* * $Id: cron.F,v 1996/03/08 15:44:23 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cron.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:44:23 mclareni * Cspack * * PROGRAM CRON *-- Author : Jamie Shiers 25/04/91 * Modified from VXCERN Cron - remote VMS dependancies where possible #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) implicit integer (s) structure /itmlst/ union map integer*2 buffer_length integer*2 item_code integer*4 buffer_address integer*4 return_length_address endmap map integer*4 end_list /0/ endmap end union end structure #endif common/slate/is(40) character*119 chrep character*23 time character*36 months character*3 mon character*100 filename,save,crontab character*256 line(1000),string character*30 field integer ifield(5) integer irep(8) integer systemf,sleepf #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) record /itmlst/ lnm_list(2) include '($lnmdef)' include '($ssdef)' include '($lckdef)' integer lksb(6) #endif real*4 seconds integer delta/10/,hour,minute,second integer days_in_month(12)/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ data months/'JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC'/ #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) * * Set process name * status = sys$setprn('RUN_Cron LOCKED') if (.not. status) call lib$signal(%val(status)) lkmode = lck$k_exmode lflags = lck$m_system print *,'Waiting for cluster wide CRON lock' status = sys$enqw(,%val(lkmode),lksb,%val(lflags), + 'CLUSTER$CRON',,,,,,) if (.not. status) call lib$signal(%val(status)) print *,'Lock granted' * * Get name of CRON table * lnm_list(1).buffer_length = 100 lnm_list(1).item_code = lnm$_string lnm_list(1).buffer_address = %loc(crontab) lnm_list(1).return_length_address = %loc(lencron) lnm_list(2).end_list = 0 status = sys$trnlnm(,'LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE','CRONTAB',,lnm_list) if (status .eq. ss$_nolognam) crontab = 'CRON.DAT' lencron = lenocc(crontab) if (index(crontab,';') .eq. 0) then lencron = lencron + 1 crontab(lencron:lencron) = ';' endif status = sys$setprn('RUN_Cron') if (.not. status) call lib$signal(%val(status)) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) call getenvf(CRONTAB,crontab) if(is(1).eq.0) crontab = 'cron.dat' filename = crontab #endif print *,'CRON table is ',crontab(1:lenocc(crontab)) * * Initialisation * call datime(id,it) seconds = float(delta) * 60. call caldat(0,chrep,irep,ic) iday = irep(7) * * ifield(1) = minutes * ifield(2) = hours * ifield(3) = days * ifield(4) = months * ifield(5) = weekday * ifield(1) = is(5) ifield(2) = is(4) ifield(3) = is(3) ifield(4) = is(2) ifield(5) = iday * * Round down minutes field to multiples of 10 * ifield(1) = (ifield(1)/10) * 10 write (time,9001) ifield(3),ifield(4),ifield(2),ifield(1),isecs print *,'Internal time = ',time 30 continue print *,'Cron awakes...' i = 0 #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) call lib$find_file(crontab(1:lencron),filename,i) if (save .eq. filename) goto 99 #endif save = filename lenfile = lenocc(filename) print *,'Reloading command table from ',filename open (unit=1,file=filename,status='OLD', #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) +readonly,shared, #endif +err=90) nlines = 0 1 continue read (1,'(a)',end=99) string if (string(1:1) .eq. '!') goto 1 nlines = nlines + 1 line(nlines) = string goto 1 90 continue print *,'*** Error opening CRON.DAT ***' goto 91 99 close (1) 91 continue #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) call szopen(10,'cron_temp.com',80,'NF',IRC) write (10,9003) 9003 format('$ set noon') #endif ncomm = 0 do 10 i=1,nlines string = line(i) len = lenocc(string) do 20 j=1,5 * * Now check each field. Fields are: * 1) Minutes * 2) Hours * 3) Days * 4) Months * 5) Weekday * 6) Command * field = string(1:index(string,' ')) string = string(index(string,' ')+1:len) if (index(field,'-') .ne. 0 ) then * * Range of values. Check current value is within range * read (field(1:index(field,'-')),*) ilower read (field(index(field,'-')+1:30),*) iupper if (ifield(j) .lt. ilower .or. ifield(j) .gt. iupper) + goto 10 else if (index(field,',') .ne. 0 ) then * * Series of values, check each range at a time * field(index(field,' '):index(field,' ')) = ',' 2 continue read (field(1:index(field,',')),*) icheck field = field(index(field,',')+1:30) * * If this is the MINUTE field, have to check backwards DELTA minutes. * if (j .eq. 1) then ilower = ifield(j) - delta iupper = ifield(j) if (ilower .lt. 0) then ilower = ilower + 60 iupper = iupper + 60 icheck = icheck + 60 endif if (icheck .gt. ilower .and. icheck .le. iupper) + goto 20 * * otherwise just check value is correct * else if (icheck .eq. ifield(j)) goto 20 endif if (field(1:1) .ne. ' ') goto 2 goto 10 else if (field .eq. '*') then * * Star = accept all values * goto 20 else read(field,*,end=98) itemp * * If this is the MINUTE field, have to check backwards DELTA minutes. * if (j .eq. 1) then ilower = ifield(j) - delta iupper = ifield(j) if (ilower .lt. 0) then ilower = ilower + 60 iupper = iupper + 60 itemp = itemp + 60 endif if (itemp .le. ilower .or. itemp .gt. iupper) goto + 10 * * otherwise just check value is correct * else if (itemp .ne. ifield(j)) goto 10 endif endif 20 continue ncomm = ncomm + 1 print *,'Line matches - ',line(i)(1:lenocc(line(i))) #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) write(10,'(a)') '$ '//string(1:lenocc(string)) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) ic = systemf(string(1:lenocc(string))) #endif goto 10 98 continue print *,'End of file processing line -',line(i) print *,'Line ',i,' skipped' 10 continue close (10) #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) if (ncomm .ne. 0) ic = systemf('cron_temp.com') #endif * * Increase time interval by DELTA * ifield(1) = ifield(1) + delta * * Next hour * if (ifield(1) .ge. 60) then ifield(1) = ifield(1) - 60 ifield(2) = ifield(2) + 1 endif * * Next day * if (ifield(2) .ge. 24) then ifield(2) = ifield(2) - 24 ifield(3) = ifield(3) + 1 ifield(5) = ifield(5) + 1 endif * * Next month * imonth = index(months,mon)/3 + 1 if (ifield(3) .gt. days_in_month(imonth)) then ifield(3) = 1 ifield(4) = imonth endif if (ifield(4) .gt. 12) ifield(4) = 1 if (ifield(5) .gt. 7) ifield(5) = ifield(5) - 7 write (time,9001) ifield(3),ifield(4),ifield(2),ifield(1),isecs print *,'Next internal wakeup time = ',time call datime(id,it) write(time,'(i6,i4,i2)') id,it,is(6) * call lib$date_time(time) print *,'Current real time = ',time * read (time,9002) hour,minute,second *9002 format(12x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2) hour = is(4) minute = is(5) second = is(6) iwait = minute*60 + second inter = ifield(1) * 60 icheck = (minute/10) * 10 if ((hour .eq. ifield(2)) .and. (icheck .eq. ifield(1))) then print *,'Not waiting - attempting to catch up' goto 30 endif if (inter .lt. iwait) inter = inter + 3600 jwait = inter - iwait * * Now wait * if (wait .gt. 3600) then print *,'Timing error detected ',jwait,' seconds to wait' stop 8 endif print *,'Waiting for ',jwait,' seconds' ic = sleepf(jwait) #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) status = lib$delete_file('cron_temp.com;') #endif goto 30 9001 format(i2,1x,i2,6x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2) end