c c stdHepFortranUtil.F : c Bunch of small utility functions to communicate with the c Fortran StdHep library. c The assumption is that only 1 file is open at a time. c subroutine closestdhep #include "stdlun.inc" #include "stdheputil.inc" COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100) if (file_type .eq. 1) then call fzendi(LNHRD,'I') elseif (file_type .eq. 2) then write(lnhout,*) ' ERROR - should not be in calling stdxend ' else close(lnhrd) end if return end c c These are dummy routine to avoid linking the entire GEANT pacakge. c c subroutine gsvert(vert, ntbeam, ntt, ub, nu, nv) dimension vert(*) return end subroutine gskine(vert, ntbeam, ntt, ub, nu, nv) dimension vert(*) return end