or 80 chars in *--- length),to derive the correct end pointer value. * IF (IPTR1.NE.1) THEN IF (IPTR1.EQ.0) IPTR1 = IPOINT(IPTR1,CDETOT) COMMNT(ICPTR:IPTR1-1) = CDETOT(1:IPTR1-1) ICPTR = IPTR1 ENDIF * *--- Repeat testing and storage procedure for 2nd comment field, *--- inserting a seperating string into the packed comment field if a *--- 1st comment field existed. * IF (IPTR2.NE.1.AND.ICPTR.LT.81) THEN IF (IPTR2.EQ.0) IPTR2 = IPOINT(IPTR2,CCOM1) IF (IPTR1.NE.1) COMMNT(ICPTR:ICPTR+2) = ' - ' ICPTR = ICPTR + 3 * IF (IPTR2-1.GT.(81-ICPTR)) THEN COMMNT(ICPTR:80) = CCOM1(1:(81-ICPTR)) ICPTR = 81 ELSE COMMNT(ICPTR:(ICPTR+IPTR2-2)) = CCOM1(1:IPTR2-1) ICPTR = IPTR2 * *--- Repeat testing and storage procedure for the 3rd comment field but *--- only if a 2nd comment field existed. * IF (IPTR3.NE.1.AND.ICPTR.LT.81) THEN IF (IPTR2.EQ.0) IPTR3 = IPOINT(IPTR3,CCOM2) COMMNT(ICPTR:ICPTR+2) = ' - ' ICPTR = ICPTR + 3 * IF (IPTR3-1.GT.(81-ICPTR)) THEN COMMNT(ICPTR:80) = CCOM2(1:(81-ICPTR)) ELSE COMMNT(ICPTR:(ICPTR+IPTR3-2)) = CCOM2(1:IPTR3-1) ENDIF * ENDIF * ENDIF * ENDIF * END * * SUBROUTINE FATDAT(JDATE,IDATE) *...FATDAT *. Subroutine to accept a Julian date of the form YYDDD and convert *. it to the more conventional YYMMDD format.The latter format is the *. one expected by the DBPKTM subroutine,used to produce a packed *. date and time value for the Creation Date field of the file *. catalogue.The Julian date format is supplied by the HDR1 label of *. each files header. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : UCOPY *. CALLED : TAPELOAD *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : J.D.Shiers *. VERSION : *. CREATED : *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. INTEGER NDAYS(12),NLEAP(12) CHARACTER*36 MONTHS * DATA MONTHS/'JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC'/ DATA NDAYS/00,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/ DATA NLEAP/00,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335/ * *--- Seperate and store the year and day components of the Julian date. * IYEAR = JDATE / 1000 IDAY = JDATE - (IYEAR * 1000) * *--- Test for the year being one of the 4 recognised leap years and if *--- so,call the subroutine UCOPY to copy the cumulative day totals from *--- the leap year 'month' array,into the non-leap year 'month' array. * IF (IYEAR .EQ. 84 .OR. IYEAR .EQ. 88 .OR. + IYEAR .EQ. 92 .OR. IYEAR .EQ. 96) CALL UCOPY(NLEAP,NDAYS,12) IMON = 12 * *--- Loop to identify the month in which the Julian day lies. * DO 160 I=1,11 * *--- If the Julian day lies between the current and the next months *--- cumulative day limits,then store the current month and calculate *--- and store the correct day of the month. * IF ( IDAY .GT. NDAYS(I) .AND. IDAY .LE. NDAYS(I+1) ) THEN IMON = I IDAY = IDAY - NDAYS(I) ENDIF * 160 CONTINUE * *--- Assemble and store the calculated components of the conventional *--- date. * IF ( IMON .EQ. 12) IDAY = IDAY - NDAYS(12) IDATE = IYEAR*10000 + IMON * 100 + IDAY RETURN END * * LOGICAL FUNCTION BINTCM(IARRAY,BDIFF) *...BINTCM *. Function to compare corresponding integer fields from the HDR1 *. and EOF1 labels of a staged tape file.The comparison will only be *. made if the 2 fields both hold non-zero values(ie both labels have *. been supplied and values for both fields supplied).If the above is *. true and the values differ then a flag is set to indicate this.If *. however,the HDR1 field is 0 and the EOF1 field contains a value, *. the value is copied into the HDR1 field,for later insertion into *. the FATMEN file catalogue. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : *. CALLED : TAPELOAD *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. INTEGER IARRAY(2) LOGICAL BDIFF BINTCM = BDIFF * IF (IARRAY(1).EQ.0) THEN IF (IARRAY(2).NE.0) IARRAY(1) = IARRAY(2) ELSE IF (IARRAY(1).NE.IARRAY(2).AND.IARRAY(2).NE.0) BINTCM = .TRUE. ENDIF END * * INTEGER FUNCTION IPOINT(IPTRN,CSTRNG) *...IPOINT *. Function to accept a comment character string,which may be a *. maximum of N bytes in length,identify it as being of N or N-1 *. bytes in length and set a length pointer accordingly.The pointer *. is set to N+1 in the first instance and N-1 in the second,before *. being returned as the functions value.This function is necessary *. as the string length will register zero,in both of the above cases *. ,when the terminating sting,' ',is searched for. *. *. COMMON : *. SEQUENCE : *. CALLS : *. CALLED : CONCAT *. *. BANKS L : *. BANKS U : *. BANKS M : *. BANKS D : *. *. REPORT CONDITIONS *. *. AUTHOR : G.J.Barlow *. VERSION : *. CREATED : 02-Nov-89 *. LAST MOD : *. *. Modification Log. *. *.********************************************************************** *. INTEGER IPTRN CHARACTER*80 CSTRNG IF (CSTRNG(80:80).EQ.' ') THEN IPOINT = IPTRN - 1 ELSE IPOINT = 81 ENDIF END