* * $Id: tcpawibm.F,v 1996/03/08 15:44:27 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: tcpawibm.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:44:27 mclareni * Cspack * * #include "cspack/pilot.h" #if (defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_TCPSOCK)) * For systems without SAA C compiler or TCP/IP V2.0 #endif /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* PASCAL TCP/IP PACKAGE FOR PAW */ /* */ /* C.Magnin / CERN DD SW VX / */ /* */ /* Modified 13-AUG-90 J.D. Shiers to call ReadNE (Read No Echo) to */ /* get password. READNE uses LINERD macro with TYPE=INVISIBLE. */ /* */ /* Designed to be called from FORTRAN, once for SETUP and */ /* once for each data transfer (send/receive). */ /* At exit time, the CLOSE routine should be run. */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ segment IBMPAW; %include CMALLCL %include CMINTER %include CMRESGLB %include CMEBCASC %include CMS const BUFFERClength = 20480; BUFFERBlength = 2048; OPENtimeout = 120; /* OPENtimeout = 60;*/ type String30 = Packed Array [1..30] Of Char; String80 = Packed Array [1..80] Of Char; Buffertc = Packed array [1..BUFFERClength] of char; Buffertb = Array [1..BUFFERBlength] of integer; #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) Procedure ReadNE (var Password: String30; var lenp : integer); external; #endif procedure Restore ( const Message: string; const ReturnCode: integer ); begin Write (Message); if ReturnCode <> OK then Write (SayCalRe(ReturnCode)); WriteLn (''); EndTcpIp; Close (Input); Close (Output); end; procedure SASCIITOE (var Bufascii: buffertc; var Lbufasci: integer); VAR I: integer; C: char; begin for I := 1 to Lbufasci DO begin c := bufascii[I]; bufascii[I] := Asciitoebcdic[c]; end; end; procedure SEBCDICTOA (var Bufebcdic: buffertc; var Lbufebcdi: integer); VAR I: integer; c: char; begin for I := 1 to Lbufebcdi DO begin c := bufebcdic[I]; bufebcdic[I] := chr(Ebcdictoascii[c]); end; end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* CLIENT SET UP FUNCTION */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure CSETUP( var Host: String80; var Sock: integer; var Serv: String80); Main; Procedure CSETUP; const /* Userpassl = 65; */ Userpassl = 85; Replylmax =120; type Byt = packed 0..255; Janus = record case integer of 0:(Byte: Byt); 1:(Ch:char); end; var ConnectionInfo : StatusInfoType; HostAddress : InternetAddressType; HostName : String(80); Username : Packed array [1..30] of char; Username2 : Packed array [1..30] of char; Usernames : String(30); Password : Packed Array [1..30] of char; ReturnCode : integer; Ret : integer; PORTnumber : integer; Replyl : integer; I : integer; J : integer; K : integer; L : integer; Lenp : integer; Temp : Janus; Mask : Byt; Userpass : Packed Array [1..Userpassl] of char; Reply : Packed Array [1..Replylmax] of char; ReplyA : Packed Array [1..20480] of char; #if !defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2) Userpassad : AddressType; Replyad : AddressType; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Userpassad : Address24Type; Replyad : Address24Type; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Userpassad : Address31Type; Replyad : Address31Type; #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) cuid : useridType; cprompt : packed array [1..80] of char; lin, lout, nn : integer; /* return jobname, first 4 characters are uid at GSI */ procedure jobnam(var cuid : useridType); external; /* read password with no echo */ Procedure getinh( var cbufin: string80; var lbufin: integer; var cbufout: string30; var lbufout: integer; var irc: integer ); external; #endif begin TermOut (Output); TermIn (Input); /* Establish access to TCP/IP services */ BeginTcpIp (ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin Sock := -1; WriteLn ('BeginTcpip: ', SayCalRe(ReturnCode)); return; end; /* Inform TCPIP which notifications will be handled by the program */ Handle ((.DATAdelivered, BUFFERspaceAVAILABLE, CONNECTIONstateCHANGED.), ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin Sock := -1; Restore ('Handle: ', ReturnCode); return; end; /* Convert Host name Packed Array into string */ Hostname := STR(Host); /* Convert the Host name into an Internet address */ GetHostResol (Hostname, HostAddress); if HostAddress = NOhost then begin Sock := -1; Restore ('GetHostResol failed', OK); return; end; /* Assign value to Portnumber depending on the input Serv */ If Serv='example' then PORTnumber:=2345 else If Serv='pawserv' then PORTnumber:=345 else If Serv='zserv' then PORTnumber:=346 else /* If serv is not one of the 3 previous values */ /* it is assumed that Serv is the port number */ READSTR(STR(Serv),PORTnumber); /* Open an active TCP connection in synchronous mode */ with ConnectionInfo do begin Connection := UNSPECIFIEDconnection; OpenAttemptTimeout := OPENtimeout; Security := DEFAULTsecurity; Compartment := DEFAULTcompartment; Precedence := DEFAULTprecedence; ConnectionState := TRYINGtoOPEN; LocalSocket.Address := UNSPECIFIEDaddress; LocalSocket.Port := UNSPECIFIEDport; ForeignSocket.Address := HostAddress; ForeignSocket.Port := PORTnumber; end; TcpWaitOpen (ConnectionInfo, ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin Sock := -1; Restore ('TcpWaitOpen: ', ReturnCode); return; end; /* Open successful TCP has updated the Connection field */ Sock := ConnectionInfo.Connection; /* Following code performs client user authentication */ /* Get username and password to be sent to the server */ For I := 1 to 30 DO Username[I]:=' '; For I := 1 to 30 DO Username2[I]:=' '; For I := 1 to 30 DO Password[I]:=' '; #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) /* Get VM userid issuing the CMS command, to fill the prompt */ CMS ('Q USERID(LIFO',Ret); /* Change to LIFO 22/02/91 JDS */ ReadLn (Username); I:=1; repeat I:=I+1; until Username[I]=' '; repeat I:=I+1; Username[I]:=' '; until I=30; Usernames := STR(Username); LowCase(Usernames); For I:=1 TO 30 DO Username[I]:=Usernames[I]; #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) /* Get MVS userid by calling JBNAME Assembler Routine */ jobnam(cuid); For I:=5 To 8 DO cuid[I] := ' '; /* only userid */ Usernames := str(cuid); LowCase(Usernames); For I:=1 TO 8 DO Username[I]:=Usernames[I]; #endif WriteLn('Username: ','(',MTRIM(MCOMPRESS(Hostname)),':', MTRIM(MCOMPRESS(SUBSTR(Usernames,1,8))),'):'); ReadLn (Username2); If username2[1]<>' ' Then For I:=1 TO 30 DO Username[I]:=Username2[I]; Usernames := STR(Username); LowCase(Usernames); WriteLn ('Password: ','(',MTRIM(MCOMPRESS(Hostname)),':', MTRIM(MCOMPRESS(SUBSTR(Usernames,1,15))),'):'); #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) /* ReadLn (Password);*/ ReadNE (Password,lenp); /* Use modified version of VMRTNE */ #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS) cprompt := ' '; lin := 1; lout := 30; nn := 0; getinh( cprompt, lin, Password, lout, nn ); #endif If Password[1]=' ' Then For I:=1 To 30 DO Password[I]:=Username[I]; /* writeln('Before encoding, we have: ',Username,password); */ /* Encode user name and password by applying a bitwise complement */ /* Tricky Janus type used since the NOT operator cannot directly */ /* apply to a CHAR variable */ Mask:=255; I:=0; repeat I:=I+1; Temp.Ch:=Chr(Ebcdictoascii[Username[I]]); Temp.Byte:= NOT(Temp.Byte) AND Mask; Userpass[I]:=Temp.Ch; until (Username[I]=' ') OR (I=30); K:=0; repeat I:=I+1; K:=K+1; Temp.Ch:=Chr(Ebcdictoascii[Password[K]]); Temp.Byte:= NOT(Temp.Byte) AND Mask; Userpass[I]:=Temp.Ch; until (Password[K]=' ') OR (K=30); /* Put a zero at the end of Userpass to keep C happy */ Temp.Byte:=0; Userpass[I]:=Temp.Ch; /* The encoded user name and password are ready to be sent */ Userpassad:=Addr(Userpass[1]); TcpWaitSend (Sock,Userpassad,I,True,False,ReturnCode); /* If sending authorization fails, then exit with error */ If ReturnCode <> OK then begin WriteLn('Error sending authorization'); TcpClose(Sock,Returncode); Sock:=-1; Return; end ; /* Read back an acknowledgement from the SERVER */ Replyad:=Addr(Reply[1]); TcpWaitReceive(Sock,Replyad,Replylmax,Replyl); /* If no message is got, then exit with error */ If replyl<=0 then begin Writeln('Error receiving authorization message from SERVER'); TcpClose(Sock,Returncode); Sock:=-1; return; end else begin L:=Replyl-1; For I:=1 to Replyl DO ReplyA[I]:=Reply[I]; SASCIITOE(ReplyA,L); ReplyA[Replyl]:=' '; For I:=1 to Replyl DO Reply[I]:=ReplyA[I]; For I:=Replyl+1 to Replylmax DO Reply[I]:=' '; Writeln(Reply); end; /* The CLIENT is ready to send data to the SERVER */ close (Input); close (Output); end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* SERVER SET UP FUNCTION */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure SSETUP (var Sock: integer; var Port:integer); Main; Procedure SSETUP; var ConnectionInfo : StatusInfoType; HostAddress : InternetAddressType; HostName : String(80); ReturnCode : integer; begin if Port = 0 then Port := 2345; TermOut (Output); TermIn (Input); /* Establish access to TCP/IP services */ BeginTcpIp (ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin WriteLn ('BeginTcpip: ', SayCalRe(ReturnCode)); return; end; /* Inform TCPIP which notifications will be handled by the program */ Handle ((.DATAdelivered, BUFFERspaceAVAILABLE, CONNECTIONstateCHANGED.), ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin Restore ('Handle: ', ReturnCode); return; end; /* Open a passive TCP connection in synchronous mode */ with ConnectionInfo do begin Connection := UNSPECIFIEDconnection; OpenAttemptTimeout := OPENtimeout; Security := DEFAULTsecurity; Compartment := DEFAULTcompartment; Precedence := DEFAULTprecedence; ConnectionState := LISTENING; LocalSocket.Address := UNSPECIFIEDaddress; LocalSocket.Port := Port; ForeignSocket.Address := UNSPECIFIEDaddress; ForeignSocket.Port := UNSPECIFIEDport; end; TcpWaitOpen (ConnectionInfo, ReturnCode); if ReturnCode <> OK then begin Restore ('TcpWaitOpen: ', ReturnCode); return; end; /* Open successful TCP has updated the Connection field */ Sock := ConnectionInfo.Connection; /* The SERVER is ready to receive data from the CLIENT */ Close (Input); Close (Output); end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* SRECV Procedure */ /* */ /* String receive */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure SRECV ( var sock1: integer; var buf1: Buffertc; var m1: integer; var numrec1: integer ); Main; Procedure SRECV; VAR #if !defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2) Buffadd1: AddressType; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd1: Address24Type; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd1: Address31Type; #endif RetCod1 : integer; Numbytes1 : integer; N1: integer; K: integer; begin Buffadd1 := Addr(buf1[1]); Numbytes1 := BUFFERClength; If m1<0 then /* m1<0 Routine gets what it can */ Begin n1 := -m1; TcpWaitReceive (sock1, Buffadd1, n1, Numbytes1); /* Convert the received string from ASCII to EBCDIC */ SASCIITOE(buf1,Numbytes1); Numrec1 := Numbytes1; End Else /* m1>0 Routine attempts to get this length */ Begin k :=0; repeat TcpWaitReceive (sock1, Buffadd1+k, m1-k, Numbytes1); k:=k+Numbytes1; /* reissue TcpwaitReceive until expected number is reached */ /* and exit if Numbytes1 <1 or >m1 */ until (k>=m1) or (Numbytes1<1) or (Numbytes1>m1); if k>=m1 then begin SASCIITOE(buf1,k); Numrec1:=k; end else Numrec1:=0 end end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* BRECV Procedure */ /* */ /* Binary receive */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure BRECV ( var sock2: integer; var buf2: Buffertb; var m2: integer; var numrec2: integer ); Main; Procedure BRECV; VAR #if !defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2) Buffadd2: AddressType; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd2: Address24Type; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd2: Address31Type; #endif RetCod2 : integer; Numbytes2 : integer; N2: integer; K: integer; begin Numbytes2 := BUFFERClength; Buffadd2 := Addr(buf2[1]); If m2<0 then /* m2<0 Routine gets what it can */ Begin n2 := -m2; TcpWaitReceive (sock2, Buffadd2, n2, Numbytes2); Numrec2 := Numbytes2; End Else /* m2>0 Routine attempts to get this length */ Begin k :=0; repeat TcpWaitReceive (sock2, Buffadd2+k, m2-k, Numbytes2); k:=k+Numbytes2; /* reissue TcpwaitReceive until expected number is reached */ /* and exit if Numbytes2 is zero */ until (k>=m2) or (Numbytes2<1) or (Numbytes2>m2); if (k>=m2) then Numrec2:=k else Numrec2 :=0 end end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* SSEND PROCEDURE */ /* */ /* Sends a character string */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure SSEND ( var sock3: integer; var buf3: Buffertc; var m3: integer; var retcode3: integer); Main; Procedure SSEND; VAR #if !defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2) Buffadd3: AddressType; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd3: Address24Type; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd3: Address31Type; #endif I3 : Integer; J3 : Integer; K3 : Integer; begin /* Convert string from EBCDIC to ASCII */ SEBCDICTOA(buf3,m3); Buffadd3 := Addr(buf3[1]); /* The maximum length data buffer that can be sent to TCP is 8K */ If m3 > 8192 Then Begin K3 := 8192; I3 := m3 DIV 8192 ; For J3 := 1 To I3 DO begin TcpWaitSend (sock3,Buffadd3,K3,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode3); Buffadd3 := Buffadd3 + 8192; end; K3 := m3 MOD 8192; TcpWaitSend (sock3,Buffadd3,K3,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode3); If Retcode3 <> OK Then Retcode3 := -1 Else Retcode3 := m3; End ElSE TcpWaitSend (sock3,Buffadd3,m3,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode3); If Retcode3 <> OK Then Retcode3 := -1 Else Retcode3 := m3; end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* BSEND PROCEDURE */ /* */ /* Sends an array of integers */ /* */ /*******************************************/ Procedure BSEND ( var sock4: integer; var buf4: Buffertb; var m4: integer; var retcode4: integer); Main; Procedure BSEND; VAR #if !defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2) Buffadd4: AddressType; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd4: Address24Type; #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_TCPIPV2))&&(defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA)) Buffadd4: Address31Type; #endif I4 : Integer; J4 : Integer; K4 : Integer; begin Buffadd4 := Addr(buf4[1]); /* The maximum length data buffer that can be sent to TCP is 8K */ If m4 > 8192 Then Begin K4 := 8192; I4 := m4 DIV 8192 ; For J4 := 1 To I4 DO begin TcpWaitSend (sock4,Buffadd4,K4,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode4); Buffadd4 := Buffadd4 + 8192; end; K4 := m4 MOD 8192; TcpWaitSend (sock4,Buffadd4,K4,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode4); If Retcode4 <> OK Then Retcode4 := -1 Else Retcode4 := m4; End ElSE TcpWaitSend (sock4,Buffadd4,m4,TRUE,FALSE,RetCode4); If Retcode4 <> OK Then Retcode4 := -1 Else Retcode4 := m4; end; /*******************************************/ /* */ /* SCLOSE PROCEDURE */ /* */ /*******************************************/ procedure SCLOSE (var sock5: integer); Main; procedure SCLOSE; var ReturnCode5: integer; ReturnCode6: integer; Note : NotificationInfoType; begin /* Close TCP connection and wait till other end drops too */ TcpClose (sock5, ReturnCode5); /* repeat GetNextNote (Note, True, ReturnCode6); if Returncode6 <> OK then begin Restore('GetNextNote: ', Returncode6); return; end; until (Note.NotificationTag = CONNECTIONstateCHANGED) & (Note.NewState = NONEXISTENT); */ EndTcpIp end; .