C ------------------------------------------------------------- C C This is the temporary common block used to get events to and C from xdr. It enables reading multiple stdhep input streams. C common/stdtmp/ phept(5,NMXHEP),vhept(4,NMXHEP), 1 nevhept,nhept,isthept(NMXHEP),idhept(NMXHEP), & jmohept(2,NMXHEP),jdahept(2,NMXHEP) integer nevhept,nhept,isthept,idhept,jmohept,jdahept double precision phept,vhept save /stdtmp/ C... nevhept - event number C... nhept - number of entries in this event C... isthept(..) - status code C... idhept(..) - particle ID, P.D.G. standard C... jmohept(1,..) - position of mother particle in list C... jmohept(2,..) - position of second mother particle in list C... jdahept(1,..) - position of first daughter in list C... jdahept(2,..) - position of last daughter in list C... phept(1,..) - x momentum in GeV/c C... phept(2,..) - y momentum in GeV/c C... phept(3,..) - z momentum in GeV/c C... phept(4,..) - energy in GeV C... phept(5,..) - mass in GeV/c**2 C... vhept(1,..) - x vertex position in mm C... vhept(2,..) - y vertex position in mm C... vhept(3,..) - z vertex position in mm C... vhept(4,..) - production time in mm/c C C -------------------------------------------------------------