subroutine mcfio_FPrintDictionary(ilun) c******************************************************************************* c * c mcfio_FPrintDictionary.F -- Fortran version of PrintDictionary * c * c Copyright (c) 1994 Universities Research Association, Inc. * c All rights reserved. * c * c This material resulted from work developed under a Government Contract and * c is subject to the following license: The Government retains a paid-up, * c nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative * c works, perform publicly and display publicly by or for the Government, * c including the right to distribute to other Government contractors. Neither * c the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of * c their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any * c legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or * c usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or * c represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. * c * c * c Written by Paul Lebrun, Lynn Garren * c * c * c******************************************************************************* integer ilun write(ilun,1001) 1001 format(// 1 ' Mcfast I/o Dictionary for Key words used in mcfio_Info', 2 ' routines'/ 3 ' --------------------------------------------------------', 4 '-------') write(ilun,1002) 1002 format(/ 1 ' For Streams '/ 2 ' -------------- '/ 3 ' MCFIO_STATUS: The current status of the file; '/ 4 ' the answer can be set to: '/ 5 ' MCFIO_BOF : at beginning of file '/ 6 ' MCFIO_EOF : at the end of file '/ 7 ' MCFIO_RUNNING: At least a valid file header has been', 8 ' read or written'/ 9 ' MCFIO_READORWRITE: if set MCFIO_READ, open for read only '/ 1 ' if set MCFIO_WRITE, open for write only '/ 2 ' MCFIO_DIRECTORSEQUENTIAL: if set MCFIO_DIRECT, accessing a', 3 ' UNIX file '/ 4 ' : if set MCFIO_SEQUENTIAL,', 5 ' accessing a tape '/ 6 ' MCFIO_NUMEVTS : Total number of events encode/decoded', 7 ' so far.'/ 8 ' MCFIO_NUMBLOCK: The number of blocks defined in the file.') write(ilun,1003) 1003 format( 1 ' MCFIO_BLOCKIDS: The I.D. of the block defined in the file.'/ 2 ' MCFIO_NUMWORDS: Total number of 4-bytes words', 2 ' encoded/decoded so far. '/ 3 ' MCFIO_EFFICIENCY: The overhead in blocking and XDR', 3 ' (*10000 ) '/ 4 ' MCFIO_CREATIONDATE: The date (30 Character) when the file', 4 ' was written '/ 5 ' MCFIO_TITLE: The title (255 Characters max) for the job '/ 6 ' MCFIO_COMMENT: The comment (255 Characters max) for the job') write(ilun,1004) 1004 format(/ 1 ' For Sequential Access only '/ 2 ' -------------------------- '/ 2 ' MCFIO_FILENUMBER : The Sequential file number currently', 2 ' accessed.'/ 3 ' MCFIO_MAXLREC: Maximum Record length'/ 4 ' MCFIO_MINLREC: Minumum Record length'/ 5 ' MCFIO_NUMRECORDS: The number of records in the current', 5 ' event'/ 6 ' MCFIO_RECORDLENGTHS: The record lengths for the current', 6 ' event'/ 7 ' MCFIO_DEVICENAME: The device name opened by the stream '/ 8 ' (character string, 255 l.)') write(ilun,1005) 1005 format(/ 1 ' For Direct Access only '/ 2 ' ----------------------- '/ 2 ' MCFIO_FILENAME: The UNIX file name opened by the stream '/ 3 ' (character string, 255 l.)') write(ilun,1006) 1006 format(/ 1 ' For Events '/ 2 ' -------------- '/ 3 ' MCFIO_NUMBLOCK: The number of blocks defined in the event.'/ 4 ' MCFIO_BLOCKIDS: The I.D. of the block defined in the event.'/ 5 ' MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER: The Event Number for this event. '/ 6 ' MCFIO_STORENUMBER: The Store Number for this event. '/ 7 ' MCFIO_RUNNUMBER: The Run Number for this event. '/ 8 ' MCFIO_TRIGGERMASK: The Trigger Mask for this event. '/ 9 ' MCFIO_VERSION: The 4-Character version of the event header') write(ilun,1007) 1007 format(/ 1 ' For Blocks '/ 2 ' -------------- '/ 3 ' MCFIO_VERSION: The 4-Character version of a particular', 4 ' block'/) return end