C integer NMXHKK integer nhkk,nevhkk,isthkk,idhkk,jmohkk,jdahkk double precision phkk,vhkk,whkk integer idres,idxres,nobam,idbam,idch,npoint C PARAMETER (NMXHKK=49998) COMMON /HKKEVT/ NHKK,NEVHKK,ISTHKK(NMXHKK),IDHKK(NMXHKK), & JMOHKK(2,NMXHKK),JDAHKK(2,NMXHKK), & PHKK(5,NMXHKK),VHKK(4,NMXHKK),WHKK(4,NMXHKK) COMMON /EXTEVT/ IDRES(NMXHKK),IDXRES(NMXHKK),NOBAM(NMXHKK), & IDBAM(NMXHKK),IDCH(NMXHKK),NPOINT(10) C C WHKK(4,NMXHKK) GIVES POSITIONS AND TIMES IN C PROJECTILE FRAME, THE CHAINS ARE CREATED ON C THE POSITIONS OF THE PROJECTILE NUCLEONS C IN THE PROJECTILE FRAME (TARGET NUCLEONS IN C TARGET FRAME) BOTH POSITIONS ARE THREFORE NOT C COMPLETELY CONSISTENT. THE TIMES IN THE C PROJECTILE FRAME HOWEVER ARE OBTAINED BY C LORENTZ TRANSFORMING FROM THE LAB SYSTEM. C C Based on the proposed standard COMMON block (Sjostrand Memo 17.3,89) C C NMXHKK: maximum numbers of entries (partons/particles) that can be C stored in the commonblock. C C NHKK: the actual number of entries stored in current event. These are C found in the first NHKK positions of the respective arrays below. C Index IHKK, 1 <= IHKK <= NHKK, is below used to denote a given C entry. C C ISTHKK(IHKK): status code for entry IHKK, with following meanings: C = 0 : null entry. C = 1 : an existing entry, which has not decayed or fragmented. C This is the main class of entries which represents the C "final state" given by the generator. C = 2 : an entry which has decayed or fragmented and therefore C is not appearing in the final state, but is retained for C event history information. C = 3 : a documentation line, defined separately from the event C history. (incoming reacting C particles, etc.) C = 4 - 10 : undefined, but reserved for future standards. C = 11 - 20 : at the disposal of each model builder for constructs C specific to his program, but equivalent to a null line in the C context of any other program. One example is the cone defining C vector of HERWIG, another cluster or event axes of the JETSET C analysis routines. C = 21 - : at the disposal of users, in particular for event tracking C in the detector. C C IDHKK(IHKK) : particle identity, according to the Particle Data Group C standard. C C JMOHKK(1,IHKK) : pointer to the position where the mother is stored. C The value is 0 for initial entries. C C JMOHKK(2,IHKK) : pointer to position of second mother. Normally only C one mother exist, in which case the value 0 is used. In cluster C fragmentation models, the two mothers would correspond to the q C and qbar which join to form a cluster. In string fragmentation, C the two mothers of a particle produced in the fragmentation would C be the two endpoints of the string (with the range in between C implied). C C JDAHKK(1,IHKK) : pointer to the position of the first daughter. If an C entry has not decayed, this is 0. C C JDAHKK(2,IHKK) : pointer to the position of the last daughter. If an C entry has not decayed, this is 0. It is assumed that the daughters C of a particle (or cluster or string) are stored sequentially, so C that the whole range JDAHKK(1,IHKK) - JDAHKK(2,IHKK) contains C daughters. Even in cases where only one daughter is defined (e.g. C K0 -> K0S) both values should be defined, to make for a uniform C approach in terms of loop constructions. C C PHKK(1,IHKK) : momentum in the x direction, in GeV/c. C C PHKK(2,IHKK) : momentum in the y direction, in GeV/c. C C PHKK(3,IHKK) : momentum in the z direction, in GeV/c. C C PHKK(4,IHKK) : energy, in GeV. C C PHKK(5,IHKK) : mass, in GeV/c**2. For spacelike partons, it is allowed C to use a negative mass, according to PHKK(5,IHKK) = -sqrt(-m**2). C C VHKK(1,IHKK) : production vertex x position, in mm. C C VHKK(2,IHKK) : production vertex y position, in mm. C C VHKK(3,IHKK) : production vertex z position, in mm. C C VHKK(4,IHKK) : production time, in mm/c (= 3.33*10**(-12) s). C********************************************************************