* * $Id: iucreq.s,v 1996/03/08 15:44:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: iucreq.s,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:44:22 mclareni * Cspack * * #if (defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IUCVREQ)) *************************************************************** * * * Function : Subroutine to pass data from an inpt array to * * ======== a server vm in any cpu, via IUCreq interface. * * Return reply into an output array, one record * * for each element of the array. * * * * Attributes : Fortran callable, re-entrant. * * ========== Base version: * * For CMS * * System 370 * * H-Assembler. * * * * Format : CALL SYSREQ(SERNAM,COMTXT,RCODE,REPTXT,ARYSZ) * * ====== * * * * Author : Tony Cass CERN CN/SW May 1991 * * ====== This version steals much of its code from the * * version using the SYSreq interface - written * * by Jonathan Wood/RAL. Only the part dealing * * with SYSreq/IUCreq communications is changed. * * * *************************************************************** SYSREQ CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) SYSREQ AMODE ANY SYSREQ RMODE ANY #endif * USING SYSREQ,R15 B SAVEREGS DC AL1(7),CL7'SYSREQ' DC C'1.00' SAVEREGS STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R4,R13 CNOP 0,4 BAL R13,AROUNDSA SAVEAREA DC 18F'0' DROP R15 USING SAVEAREA,R13 AROUNDSA ST R13,8(0,R4) ST R4,4(0,R13) XC 8(4,R13),8(R13) * LR R11,R1 * Save plist pointer * GETSTOR LA R0,WRKLEN * Length of free core SLL R0,3 * Get it in bytes GETMAIN R,LV=(R0) * Get the core LR R8,R1 * Base Workarea on R8 USING WRKAREA,R8 * And say so ST R8,BUFFADDR * For passing to IUCREQ * * Set up Defaults in case not fortran 77. * LA R3,SYSIDEF * R3 = default input length LA R5,SYSODEF * R5 = default output length LA R6,SYSSLEN * R6 = max len server name * * Check plist to see if it is Fortran 77 * LR R1,R11 * Restore plist pointer LA R2,8 * 8 bytes SR R1,R2 * Back to possible prefix CLC 0(4,R1),CHAR77 * Is there a char 77 prefix? BNE NOT77 * :No - muddle along blindly * * Fortran 77 - get lengths from secondary plist * IS77 L R1,4(R1) * :Yes - get secndry displacement AR R1,R11 * Point to secondary plist L R2,4(R1) * Point to input array length LA R3,SYSIMAX * Max input length CL R3,0(R2) * Is it greater than max? BNH GETPLEN * :Yes - then use max L R3,0(R2) * :No - then use actual GETPLEN DS 0H * Get output array length L R5,12(R1) * Point to output array L R5,0(R5) * R5 => Length each output item CHKSLEN DS 0H * Check server name length L R6,0(R1) * Point to server name length CL R1,0(R6) * Is it greater than max? BNH LENSOK * :Yes - Then use max L R6,0(R6) * :No - Then use true length LENSOK DS 0H * NOT77 DS 0H * LA R10,L'PREAMBLE(R3,R6) * Total length of IUCREQ command LA R10,1(,R10) * add space between server name & command BCTR R6,0 * server length-1 for ex L R2,0(R11) * Point to server name LA R1,SERVER * Point at where we want it EX R6,EXMOVE * Move server name to scan in buffer LA R1,1(R6,R1) * Next free space in the buffer MVI 0(R1),C' ' * Put a blank there LA R1,1(,R1) * User command goes here... BCTR R3,0 * command length-1 for ex L R2,4(R11) * Point to user command EX R3,EXMOVE * Move command to scan in buffer * * Complete register initialisation for decoding reply * LA R2,REPLY * R2 => Reply buffer start L R4,12(R11) * R4 => points to next output item * * R5 => output item length XR R6,R6 * R6 => output item count L R7,16(R11) * R7 => Max output item count L R7,0(R7) * Get max output items * * Estimate Max reply data user can cope with * LA R1,SYSOMAX * Max output record length CLR R1,R5 * Is his item length bigger? BL ESTOLEN * :Yes - so use our one LR R1,R5 * :No - use his length ESTOLEN DS 0H LR R12,R7 * Allow one line for possible BCTR R12,0 * continuation MR R0,R12 * Estimate max space available LA R1,REPLHLEN(R1) * Add reply header to it LA R0,TOVMMAXR * Max avaiable reply buffer CLR R0,R1 * Does user have more than us? BL MAXRLEN * :Yes - So use our maximum LR R0,R1 * :No - So use estimated maximum MAXRLEN STH R0,BUFFLEN * Store it in buffer * * Scan the command, call IUCREQ and see what happens! * SCAN TEXT=(SCANIN,(R10)),BUFFER=(SCANOUT,256) MVC USERINFO(8),=A(BUFFADDR) CMSCALL PLIST=(R1),EPLIST=(R0),UFLAGS=X'01' * * Can't use ERROR since that moans about +ve return codes too! * LTR R15,R15 BM ERROR1 * * Communications handshake complete. Now process reply * GOTREPLY DS 0H LH R9,REPLYLEN * Get reply buffer length LA R1,REPLHLEN * Get header length SR R9,R1 * Account for reply head BNP DORET * Nothing left - don't print LA R10,REPLY * Get start of full data LA R10,0(R9,R10) * R10 => pointer to end of reply LA R2,REPLY * R2 => pointer to reply record * * Loop over reply, placing one record in each output item * DEBURST DS 0H XR R3,R3 * Clear for insert IC R3,0(R2) * R3 => Length this reply record LA R2,1(R2) * R2 => Pointer to reply Data * BAL R14,PUTREC * Return record to user buffer * Registers 2,4,6 are correctly adjusted by PUTREC LTR R15,R15 * What happenend? BZ DEBURST * All ok, more to go * * Return to caller with SYSREQ return code * DORET DS 0H * All moved. Set return LH R15,REPLYRC * Get rc from server SETRET L R1,8(R11) * Address of rc field ST R15,0(R1) * Set the return code L R1,16(R11) * Point to item count field ST R6,0(R1) * Set items returned B RETURN * Finish up and go home * * Communications failure: SYSREQ error of some sort * ERROR1 DS 0H LA R2,MSG1 * Special error msg LA R3,L'MSG1 * Length of message BAL R14,PUTREC * Give it to caller LA R15,1 * Set silly return code B SETRET * and give up * *************************************************************** * RETURN : Routine to clean up and return to caller * *************************************************************** RETURN DS 0H LA R0,WRKLEN * Length of work area SLL R0,3 * Get it in bytes FREEMAIN R,LV=(R0),A=(R8) * Free up the work area L R13,4(,R13) LM R0,R12,20(R13) * Restore callers regist L R14,12(R13) * Get the return address OI 12(R13),X'FF' * Fortran convention BR R14 * Go home * * MVC instruction EX'ed to put input parms in SCAN buffer * DS 0D EXMOVE MVC 0(*-*,R1),0(R2) ****** EXECUTED ****** * EJECT *************************************************************** * PUTREC: Return a record to array element(s) * * Registers at entry: R2 -> reply record data * * R3 = reply record length * * R4 -> Next output item * * R5 = Output item length * * R6 = Item counter * * R7 = Max items * * R10 -> End of reply buffer * *************************************************************** PUTREC STM R14,R12,12(R13) * Save callers registers * * Check if this is the last record * XR R15,R15 * Set up for rc=0 LA R9,0(R3,R2) * Point end of this record CLR R9,R10 * Is this the last record? BL NOTLAST * :No - Ok, as normal LA R15,1 * Indicate last record LNR R15,R15 * By setting up R15 -ve NOTLAST DS 0H * LR R0,R5 * Item length for restore LR R9,R5 * R9 => Length to move each time LR R1,R3 * R1 => Remaining length * PRTLP DS 0H CLR R6,R7 * End of output buffer? BL MVCAN * :No - Ok then LA R15,1 * :Yes - No space, set R15 +ve LNR R6,R15 * Set item counter negative B MVRET * Return now MVCAN LA R6,1(R6) * :No - Bump output item count SR R1,R5 * Adjust remaining length BNM MVDO * Whole output item to move AR R9,R1 * Part output item to move ICM R9,B'1000',BLANKS * Padding byte MVDO DS 0H LR R3,R9 * Length reply data this time MVCL R4,R2 * Random storage walk * MVDUN LR R5,R0 * Restore output item length LTR R1,R1 * Any data left? BP PRTLP * :Yes - go print it * MVRET LM R7,R12,48(R13) * Restore registers L R14,12(0,R13) * Return address BR R14 * Return to caller * *************************************************************** * Data, Save, Work areas and constants * *************************************************************** DS 0D * SCANIN DS CL256 ORG SCANIN PREAMBLE DC C'IUCREQ SYSREQ ' SERVER DS 0H ORG SCANOUT DS CL256 USERINFO EQU SCANOUT+12 * BUFFADDR DC F'0' Buffer address ... BUFFLEN DC AL2(OBLEN) and length to pass to IUCREQ * CHAR77 DC C'BZ',X'0000' * Fort 77 BZ00 char indi BLANKS DC C' ' * Some useful blanks MSG1 DC C'SYSREQ Communication error.' * SYSIDEF EQU 120 SYSODEF EQU 80 SYSSLEN EQU 8 SYSIMAX EQU 256-L'PREAMBLE-8 * Bufflen - preamble - server len SYSOMAX EQU 240 * LTORG * Literal pool * REGEQU * Register symbolic equates *************************************************************** * WRKAREA Free storage data area, containing all * * non-reentrant data items and save areas * *************************************************************** WRKAREA DSECT * Start of work area in free * OBLEN EQU 2048 * Total ouput buffer length * DS 0H * Reply buffer REPLYBUF EQU * REPLYLEN DS H * Length reply REPLYRC DS H * Return code REPLMGID DS F * Message id OHLEN EQU *-REPLYBUF * Output header length REPLY DS 0CL(OBLEN-OHLEN) * Reply record buffer REPLTLEN DS C * Reply record length REPLYTXT DS C * Reply record text DS CL(OBLEN-OHLEN-2) * Rest of reply buffer REPLYEND EQU * * End of the reply buffer * REPLHLEN EQU REPLY-REPLYRC * Length of TOVM header TOVMMAXR EQU REPLYEND-REPLYRC * Max reply buffer length * WRKEND DS 0D * Make whole number of dwords WRKLEN EQU (*-WRKAREA)/8 * Length workarea (dwords) SPACE , *************************************************************** * End of Free storage work area * *************************************************************** EJECT , * END , #endif